Hi, I'm Koteswararao
Passionate Full Stack Developer with extensive expertise in website architecture, web design, and API development. Dedicated to building robust applications that seamlessly integrate with various components of web systems. Strong problem-solving mindset focused on optimizing applications for improved stability and performance. Enthusiastic team player, eager to collaborate and contribute to project success.
🔭 I’m currently working at Arthink AI, Hyderabad
🌱 I’m currently working with Next.js, React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, and JavaScript.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on innovative projects using core Java and modern web technologies
💬 Ask me about coding and art because that's what fascinate me
📫 How to reach me Koteswararao791212@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I think I am creative
👯 Love to connect with people and Know their stories