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Added version
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KoBeWi committed Apr 1, 2023
1 parent 0c29b7a commit 10e77ee
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Showing 6 changed files with 453 additions and 1 deletion.
33 changes: 32 additions & 1 deletion Scenes/Main.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://jykr2g2kil0d"]
[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://jykr2g2kil0d"]

[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/" id="1_tstig"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://s0pfm6agi7gy" path="res://Textures/Add.svg" id="1_ypae8"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://o4ix83ajmoe2" path="res://Nodes/PathEdit.tscn" id="4_w173i"]

[sub_resource type="GDScript" id="GDScript_llbit"]
script/source = "extends Label

func _ready() -> void:
text += preload(\"res://\").VERSION
[node name="Main" type="VBoxContainer"]
anchors_preset = 15
anchor_right = 1.0
Expand All @@ -15,6 +22,26 @@ script = ExtResource("1_tstig")
metadata/_edit_vertical_guides_ = []
metadata/_edit_lock_ = true
[node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="."]
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_vertical = 2
alignment = 1
[node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="HBoxContainer"]
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_vertical = 2
theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 40
text = "GUMM"
horizontal_alignment = 1
[node name="Label3" type="Label" parent="HBoxContainer"]
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_vertical = 8
theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 20
text = "v."
horizontal_alignment = 1
script = SubResource("GDScript_llbit")
[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="."]
layout_mode = 2
theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 60
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,6 +71,10 @@ text = "Create Game Entry"
icon = ExtResource("1_ypae8")
expand_icon = true
[node name="Control" type="Control" parent="."]
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_vertical = 3
[node name="AddGame" type="AcceptDialog" parent="."]
unique_name_in_owner = true
title = "Add Game Entry"
Expand Down
265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions addons/AutoExportVersion/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
class_name AutoExportVersion
extends EditorPlugin

## Edit the "res://addons/AutoExportVersion/" script to configure the plugin.
## The most important thing is the get_version() method.


## Change the code of this method to return a String that will identify your version. [br]
## You can use the arguments to customize your version, for example based on selected platform. [br]
## Several utility methods are provided for the most common use cases. You can simply uncomment one
## of the lines in this method or combine them in any way.
func get_version(features: PackedStringArray, is_debug: bool, path: String, flags: int) -> String:
var version: String = ""

# version += get_git_commit_count()
# version += get_git_branch_name()
# version += get_git_commit_hash()
version += get_git_tag()
# version += get_export_preset_version()
# version += get_export_preset_android_version_code() + " " + get_export_preset_android_version_name()

return version


## Locations where the version can be stored See [member STORE_LOCATION]
enum VersionStoreLocation {

## Determines where the version is saved when exporting. See [member VersionStoreLocation]. [br]
## VersionStoreLocation.SCRIPT will store the version in script in path from [member SCRIPT_PATH]
const STORE_LOCATION: VersionStoreLocation = VersionStoreLocation.SCRIPT

## Path to the version script file where it is going to be saved. See [member SCRIPT_TEMPLATE]
const SCRIPT_PATH: String = "res://"
## This template String is going to be formatted so that it contains the version.
const SCRIPT_TEMPLATE: String ="extends RefCounted\nconst VERSION: String = \"{version}\""
## Name of the project setting where the version is going to be stored as a String.
const PROJECT_SETTING_NAME: String = "application/config/AutoExport/version"


## Name of the current git branch [br]
## Useful for versions like 'master-1.0.0' [br]
## !!! Requires git installed and project inside of a git repository.
func get_git_branch_name() -> String:
var output: Array = []
OS.execute("git", PackedStringArray(["rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"]), output)
if output.is_empty() or output[0].is_empty():
push_error("Failed to fetch version. Make sure you have git installed and project is inside a valid git directory.")
return ""
return output[0].trim_suffix("\n")

## Hash of the current git commit [br]
## Based on the [param length] you can get either full or shortened hash. [br]
## Useful for versions like '1.0.0-[24386f9]' [br]
## !!! Requires git installed and project inside of a git repository.
func get_git_commit_hash(length: int=7) -> String:
var output: Array = []
OS.execute("git", PackedStringArray(["rev-parse", "HEAD"]), output)
if output.is_empty() or output[0].is_empty():
push_error("Failed to fetch version. Make sure you have git installed and project is inside a valid git directory.")
return ""
return output[0].trim_suffix("\n").substr(0, length)

func get_git_tag() -> String:
var output: Array = []
OS.execute("git", PackedStringArray(["tag", "--sort=-v:refname"]), output)
if output.is_empty() or output[0].is_empty():
push_error("Failed to fetch version. Make sure you have git installed and project is inside a valid git directory.")
return ""
return output[0].split("\n")[0]

## Number of git commits [br]
## Useful for versions like 'v.463' [br]
## !!! Requires git installed and project inside of a git repository.
func get_git_commit_count() -> String:
var output: Array = []
OS.execute("git", PackedStringArray(["rev-list", "--count", "HEAD"]), output)
if output.is_empty() or output[0].is_empty():
push_error("Failed to fetch version. Make sure you have git installed and project is inside a valid git directory.")
return ""
return output[0].trim_suffix("\n")

