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@guicassolato guicassolato released this 14 Apr 10:09
· 537 commits to main since this release

New features and Enhancements

  • Anonymous access (#218, #219)
    • Identity verification phase can now be skipped by enabling anonymous access to services and APIs protected with Authorino
  • Fuzzy OPA (#216)
    • It is now possible to read values from any Rego rule in the evaluated Rego document of an OPA policy and reuse those values in other evaluators and phases of the Auth Pipeline
    • Enable the additional rules by setting spec.authorization.opa.allValues: true in the AuthConfig
    • [Breaking change] The resolved object returned by the OPA authorization evaluators is no longer a simple boolean value, but now an actual object { "allow": boolean, ...other rules }
  • Auto-refresh of Rego policies pulled from external registry (#231)
    • Set authconfigs.spec.authorization.opa.externalRegistry.ttl (in seconds) to enable auto-refresh of authorization policies pulled from external registries
  • In-memory caching of objects returned by any evaluator of an AuthConfig (#239, #247)
    • Available for any evaluator really, but especially useful for:
      • Caching of metadata fetched from external sources
      • Caching of previously introspected OAuth2 opaque tokens
      • Caching of complex Rego policies (e.g. involving sending requests to external services)
    • The cache key can be defined as dynamic values resolved from the Authorization JSON (e.g. using the request path, user ID, etc)
    • The TTL of each evaluator cache can be set individually for each configuration (default to 60 seconds)
    • The size of each cache table can be limited by configuration at the level of the Authorino instance (FIFO eviction policy will apply)
  • Support for 'host' lookup key passed as context extension (#229)
    • So you can leverage more of Envoy external authorization protocol to enable use cases such as
      • Path-based AuthConfig lookup: multiple APIs behind the same base domain and routed by the path prefix, for different AuthConfigs
      • Wildcard subdomain AuthConfig lookup: single API serving for wildcard subdomains and enforcing always a same AuthConfig
  • Possibility to set dynamic response messages on denied requests (#241, #246) and new option to customize the body of the HTTP response as well (#248, #251, #255)
  • AuthConfig status update after caching (#235)
    • The status of the AuthConfig CRs now waits until the config is fully updated in the cache to be marked as 'Ready'
    • This prevents AuthConfigs that are not ready to receive traffic (e.g. due to still fetching JWKs and Rego policies from external sources) to misleadingly be marked as 'Ready' before time
  • [Breaking change] Filter API keys by namespace (#214)
    • Now by default Authorino will only watch for API key Kubernete Secrets in the same namespace of the AuthConfig
    • Scope can be changed back to cluster-wide by setting spec.identity.apiKey.allNamespaces: true
  • Observability metrics for the gRPC (ext-authz) and HTTP (wristband) servers (#225)
  • Some lomg needed code reorganization and enhancements
    • /pkg reorganization - Bye, bye! Welcome new better defined packages! (#226)
    • New API type StaticOrDynamicValue defined for improved reusability (#240)
    • go.mod bumped to v1.17 (#258)

Dependencies and Tooling

  • Upgrade built-in OPA module to v0.37.2 (#215, #223)
  • [GHA] End-to-end tests (#236, #252, #237, #253, #254, #256)
    • Workflow can be triggered manually for any branch
    • Testing virtually every feature in an AuthConfig
  • Bump tidwall/gjson to v1.14.0 (#259)
    • Fix a few vulnerabilities – security report available here
    • Faster – benchmarks available here
    • New built-in modifiers (@keys, @values, @tostr, @fromstr, @group)
  • Replace dgrijalva/jwt-go (no longer maintained) with golang-jwt/jwt (#260)

Bug fixes

  • Envoy Dynamic Metadata generation no longer breaks when using static values for the injected properties (#233)
  • Escaping characters used in string templates will now be skipped instead of added to the output resolved string (#250)


  • Enhancements to the project summary (#224)
  • Small fixes in the user guides and examples (#228, #234, #244)
  • New User guide: Authorization with Keycloak Authorization Services (#230)