A proposal to introduce negated in and instanceof operators to JavaScript
Tool for analyzing TypeScript types of npm packages
A WebGL viewer for MDX and M3 files used by the games Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2 respectively.
A nobuild content delivery network(CDN) for modern web development.
Tai-e assignments for static program analysis
A utility to find and parse tsconfig files without depending on typescript
Run your testcase by vitest.
Binary mirror config for prebuild and node-pre-gyp
Statically typed BNF with semantic actions; safe parser generator applicable to every programming language.
Tools to help you improve performance of your Vue application.
🚀 A framework helps you quickly build AI Native IDE products.
💡 Bring `<script setup>` to Vue 2.
🏖️ The safer and faster ECMA5.1 interpreter written by JavaScript
Visual Studio Code support for Feeny - a programming language for teaching how to build language virtual machines.
📈 Leek box - Monitor the real-time data of stock & fund & future in VSCode, Be the most excellent investment extension. 韭菜盒子VSCode插件,可以看股票、基金、期货等实时数据。
一个玩具,用 TypeScript 类型系统写的中国象棋
A library for implementing VS Code debug adapters for targets that implement the Chrome Debugging Protocol.
Proposal to add argument for .trim(), .trimStart() and .trimEnd() to allow strip the specified characters from strings.