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Releases: KinsonDigital/CASL

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.21

05 Feb 18:46
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CASL Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.21

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, so your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

New Features ✨

  1. #381 - Updated CASL to run on Linux operating systems.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  1. #385 - Fixed an issue with failing tests.
  2. #373 - Fixed a bug where the native libraries were not being discovered with self-contained, and single-file builds.
  3. #361 - Fixed a bug with audio artifacts occurring at the end of an audio file when the audio file has been loaded as a stream.

Breaking Changes 🧨

  1. #373 - Removed support for 32bit (x86) builds of CASL.

Dependency Updates 📦

  1. #384 - Updated dotnet to v9.0.0.
  2. #380 - Updated the native OpenAL library to v1.24.2.
  3. #372 - Updated dependency coverlet.msbuild to 6.0.4.
  4. #371 - Updated dependency coverlet.collector to 6.0.4.
  5. #370 - Updated dependency xunit.runner.visualstudio to v3.0.0.
  6. #368 - Updated dependency microsoft.codeanalysis.netanalyzers to v9.0.0.
  7. #367 - Updated dependency to 21.3.1.
  8. #366 - Updated dependency nsubstitute to 5.3.0.
  9. #365 - Updated kinsondigital/infrastructure action to v14.0.0.
  10. #364 - Updated dependency xunit to 2.9.3.
  11. #363 - Updated dependency fluentassertions to 6.12.2.
  12. #362 - Updated dependency to 17.12.0.

Other 🪧

  1. #377 - Updated deno to latest version.
  2. #376 - Removed the prepare release workflow.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.20

27 Aug 15:16
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CASL Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.20

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, so your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Enhancements 💎

  1. #358 - Improved how the audio path is consumed based on operating system.

Dependency Updates 📦

  1. #355 - Updated dependency to v21.0.29.
  2. #354 - Updated dependency to v17.11.0.
  3. #353 - Updated dependency simpleinjector to v5.5.0.
  4. #352 - Updated dependency xunit v2.9.0.
  5. #352 - Updated dependency xunit.runner.visualstudio v2.8.2.

Other 🪧

  1. #356 - Set up KD-Admin development tool.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.19

09 Apr 09:21
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CASL Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.19

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Bug Fixes 🐛

  1. #349 - Fixed a bug where calling Reset() when the audio is already stopped would cause CASL to crash.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.18

05 Apr 10:00
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CASL Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.18

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

New Features ✨

  1. #158 - Added the ability to process sounds as a stream directly from the audio on disk.
  2. #158 - Added a new property to the Sound class, (now named Audio) named BufferType to see what type of buffer the audio was set to upon creation.
  3. #158 - Added the ability to retain loop settings after switching to a new device.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  1. #158 - Fixed a bug where if the sound has never been played or was stopped in addition to the play speed being set to a value other than the default value, the sound would not retain its original play speed when switching audio devices.

Breaking Changes 🧨

  1. #158 - Introduced the following breaking changes:
    • Refactored the name of the SoundDataException to AudioDataException.
    • Changed the ALDevice struct to internal.
    • Changed the ALContext struct to internal.
    • Changed the following enums to internal. These were not meant to be part of the public API.
      • AlcContextAttributes
      • AlcContextAttributes
      • AlcGetStringList
      • ALGetString
      • AlcError
    • Changed the name of the ISound interface to IAudio for a more clear and concise public API.
    • Changed the name of the Sound class to Audio for a more clear and concise public API.
    • Added a parameter to the Sound class to choose the type of buffer.
    • Removed the Sound.Stop method due to confusion between stop and reset.
    • Refactored the name of the SoundTime struct to AudioTime.
    • Refactored the SoundTime, (now named AudioTime) to a read-only record struct for a more clear and concise public API.
    • Refactored the SoundState enum to AudioState for a more clear and concise public API.
    • Removed deprecated serialization implementation for the following exceptions across the project.
      NOTE: This is to avoid using the deprecated serialization methods that may pose security vulnerabilities or compatibility issues in the future.
      • UnknownPlatformException
      • StringNullOrEmptyException
      • LoadLibraryException
      • AudioException
      • InitializeDeviceException
      • AudioDeviceManagerNotInitializedException
      • AudioDeviceDoesNotExistException
      • AudioDataException

