Course Project for Mobile Systems & Networks at HTW Berlin.

You have to create a resources file that contains the api key for mapbox under res/values/api_keys.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="MAPBOX_API_TOKEN">YOUR_API_KEY</string>
ShotSpots is an Android application that allows users to read metadata from uploaded image files:
- Images can be loaded into the application via Android's local FileSystem
- EXIF data is retrieved from all valid image files
- During runtime, the dataset for each image is saved to an in-memory database
- The user can persist this database to the local filesystem by creating a JSON dump
- Vice versa, existing JSON dumps can be used to populate the in-memory database
- There's a screen sporting map, showing each images shooting location extracted from the EXIF data
- There's a upload screen that allows you to import photos to be analyzed
- Exceptions are propagated as Toast Messages
- OSMdroid by OpenStreetMaps for showing the map and handling coordinates
- metadata-extractor by Drew Noakes for extracting EXIF data from images
- Gson by Google for (de)-serializing POJO to JSON and vice versa
- JUnit for testing everything that is not UI-specific