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Core #35

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Core #35

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/build-and-test.yaml
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ jobs:
enable-stack: true
stack-version: "latest"
ghc-version: "9.4.8"

- name: Cache dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v4
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ jobs:
enable-stack: true
stack-version: "latest"
ghc-version: "9.4.8"

- name: Cache dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v4
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .pre-commit-config.yaml
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ repos:
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: end-of-file-fixer
exclude: "ast/.*|ppr/.*"
exclude: "ast/.*|ppr/.*|core/.*"
- id: check-yaml
- id: fix-byte-order-marker
- id: mixed-line-ending
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions lamagraph-compiler/lamagraph-compiler.cabal
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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +113,7 @@ test-suite lamagraph-compiler-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Spec.hs
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49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions lamagraph-compiler/src/Lamagraph/Compiler/Core.hs
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module Lamagraph.Compiler.Core (
Literal (..),
Var (..),
Expr (..),
AltCon (..),
Bind (..),
) where

import Relude

import Lamagraph.Compiler.Typechecker.TcTypes

data Literal = LitInt Int | LitChar Char | LitString Text deriving (Show)

-- FIXME: Must change after addition of ADTs
type DataCon = Name

-- TODO: Is this wrapper really required?
newtype Var
= Id Name -- Term variable
deriving (Eq, Show)

data Expr b
= Var b
| Lit Literal
| App (Expr b) (Expr b)
| Lam b (Expr b)
| Let (Bind b) (Expr b)
| -- | For a reason behind this signature see
Match (Expr b) b (NonEmpty (MatchAlt b))
| -- In Haskell, tuples are just syntactic sugar for @data TupleN a1...aN = TupleN a1...aN@,
-- but in Caml they are separate construction
Tuple (Expr b) (NonEmpty (Expr b))
deriving (Show)

type MatchAlt b = (AltCon, [b], Expr b)

data AltCon = DataAlt DataCon | LitAlt Literal | TupleAlt | DEFAULT deriving (Show)

data Bind b = NonRec b (Expr b) | Rec (NonEmpty (b, Expr b)) deriving (Show)

type CoreExpr = Expr Var
type CoreMatchAlt = MatchAlt Var
type CoreBind = Bind Var
162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions lamagraph-compiler/src/Lamagraph/Compiler/Core/LmlToCore.hs
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module Lamagraph.Compiler.Core.LmlToCore (desugarLmlModule) where

import Relude

import Control.Monad.Extra
import Data.Foldable.Extra hiding (elem)

import Lamagraph.Compiler.Core
import Lamagraph.Compiler.Core.MonadDesugar
import Lamagraph.Compiler.Extension
import Lamagraph.Compiler.Parser.SrcLoc
import Lamagraph.Compiler.Syntax
import Lamagraph.Compiler.Typechecker.DefaultEnv
import Lamagraph.Compiler.Typechecker.TcTypes

desugarLmlLit :: LmlLit LmlcTc -> Literal
desugarLmlLit = \case
LmlInt _ int -> LitInt int
LmlChar _ char -> LitChar char
LmlString _ string -> LitString string

desugarLLmlExpr :: LLmlExpr LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar CoreExpr
desugarLLmlExpr (L _ expr) = desugarLmlExpr expr