Dependency Updates 📦

  1. #348 - Updated dependency KinsonDigital.CASL to v1.0.0-preview.18
  2. #321, #333, #343 - Updated dependency to v21.0.0
  3. #331, #327 - Updated dependency simpleinjector to v5.4.4
  4. #330, #339, #329, #322 - Updated dependency xunit to v2.7.0
  5. #339, #329, #322 - Updated dependency xunit.runner.visualstudio to v2.5.6
  6. #325, #326, #328 - Updated kinsondigital/infrastructure action to v13.6.3
  7. #341 - Updated dependency coverlet.msbuild to v6.0.2
  8. #340 - Updated dependency coverlet.collector to v6.0.2
  9. #336 - Updated dependency to v17.9.0

Other 🪧

  1. #345 - Finished replacing moq code with nsubstitute code.
  2. #332 - Updated the README.
  3. #303 - Removed Assert Extensions.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.17

05 Dec 15:29
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CASL Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.17

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Dependency Updates 📦

  1. #316 - Updated to dotnet 8.
  2. #311 - Updated dependency simpleinjector to v5.4.2
  3. #284 - Updated dependency fluentassertions to v6.12.0
  4. #313 - Updated dependency microsoft.codeanalysis.netanalyzers to v8
  5. #312 - Updated dependency to v19.2.87
  6. #309 - Updated dependency xunit to v2.6.1
  7. #310 - Updated dependency to v17.8.0
  8. #305 - Updated kinsondigital/infrastructure action to v13.3.1
  9. #314 - Updated xunit-dotnet monorepo

Other 🪧

  1. #302 - Updated sync workflow.
  2. #286 - Adjusted workflow triggers.
  3. #278 - Fixed issue in prepare release workflow.
  4. #276 - Fixed release workflow input.
  5. #108, #107, #106, #105 - Refactored unit test assertions.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.16

09 Aug 12:55
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CASL Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.16

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Dependency Updates 📦

  1. #272 - chore(deps): updated kinsondigital/infrastructure action to v11
  2. #271 - chore(deps): updated dependency moq to v4.20.1
  3. #270 - chore(deps): updated dependency to v17.7.0
  4. #267 - chore(deps): updated dependency to v19.2.51

Other 🪧

  1. #265 - Moved images and release notes
  2. #264 - Adjusted release workflow input
  3. #109 - Refactored unit test assertions

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.15

20 Jul 17:32
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CASL Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.15

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Nuget/Library Updates 📦

  1. #243 - chore(deps): update dependency xunit to v2.5.0
  2. #244 - chore(deps): update dependency xunit.runner.visualstudio to v2.5.0

Other 🪧

  1. #245 - Fix broken readme badge
  2. #239 - Create add to proj workflow
  3. #237 - Fix broken image link in readme
  4. #236 - Improve workflows
  5. #234 - Update branch in workflows

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.14

29 Jun 15:24
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CASL Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.14

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

New Features ✨

  1. #144 - Change the Sound class from sealed to unsealed.

    Note This gives users the ability to inherit from the sound class to make it easier to adapt for their own systems.

Breaking Changes 🧨

  1. #120 - Introduced the following breaking changes:
    • Changed the return type of the AudioDevices property in the AudioDevice class from string[] to ImmutableArray<string>.
    • Removed access to the OggAudioDataStream class by internalizing the type.

      Note This class was not meant to be exposed as part of the public API.

    • Refactored the following exceptions from being unsealed to sealed.
      • AudioException
      • SoundDataException
      • AudioDeviceDoestNotExistException
      • AudioDeviceManagerNotInitializedException
    • InitializeDeviceException
      • LoadLibraryException
      • StringNullOrEmptyException
      • UnknownPlatformException
  2. #120 - Made the following improvements:
    • Made all of the custom exceptions in the code base serializable.

      Note This is best practice as it makes it much easier for multiple systems to consume and utilize the exceptions.

    • Changed how interoperability works with the native OpenAL libraries.

      Note Interop was changed from the classic [DllImport] system to the new [LibraryImport] system introduced
      in dotnet v7.0. This comes with performance benefits as well as allowing to be AOT compiled for systems that do not allow dynamic code generation. Go here for more information.

Internal Changes ⚙️

(Changes that do not affect users. Not breaking changes, new features, or bug fixes.)
  1. #125 - Refactored the entire code base from using block-scoped namespaces to file-scoped namespaces.

