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Use extension field in pretty-printing
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WoWaster committed Jan 4, 2025
1 parent 38105d3 commit eefd6ff
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132 changes: 81 additions & 51 deletions lamagraph-compiler/src/Lamagraph/Compiler/PrettyAst.hs
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

{- | Orphan instances for pretty-printing AST
Expand All @@ -8,21 +9,46 @@ module Lamagraph.Compiler.PrettyAst () where

import Relude

import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens hiding (Empty)
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Internal

import Lamagraph.Compiler.Extension
import Lamagraph.Compiler.Parser.SrcLoc
import Lamagraph.Compiler.Syntax

-- Helper functions --

spaceNumber :: Int
spaceNumber = 1

-- | Works like a normal 'vsep', but has stupid check for 'Empty' 'Doc' to help with empty lines
smartVsep :: [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
smartVsep = vsep . filter (\case Empty -> False; _ -> True)

-- | Works like a normal 'hsep', but has stupid check for 'Empty' 'Doc' to help with redundant spaces
smartHsep :: [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
smartHsep = hsep . filter (\case Empty -> False; _ -> True)

-- Default instance for 'Pretty (Maybe a)' prints empty string for 'Nothing'
prettyMaybe :: (Pretty a) => Maybe a -> Doc ann
prettyMaybe Nothing = parens "Nothing"
prettyMaybe (Just a) = parens $ vsep ["Just", pretty a]

-- Utility instances --

instance Pretty DataConCantHappen where
pretty :: DataConCantHappen -> Doc ann
pretty _ = emptyDoc

instance Pretty NoExtField where
pretty :: NoExtField -> Doc ann
pretty _ = emptyDoc

instance Pretty RealSrcSpan where
pretty :: RealSrcSpan -> Doc ann
pretty rss = pretty _srcSpanFile <> ":" <> lineCol
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,84 +91,88 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Pretty (Located Text) where
inner = vsep ["L", pretty loc, dquotes $ pretty text]

-- Main AST instances --

instance Pretty RecFlag where
pretty :: RecFlag -> Doc ann
pretty Recursive = "Rec"
pretty NonRecursive = "NonRec"

instance Pretty (LmlDecl (LmlcPass pass)) where
instance (ForallLmlDecl Pretty (LmlcPass pass)) => Pretty (LmlDecl (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty :: LmlDecl (LmlcPass pass) -> Doc ann
pretty (OpenD _ decl) = vsep ["OpenD", pretty decl]
pretty (ValD _ bindGroup) = vsep ["ValD", pretty bindGroup]
pretty (TyD _ decls) = vsep ["TyD", list $ map pretty (toList decls)]
pretty (OpenD ext decl) = smartVsep ["OpenD", pretty ext, pretty decl]
pretty (ValD ext bindGroup) = smartVsep ["ValD", pretty ext, pretty bindGroup]
pretty (TyD ext decls) = smartVsep ["TyD", pretty ext, list $ map pretty (toList decls)]

instance Pretty (OpenDecl (LmlcPass pass)) where
instance (ForallOpenDecl Pretty (LmlcPass pass)) => Pretty (OpenDecl (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty :: OpenDecl (LmlcPass pass) -> Doc ann
pretty (OpenDecl _ ident) = vsep ["OpenDecl", pretty ident]
pretty (OpenDecl ext ident) = smartVsep ["OpenDecl", pretty ext, pretty ident]

instance Pretty (TyDecl (LmlcPass pass)) where
instance (ForallTyDecl Pretty (LmlcPass pass)) => Pretty (TyDecl (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty :: TyDecl (LmlcPass pass) -> Doc ann
pretty (AliasDecl _ name vars ty) = vsep ["AliasDecl", pretty name, list $ map pretty vars, pretty ty]
pretty (DataDecl _ name vars constrs) = vsep ["DataDecl", pretty name, list $ map pretty vars, list $ map pretty constrs]
pretty (AliasDecl ext name vars ty) = smartVsep ["AliasDecl", pretty ext, pretty name, list $ map pretty vars, pretty ty]
pretty (DataDecl ext name vars constrs) = smartVsep ["DataDecl", pretty ext, pretty name, list $ map pretty vars, list $ map pretty constrs]

instance Pretty (ConDecl (LmlcPass pass)) where
instance (ForallConDecl Pretty (LmlcPass pass)) => Pretty (ConDecl (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty :: ConDecl (LmlcPass pass) -> Doc ann
pretty (ConDecl _ name args) = vsep ["ConDecl", pretty name, list (map pretty args)]
pretty (ConDecl ext name args) = smartVsep ["ConDecl", pretty ext, pretty name, list (map pretty args)]

