Releases: Kazhnuz/bluesky-bootstrap-theme
BlueSky 3.1.1
BlueSky 3.1
Use Clear-Typography 1.1
Port everything to SCSS !
Transform the palette in one of the style submodules
Use submodules to make the scss easier to modify
Use SCSS variables to handle palette and modifiable elements
New Features
Background Colors fully supported (.bg-<color_name>)
Text color (.text-<color_name>)
Customizable link color (via SCSS variable)
Customizable selection color (via SCSS variable)
Three new colors in palette : yellow, brown, grey
Styles changes
Borders and shadow streamlined
Slight color changes due to the new way of working of the palette
Inset shadow in navbar removed
Darker "$color-dark" color
Badge hover/focus styling fixed
Every fixes and improvement coming from Clear-Typography 1.1
BlueSky 3.0
The brand new bootstrap4-based shiny release !
Removed Comic Neue font
Replaced Font-Awesome by Fork-Awesome
Switched bootstrap version to bootstrap4
Components :
Adopted a triple-collumn layout for the footer
New components : social media links
New style for card headers
New style for buttons
New style for alerts
New style for breadcrumb
New style for navbar
New Palette based on a work by Tobias Bernard for the Fractal application
- Color that aren't based on semantics
Branding colors for social networks
BlueSky 2.1
This version clean up the Bootstrap3 version of Blue Sky, in order to move on to using Bootstrap4 after that. The changes are the following :
Removed unused classes
Renamed misleading classes
Some style fixes
Reorganized stylesheet