Nuget/Library Updates 📦

  1. #214, #218, #230 - Updated the following dependencies:
    • Updated microsoft.codeanalysis.netanalyzers from v7.0.1 to v7.0.3
    • Updated Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from v17.6.0 to v17.6.3

Other 🪧

(Includes anything that does not fit into the categories above)
  1. Changed the branching model for the project.
  2. #228 - Fixed badges in the project readme to accommodate the new branching model and CICD changes.
  3. #223 - Set up the project to utilize new pull requests to issue syncing system in the organization.
  4. #212 - Removed old status check and release CICD system.
  5. #215 - Created a new preview release workflow to replace the old CICD release system.
  6. #196 - Created new build and test status check workflows.
  7. #168 - Added rule to the solution-wide .editorconfig file.
  8. #76 - Updated NuGet package authors.
  9. #120 - Fixed various grammar and spelling issues with code documentation.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.12

30 May 16:25
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CASL Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.12

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Nuget/Library Updates 📦

  1. Updated the following NuGet packages.
    • #190 - Updated xunit.runner.visualstudio from v2.4.3 to v2.4.5
    • #190 - Updated xunit from v2.4.1 to v2.4.2
    • #190 - Updated System.IO.Abstractions from v19.1.5 to v19.2.20
    • #190 - Updated SimpleInjector from v5.3.0 to v5.4.1
    • #190 - Updated NVorbis from v0.10.3 to v0.10.5
    • #190 - Updated Moq from v4.16.1 to v4.18.4
    • #190 - Updated Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from v16.10.0 to v17.6.0
    • #190 - Updated Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers from v7.0.0 to v7.0.1
    • #190 - Updated coverlet.msbuild from v3.0.3 to v6.0.0
    • #190 - Updated coverlet.collector from v3.0.3 to v6.0.0

Other 🪧

(Includes anything that does not fit into the categories above)
  1. #170, #189 - Set up renovate for dependency management.
  2. #166 - Updated usages of deprecated step outputs in the workflows to the new method of setting step outputs.
  3. #163 - Updated the contributor covenant badge from version v2.0 to v2.1
  4. #160, #103 - Made various updates to the project README file.
  5. #159 - Updated the CICD dotnet tool from version v1.0.0-preview.16 to v1.0.0-preview.22
  6. #156 - Updated workflow step name.
  7. #153 - Updated Twitter logo URL in project README file.
  8. #148 - Removed unused markdown documents and images from the repository.
  9. #140 - Updated project code of conduct document.
  10. #136 - Fixed incorrect Twitter URL issue in the project README file.
  11. #134 - Set up the XML code docs to be packaged in with the NuGet package.
  12. #129 - Updated the actions/checkout from GitHub actions from version v2.x.x to v3.x.x in all of the workflows.
  13. #111 - Moved the internals visible set up from the csharp file to the csproj file.
  14. #39 - Added the README file to the NuGet package.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.11

19 Dec 21:43
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CASL Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.11

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

New Features ✨

  1. #123 - Changed the library to use cross-platform paths when dealing with files and directories.

Breaking Changes 🧨

  1. #115 - Changed the Sound class to sealed.

    💡 This prevents anybody from inheriting from the class.

Internal Changes ⚙️

(Changes that do not affect users. Not breaking changes, new features, or bug fixes.)
  1. #116 - Updated the project dotnet and language versions.

    💡 This comes with many performance improvements due to updating dotnet do version v7.0

    • Updated dotnet from version v5.0 to v7.0
    • Updated C# language version from version v9.0 to v11.0
  2. #115 - Updated the build system from standard workflows to the KinsonDigital.CICD build system.

Nuget/Library Updates 📦

  1. #117 - Updated the following NuGet packages:
    • System.IO.Abstractions from version v13.2.33 to v19.1.5
    • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers from version v5.0.3 to v7.0.0

Other 🪧

(Includes anything that does not fit into the categories above)
  1. #113 - Made grammar changes to the project readme file.
  2. #85 - Made grammar changes to the project readme file.
  3. #100 - Removed project-specific issues and pull request templates.

    💡 These are not maintained at the organizational level.

  4. #88 - Added release note template files to the project for preview and production releases.
  5. #86 - Updated the project's code of conduct.
  6. #83 - Updated the branching documentation.
  7. #77 - Created a backers file.