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@guicassolato guicassolato released this 21 Oct 18:54
· 739 commits to main since this release

New features and Enhancements

  • External URL for the OPA authorization policy (#144)
    • Extends the AuthConfig API with spec.authorization.opa.externalRegistry to fetch an OPA Rego policy from an external source (reconciliation-time), alternatively to using inlineRego
    • Apart from the endpoint of the external policy, it allows to set a sharedSecretRef and credentials (where in the request) for authentication between Authorino and the policy registry
  • Kubernetes authorization based on SubjectAccessReview (#154, #160)
    • Support for SubjectAccessReview queries for resource and non-resource attributes
    • Allows to set spec.authorization.kubernetes.conditions to enforce or skip the policy (similarly to how those work for the JSON pattern-matching authorization policies)
  • Custom parameters in the body of HTTP external metadata POST requests (#156)
    • Extends the AuthConfig API with spec.metadata.http.bodyParameters, an array of properties to be added as parameters of the HTTP POST request to the external service
    • Extends the AuthConfig API with spec.metadata.http.contentType, the content-type of the HTTP POST request – application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json supported
  • Support for string interpolation in the values of valueFrom.authJSON fields (#165, #168 )
    • Possibility to set template-like values with variable placeholders that resolve to gjson patterns (e.g. "Hello, {}!")
    • Simple JSON patterns such as continue to be supported as before
  • Introduction of new string modifiers to gjson patterns on values fetched from the Authorization JSON (#154, #167)
    • @extract:{sep:string, pos:int} → splits a string value at occurrences of a separator (default: " ") and selects the substring at the pos-th position (default: 0)
    • @replace:{old:string, new:string} → replaces a substring within a string value
    • @case:upper|lower → changes the case of a string value
    • @base64:encode|decode → base64-encodes or decodes a string value; in combination with @extract allows to extract the username of an HTTP Basic Authentication request
  • Support for custom denial status code/messages (#159)
    • AuthConfig API extended with options spec.denyWith.unauthenticated and spec.denyWith.unauthorized that allow to set custom code, message and headers to replace the default response attributes returned when 401 Unauthorized and 403 Forbidden
    • Allows to set a redirect 302 status code and Location response header, e.g.
    • Custom response headers defined as JSON properties with static (value) or dynamically fetched (valueFrom.authJSON) values
  • Enhanced JSON structured logging (#172)
    • Support for log levels (debuginfoerror), set via LOG_LEVEL env var (default: info)
    • Configurable log output modes: production (fully JSON structured) and development (human-readable outputs, extra stack traces and logging info, plus extra values output as JSON), set via LOG_MODE env var (default: production)
    • No sensitive data output to info log messages (closes #161)
    • Log tracing ID: request id propagated across all log entries associated with an external authorization request

Bug fixes

  • Fix serialization of JSON strings returned in dynamic response HTTP headers (#157)

Dependencies and Tooling

  • Better logging for the Talker API example app (#158)
    • Includes support for LOG_LEVEL=debug environment variable
    • Response message with HTTP header names echoed back in their original form (e.g. X-Ext-Auth-Wristband instead of HTTP_X_EXT_AUTH_WRISTBAND)
  • Versions of controller-gen and kustomize pinned to the project path (#150)


  • Descriptions of log messages, log metadata ("extra values") and log samples added to the docs (#172 )