A library for polynomial division
Originally programmed in 2017 for school
First, add the Polynomdivision.jar as an external library to your project
Then you have to import the class PolynomMain to use the lib methods and you also need the InvalidPolynomException if a polynom is invalid:
import de.lakinator.polynomialdivision.PolynomMain; import de.lakinator.polynomialdivision.InvalidPolynomException;
PolynomMain.getVersion() returns the library version:
System.out.println("Library Version: " + PolynomMain.getVersion());
PolynomMain.validateInput(String... input) checks if the given strings are valid polynoms and returns true if they are valid, but if one of them is invalid it throws an InvalidPolynomException:
String polynom1 = "3x^2-4x+2"; String polynom2 = "x-1"; try { if(PolynomMain.validateInput(polynom1, polynom2)) { //See calculation below } } catch(InvalidPolynomException e) { //The error message System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); //The index of the invalid polynom System.out.println(e.getIndexOfInvalidPolynom()); //Or print them out together System.out.println(e.toString()); }
Note: If you don't validate your strings before you divide them, the variable that will be used in the output from calculation is default x. In certain circumstances the calculation step can throw an exception if one of the two Strings have a wrong polynom syntax
PolynomMain.calculate(String polynom1, String polynom2, boolean fullOutput) returns the result as a String:
//After the validation! String output = PolynomMain.calculate(polynom1, polynom2, true); System.out.println(output);
fullOutput == true fullOutput == false returns the fully formatted result of the division between polynom1 and polynom2 returns only the result of the division between polynom1 and polynom2 fullOutput == true: +3x^2-4x+2 : +x-1 = +3x-1 + (+1/+x-1) -(+3x^2-3x) ------ -x+2 -(-x+1) ------ +1 fullOutput == false: +3x-1 + (+1/+x-1)