## Version from an export profile [br]
## The version will be the first non-empty version value from the first profile with that value.[br]
## Useful for versions like '1.0.0' [br]
## !!! Requires export_presets.cfg to exist.
func get_export_preset_version() -> String:
const version_keys: Array[String] = [
"file_version", # Windows
"product_version", # Windows
"version/name", # Android
"version/code", # Android
"application/short_version", # Mac/iOS
"application/version", # Mac/iOS

var config: ConfigFile =
var err: int = config.load("res://export_presets.cfg")
if err != OK:
push_error("Cannot open 'res://export_presets.cfg'. Error: %s" % error_string(err))
return ""

for section in config.get_sections():
if not section.ends_with(".options"):
for key in config.get_section_keys(section):
for check_key in version_keys:
if key.ends_with(check_key):
var version: String = str(config.get_value(section, key))
if version.is_empty():
return version

push_error("Failed to fetch version. No valid version key found in export profiles.")
return ""

## Version name from an android export profile [br]
## Useful for versions like '1.0.0' [br]
## !!! Requires export_presets.cfg to exist.
func get_export_preset_android_version_name() -> String:
var config: ConfigFile =
var err: int = config.load("res://export_presets.cfg")
if err != OK:
push_error("Cannot open 'res://export_presets.cfg'. Error: %s" % error_string(err))
return ""

var version_name: String = ""

for section in config.get_sections():
if not section.ends_with(".options"):
version_name = str(config.get_value(section, "version/name", ""))
if not version_name.is_empty():
return version_name

push_error("Failed to fetch version name. version/name in android preset is empty")
return ""

## Version code from an android export profile [br]
## Useful for versions like '1.0.0-1' [br]
## !!! Requires export_presets.cfg to exist.
func get_export_preset_android_version_code() -> String:
var config: ConfigFile =
var err: int = config.load("res://export_presets.cfg")
if err != OK:
push_error("Cannot open 'res://export_presets.cfg'. Error: %s" % error_string(err))
return ""

var version_code: String = ""

for section in config.get_sections():
if not section.ends_with(".options"):
version_code = str(config.get_value(section, "version/code", ""))
if not version_code.is_empty():
return version_code

push_error("Failed to fetch version code. version/code in android preset is empty")
return ""

## Stores a [param version] based on [param version_store_location]. [br]
## See [member PROJECT_SETTING_NAME], [member SCRIPT_PATH]
func store_version(version: String, version_store_location := VersionStoreLocation.PROJECT_SETTING) -> void:
match version_store_location:

## Stores the version as a script based on [member SCRIPT_TEMPLATE] in [member SCRIPT_PATH].
func store_version_as_script(version: String) -> void:
if version.is_empty():
printerr("Cannot store version. " + _EMPTY_VERSION_ERROR.format({"script_path": get_script().get_path()}))

var script: GDScript =
script.source_code = SCRIPT_TEMPLATE.format({"version": version})
var err: int =, SCRIPT_PATH)
if err:
push_error("Failed to save version as script. Error: %s" % error_string(err))

## Stores the version in ProjectSettings. [br]
## If the [param persistent] is true, then it is going to be written to the project.godot as well.
func store_version_as_project_setting(version: String, persistent := false) -> void:
if version.is_empty():
printerr("Cannot store version. " + _EMPTY_VERSION_ERROR.format({"script_path": get_script().get_path()}))

ProjectSettings.set_setting(PROJECT_SETTING_NAME, version)
if persistent:
ProjectSettings.set_initial_value(PROJECT_SETTING_NAME, "Empty version")
"type": TYPE_STRING,
"hint_string": "Will overriden on export by AutoExportVersion plugin"

################################# Unimportant plugin stuff here ##################################

const _CURRENT_VERSION: String = "Current version: {version}"
const _EMPTY_VERSION_ERROR: String = "Version string is empty.\nMake sure your 'get_version()' in '{script_path}' is configured properly."

const _TOOL_MENU_ITEM_NAME: String = "AutoExport: Print Current Version"
const _TOOL_MENU_ITEM2_NAME: String = "AutoExport: Force-Update Version File"

var _exporter: AutoExportVersionExporter

func _enter_tree() -> void:
_exporter =
_exporter.plugin = self
add_tool_menu_item(_TOOL_MENU_ITEM_NAME, _tool_menu_print_version)
add_tool_menu_item(_TOOL_MENU_ITEM2_NAME, func():
var version: String = get_version([], true, "", 0)
store_version(version, STORE_LOCATION))

if STORE_LOCATION == VersionStoreLocation.SCRIPT and not FileAccess.file_exists(SCRIPT_PATH):
store_version_as_script(get_version(PackedStringArray(), true, "", 0))

func _exit_tree() -> void:

func _tool_menu_print_version() -> void:
var version: String = get_version(PackedStringArray(), true, "", 0)

if version.is_empty():
printerr(_EMPTY_VERSION_ERROR.format({"script_path": get_script().get_path()}))
OS.alert(_EMPTY_VERSION_ERROR.format({"script_path": get_script().get_path()}))


class AutoExportVersionExporter extends EditorExportPlugin:
var plugin: EditorPlugin

func _export_begin(features: PackedStringArray, is_debug: bool, path: String, flags: int) -> void:
if not plugin:
push_error("No plugin set in AutoExportVersionExporter")

var version: String = plugin.get_version(features, is_debug, path, flags)
plugin.store_version(version, plugin.STORE_LOCATION)
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions addons/AutoExportVersion/plugin.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

name="Auto Export Version"
description="Create and automatically update a version script for your project."

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