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来喜安卓投屏是一款专门为跨境电商打造的营销软件,它支持Facebook、Tiktok、ins、Amazon、Twitter等各大平台推广引流。无论你是想要批量关注、点赞、评论,还是自动养号、快速涨粉,来喜安卓投屏都能帮你轻松实现。 来喜群控|来喜投屏|Auto.js|安卓群控
LaiXi Android Screen Mirroring is a marketing software designed for businesses all over the world. It helps you promote your business on platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, TikTok, Instagram, Amazon, and Twitter. You can connect hundreds of mobile phones and control them in batches, and automate tasks like batch following, liking, and commenting to grow your audience.
Sync mouse / keyboard Enable simultaneous swiping, tapping/clicking, and text input actions across multiple mobile phones, with support for Chinese input and clipboard sharing