instance Pretty (LmlExpr (LmlcPass pass)) where
instance (ForallLmlExpr Pretty (LmlcPass pass)) => Pretty (LmlExpr (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty :: LmlExpr (LmlcPass pass) -> Doc ann
pretty (LmlExprIdent _ ident) = vsep ["ExprIdent", pretty ident]
pretty (LmlExprConstant _ constant) = "ExprConstant" <+> pretty constant
pretty (LmlExprLet _ bindGroup expr) = vsep ["ExprLet", pretty bindGroup, pretty expr]
pretty (LmlExprFunction _ pat expr) = vsep ["ExprFunction", pretty pat, pretty expr]
pretty (LmlExprApply _ expr exprs) = vsep ["ExprApply", pretty expr, list $ map pretty (toList exprs)]
pretty (LmlExprMatch _ expr cases) = vsep ["ExprMatch", pretty expr, list $ map pretty (toList cases)]
pretty (LmlExprTuple _ expr exprs) = vsep ["ExprTuple", list $ map pretty (expr : toList exprs)]
pretty (LmlExprConstruct _ constr expr) = vsep ["ExprConstruct", pretty constr, prettyMaybe expr]
pretty (LmlExprIfThenElse _ cond t f) = vsep ["ExprITE", pretty cond, pretty t, pretty f]
pretty (LmlExprConstraint _ expr ty) = vsep ["ExprConstraint", pretty expr, pretty ty]

instance Pretty (LmlBindGroup (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty (LmlExprIdent ext ident) = smartVsep ["ExprIdent", pretty ext, pretty ident]
pretty (LmlExprConstant ext constant) = smartHsep ["ExprConstant", pretty ext, pretty constant]
pretty (LmlExprLet ext bindGroup expr) = smartVsep ["ExprLet", pretty ext, pretty bindGroup, pretty expr]
pretty (LmlExprFunction ext pat expr) = smartVsep ["ExprFunction", pretty ext, pretty pat, pretty expr]
pretty (LmlExprApply ext expr exprs) = smartVsep ["ExprApply", pretty ext, pretty expr, list $ map pretty (toList exprs)]
pretty (LmlExprMatch ext expr cases) = smartVsep ["ExprMatch", pretty ext, pretty expr, list $ map pretty (toList cases)]
pretty (LmlExprTuple ext expr exprs) = smartVsep ["ExprTuple", pretty ext, list $ map pretty (expr : toList exprs)]
pretty (LmlExprConstruct ext constr expr) = smartVsep ["ExprConstruct", pretty ext, pretty constr, prettyMaybe expr]
pretty (LmlExprIfThenElse ext cond t f) = smartVsep ["ExprITE", pretty ext, pretty cond, pretty t, pretty f]
pretty (LmlExprConstraint ext expr ty) = smartVsep ["ExprConstraint", pretty ext, pretty expr, pretty ty]

instance (ForallLmlBindGroup Pretty (LmlcPass pass)) => Pretty (LmlBindGroup (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty :: LmlBindGroup (LmlcPass pass) -> Doc ann
pretty (LmlBindGroup _ recFlag binds) = vsep [pretty recFlag, list $ map pretty (toList binds)]
pretty (LmlBindGroup ext recFlag binds) = smartVsep [pretty ext, pretty recFlag, list $ map pretty (toList binds)]

instance Pretty (LmlBind (LmlcPass pass)) where
instance (ForallLmlBind Pretty (LmlcPass pass)) => Pretty (LmlBind (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty :: LmlBind (LmlcPass pass) -> Doc ann
pretty (LmlBind _ pat expr) = vsep ["Bind", pretty pat, pretty expr]
pretty (LmlBind ext pat expr) = smartVsep ["Bind", pretty ext, pretty pat, pretty expr]

instance Pretty (LmlCase (LmlcPass pass)) where
instance (ForallLmlCase Pretty (LmlcPass pass)) => Pretty (LmlCase (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty :: LmlCase (LmlcPass pass) -> Doc ann
pretty (LmlCase _ pat constraint expr) = vsep ["Case", pretty pat, prettyMaybe constraint, pretty expr]
pretty (LmlCase ext pat constraint expr) = smartVsep ["Case", pretty ext, pretty pat, prettyMaybe constraint, pretty expr]

instance Pretty (LmlLit (LmlcPass pass)) where
instance (ForallLmlLit Pretty (LmlcPass pass)) => Pretty (LmlLit (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty :: LmlLit (LmlcPass pass) -> Doc ann
pretty (LmlInt _ int) = pretty int
pretty (LmlChar _ char) = squotes $ pretty char
pretty (LmlString _ str) = dquotes $ pretty str
pretty (LmlInt ext int) = smartVsep [pretty ext, pretty int]
pretty (LmlChar ext char) = smartVsep [pretty ext, squotes $ pretty char]
pretty (LmlString ext str) = smartVsep [pretty ext, dquotes $ pretty str]

