Name: | Python Aerospace Analysis Toolbox- PyAAT |
Author: | Kenedy Matiasso Portella |
Website: | |
Version: | 0.0.dev10 |
Python Aerospace Analysis Toolbox is a python package aimed to support aerospace engineers along the design process. It includes a series of tools and models for modeling, analysis and simulation of aeronautic and space systems.
- International Standard Atmosphere - ISA (AIRBUS, 2002)
- Committee on Extension to the Standard Atmosphere - COESA (NASA, 1976)
- Simplified Model (COOK, 2007)
- Vertical Constant (Tewari, 2007)
- Newton Gravity (Tewari, 2007)
- High order gravity model (Tewari, 2007)
- Steady vertical/horizontal wind (STEVENS, 2016)
- Wind gust FAR 25.341-1 (U.S DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, 2014)
- Based on stability derivatives (Sign convension according NACA DATa COmpendium- DATCOM)
- Turbo-propeller (COOK, 2007)
- Turbo-fan (COOK, 2007)
- Turbo-jet (COOK, 2007)
- Electic propellers
- 6 Degrees of fredom
The most recent stable version of PyAAT can be installed directly from pip repository using comand:
$ pip install pyaat
If you want to install the most recent functional version (no guarantee of stability), you can install directly from our github repository using:
$ pip install git+