The SET method fit a flexible distance function on each cell of a segmented image and use them to generate a cell tesselation. The resulting tesselation is either a close reconstruction of the actual image, either an image of cell tesselation that is made of the same cells organized randomly.
The SET method can be used to generate a null distribution in order to statistically test for the significance of an observed pattern.
The SET folder contains the python codes to generate reconstruction and random SET (Synthesis of Epithelial Tissue) from an image.
The dataExamples folder contains exemple images to be processed by SET.
The analysis folder contains the python codes used in the paper to analyse SET outputs and generate statistics.
python 2.7, matplotlib 3.0.0, numpy 1.16.2, scipy 1.2., PIL 4.2.1, networkx 2.2, multiprocessing 0.70a1, tqdm 4.20.0,panda 0.23.4, cv2 packages
Example: P30 mice ependymal tissue
- to reconstruct the cell tesselation from an actual image (reconstruction by SET):
python ./SET/ -l ./dataExamples/ependymaP30/Fused_position9_P30_segmentation.tif -o ./dataExamples/ependymaP30/reconstruction
- to generate 1000 randomly shuffled cell tesselations from the cells of the same image (random SET):
python ./SET/ -l ./dataExamples/ependymaP30/Fused_position9_P30_segmentation.tif -o ./dataExamples/ependymaP30/allSimuOutput -s 1000
Note that the 1000 random SET are generated sequencially so that it can take a long time. To speed up the process you may:
- use the -n option to specify a max number of CPUs to use simultaneously such that the generation of each SET will be parallelized on n CPUs. Still the SET will be generated sequencially. Note that the creation of the reconstruction by SET also support the -n option.
- use a computing cluster to process in parallel random SETs. In this case a 1000 jobs with the option "-s 1" can be considered. Note that each job can still be also parallelized using the -n option. Note also that each job can be set to generate a subset of random SETs. For instance, 100 jobs with the option "-s 10" can be used to generate 1000 random SETs.
- consider the sample mean distribution of a cell to cell relationship as feature of interest as it can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution from a single (or a few) random SET with parameters
following the Central Limit Theorem. n the number of measures in the sample.
- to run the dedicated analysis that compute stem cell coupling counts from the reconstruction by SET and the distribution of random SET:
python ./analysis/p30/
- -l : image of cell label (image file path). All pixel of this image must take as a value an integer corresponding to a unique cell.
- -s : generate as many random SET as specified by the specified number (integer).
- -o : name of the output folder (folder path)
- -p : number of parameters used to construct the distance function. Can be 5 (Mahalanobis distance model cells as ellipses), 6 (MAT distance model cells as superellipses), 7 (Asymetric distance model cells as ovoidal asymetric shapes), 8 (AMAT distance includes all parameters). Default is 5.
- -i : input raw image (greylevel or RGB), activates morphing of the intracellular contents (.tif, png or ...)
- -n : maximum number of simulteneously running CPU for parallel processing (integer)
- -d : path movie directory name (folder path). Option to generate an image for each Lloyd iteration.
- -sp : subpopulation shuffling. Must specify
- the name (path) of the file containing cell class (.npy , .csv or .tsv)
- the class names that should be shuffle (can be more than 1)
- -wp : option to morph only a position of an intracellular component. Need the path of the file containing the position of an organel per label (.npy, .csv or.tsv)
- -r : reprocess a SET. Need the path of the csv generated by the SET (.tsv)
- -it : max number of iterations for the Lloyd algorithm . Default is 80 which is valid for most application.
.tiff image file including the labels of the SET tesselation, these label values match the label values of the image input (cell i corresponds to synthtetic cell i)
.tsv containing parameters per cells extracted from the segmentation, the shuffled positions and then the final values of the parameters
-wp option generates a .tsv containing the computed position of the intracellular marker per cell in the synthtetic cells
-i option generates a .png where each original cell texture is moved into its new location in the SET.
-d option generates 2 .png files per Lloyd iteration : 1) the image of SET where cell labels indicates where each original cell is 2) the image of SET where each cell content is filled with the original cell texture
- Analysis of intercellular components relationships : the centriole orientation of a E18 ependymal tissue
python ./SET/ -l ./dataExamples/ependymaE18/E18_24_series51channel2WFGM22LABEL.tif -o ./dataExamples/ependymaE18 -p 5 -wp ./dataExamples/ependymaE18/centrioleDetection_s51.npy
Laruelle, E., Spassky, N. & Genovesio, A. Unraveling spatial cellular pattern by computational tissue shuffling. Commun Biol 3, 605 (2020).