instance Pretty Longident where
pretty :: Longident -> Doc ann
pretty (Longident idents) = dquotes $ hsep $ punctuate comma (map pretty (toList idents))

instance Pretty (LmlPat (LmlcPass pass)) where
instance (ForallLmlPat Pretty (LmlcPass pass)) => Pretty (LmlPat (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty :: LmlPat (LmlcPass pass) -> Doc ann
pretty (LmlPatAny _) = "PatAny"
pretty (LmlPatVar _ var) = vsep ["PatVar", pretty var]
pretty (LmlPatConstant _ constant) = vsep ["PatConstant", pretty constant]
pretty (LmlPatTuple _ pat pats) = vsep ["PatTuple", list $ map pretty (pat : toList pats)]
pretty (LmlPatConstruct _ constr pat) = vsep ["PatConstruct", pretty constr, prettyMaybe pat]
pretty (LmlPatOr _ pat1 pat2) = vsep ["ParOr", pretty pat1, pretty pat2]
pretty (LmlPatConstraint _ pat ty) = vsep ["PatConstraint", pretty pat, pretty ty]

instance Pretty (LmlType (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty (LmlPatAny ext) = smartVsep ["PatAny", pretty ext]
pretty (LmlPatVar ext var) = smartVsep ["PatVar", pretty ext, pretty var]
pretty (LmlPatConstant ext constant) = smartVsep ["PatConstant", pretty ext, pretty constant]
pretty (LmlPatTuple ext pat pats) = smartVsep ["PatTuple", pretty ext, list $ map pretty (pat : toList pats)]
pretty (LmlPatConstruct ext constr pat) = smartVsep ["PatConstruct", pretty ext, pretty constr, prettyMaybe pat]
pretty (LmlPatOr ext pat1 pat2) = smartVsep ["ParOr", pretty ext, pretty pat1, pretty pat2]
pretty (LmlPatConstraint ext pat ty) = smartVsep ["PatConstraint", pretty ext, pretty pat, pretty ty]

instance (ForallLmlType Pretty (LmlcPass pass)) => Pretty (LmlType (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty :: LmlType (LmlcPass pass) -> Doc ann
pretty (LmlTyVar _ var) = vsep ["TyVar", pretty var]
pretty (LmlTyArrow _ ty1 ty2) = vsep ["TyArrow", pretty ty1, pretty ty2]
pretty (LmlTyTuple _ ty tys) = vsep ["TyTuple", list $ map pretty (ty : toList tys)]
pretty (LmlTyConstr _ constr tys) = vsep ["TyConstr", pretty constr, list (map pretty tys)]
pretty (LmlTyVar ext var) = smartVsep ["TyVar", pretty ext, pretty var]
pretty (LmlTyArrow ext ty1 ty2) = smartVsep ["TyArrow", pretty ext, pretty ty1, pretty ty2]
pretty (LmlTyTuple ext ty tys) = smartVsep ["TyTuple", pretty ext, list $ map pretty (ty : toList tys)]
pretty (LmlTyConstr ext constr tys) = smartVsep ["TyConstr", pretty ext, pretty constr, list (map pretty tys)]

instance Pretty (LmlModule (LmlcPass pass)) where
instance (ForallLmlModule Pretty (LmlcPass pass)) => Pretty (LmlModule (LmlcPass pass)) where
pretty :: LmlModule (LmlcPass pass) -> Doc ann
pretty (LmlModule _ name decls) = parens $ nest spaceNumber inner
pretty (LmlModule ext name decls) = parens $ nest spaceNumber inner
inner = vsep ["Module", prettyMaybe name, list $ map pretty decls]
inner = smartVsep ["Module", pretty ext, prettyMaybe name, list $ map pretty decls]
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lamagraph-compiler/src/Lamagraph/Compiler/Syntax/Expr.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Lamagraph.Compiler.Syntax.Expr (
LmlBindGroup (..),
LmlBind (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ data LmlBindGroup pass
= LmlBindGroup (XLmlBindGroup pass) RecFlag (NonEmpty (LLmlBind pass))
| XLmlBindGroup !(XXBindGroup pass)

type ForallLmlBindingGroup (tc :: Type -> Constraint) pass =
type ForallLmlBindGroup (tc :: Type -> Constraint) pass =
(tc (XLmlBindGroup pass), tc (LLmlBind pass), tc (XXBindGroup pass))

deriving instance (ForallLmlBindingGroup Show pass) => Show (LmlBindGroup pass)
deriving instance (ForallLmlBindingGroup Eq pass) => Eq (LmlBindGroup pass)
deriving instance (ForallLmlBindGroup Show pass) => Show (LmlBindGroup pass)
deriving instance (ForallLmlBindGroup Eq pass) => Eq (LmlBindGroup pass)

-- | Located let binder
type LLmlBind pass = XLocated pass (LmlBind pass)
Expand Down

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