Open source web components for building web applications. Build on top StencilJS.
You can install using NPM:
npm i is-web-component --save
You can install using unpkg cdn:
Script tag
Put a script tag similar to this
<script type="module" src=""></script> <script nomodule="" src=""></script>
in the head of your index.html
Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc.
<h3>is-badge</h3> <is-badge text="is-badge" rounded></is-badge> <h3>is-multiselect</h3> <is-multiselect id="select"></is-multiselect> <script> var select = document.getElementById("select"); var data = [{ id: 1, name: 'Data 1' }, { id: 2, name: 'Data 2' }, { id: 3, name: 'Data 3' }]; select.items = data; </script>
- Read the project Code of Conduct and remember to be nice to one another.
- See for info about how to contribute to this project.
- is-alert
- is-badge
- is-modal
- is-multiselect
- is-pagination
- is-readmore
- is-table
- is-tabs