desugarLmlExpr :: LmlExpr LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar CoreExpr
desugarLmlExpr = \case
LmlExprIdent _ longident -> pure $ Var $ Id $ Name longident
LmlExprConstant _ lit -> pure $ Lit $ desugarLmlLit lit
LmlExprLet _ lBindGroup lExpr -> foldr Let <$> desugarLLmlExpr lExpr <*> desugarLLmlBindGroup lBindGroup
LmlExprFunction _ lPat lExpr -> Lam <$> desugarLLmlPat lPat <*> desugarLLmlExpr lExpr
LmlExprApply _ lExpr lExprs -> foldl App <$> desugarLLmlExpr lExpr <*> mapM desugarLLmlExpr lExprs
LmlExprMatch _ lExpr lCases -> do
scrutineeVar <- freshVar
expr <- desugarLLmlExpr lExpr
cases <- mapM (desugarLLmlCase scrutineeVar) lCases
pure $ Match expr scrutineeVar cases
LmlExprTuple _ lExpr lExprs -> Tuple <$> desugarLLmlExpr lExpr <*> mapM desugarLLmlExpr lExprs
LmlExprConstruct _ (L _ longident) maybeArgs ->
let constructorVar = Var $ Id $ Name longident
in case maybeArgs of
Nothing -> pure constructorVar
Just lArgs -> App constructorVar <$> desugarLLmlExpr lArgs
LmlExprIfThenElse _ lCond lTrue lFalse -> do
trueExpr <- desugarLLmlExpr lTrue
falseExpr <- desugarLLmlExpr lFalse
let trueAlt = (DataAlt trueConstrName, [], trueExpr)
falseAlt = (DataAlt falseConstrName, [], falseExpr)
condExpr <- desugarLLmlExpr lCond
var <- freshVar
pure $ Match condExpr var (trueAlt :| [falseAlt])
LmlExprConstraint _ lExpr _ -> desugarLLmlExpr lExpr

desugarLLmlCase :: Var -> LLmlCase LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar CoreMatchAlt
desugarLLmlCase scrutineeVar (L _ case') = desugarLmlCase scrutineeVar case'

desugarLmlCase :: Var -> LmlCase LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar CoreMatchAlt
desugarLmlCase scrutineeVar (LmlCase _ (L _ pat) Nothing lExpr) = do
expr <- desugarLLmlExpr lExpr
case pat of
LmlPatAny _ -> pure (DEFAULT, [], expr)
LmlPatVar _ (L _ ident) ->
, []
, replaceVar (Id $ Name $ mkLongident $ pure ident) scrutineeVar expr
LmlPatConstant _ lit -> pure (LitAlt $ desugarLmlLit lit, [], expr)
LmlPatTuple _ lPat lPats ->
let vars = map helper (lPat : toList lPats)
in pure (TupleAlt, vars, expr)
LmlPatConstruct _ (L _ longident) maybeLPat ->
let constuctorName = Name longident
in case maybeLPat of
Nothing -> pure (DataAlt constuctorName, [], expr)
Just (L _ args) ->
case args of
LmlPatVar _ (L _ ident) -> pure (DataAlt constuctorName, [Id $ Name $ mkLongident $ pure ident], expr)
LmlPatTuple _ lPat lPats ->
let vars = map helper (lPat : toList lPats)
in pure (DataAlt constuctorName, vars, expr)
_ -> error "Internal error: Constructors can only be applied to Var or Tuple."
LmlPatOr{} -> error "FIXME: Or patterns in match expressions aren't supported."
LmlPatConstraint{} -> error "FIXME: Constraints in pattern-matching are currently unsupported."
helper lPat = case unLoc lPat of
LmlPatVar _ (L _ ident) -> Id $ Name $ mkLongident $ pure ident
_ -> error "FIXME: Nested patterns are currently unsupported."
desugarLmlCase _ (LmlCase _ _ (Just _) _) = error "FIXME: Guards in pattern-matching are currently unsupported."

desugarLLmlPat :: LLmlPat LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar Var
desugarLLmlPat (L _ pat) = desugarLmlPat pat

desugarLmlPat :: LmlPat LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar Var
desugarLmlPat = \case
LmlPatVar _ (L _ ident) -> pure $ Id $ Name $ mkLongident $ pure ident
LmlPatConstraint _ lPat _ -> desugarLLmlPat lPat
_ -> error "FIXME: Only Var and Constraint patterns are currently supported."

desugarLLmlBindGroup :: LLmlBindGroup LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar (NonEmpty CoreBind)
desugarLLmlBindGroup (L _ bindGroup) = desugarLmlBindGroup bindGroup

{- | Invariant of this function:
If we have 'Recursive' bind group then we have only one element in the list,
otherwise we have as many elements in the list as let exprs.
desugarLmlBindGroup :: LmlBindGroup LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar (NonEmpty CoreBind)
desugarLmlBindGroup (LmlBindGroup _ NonRecursive lBinds) = do
binds <- mapM desugarLLmlBind lBinds
pure $ fmap (uncurry NonRec) binds
desugarLmlBindGroup (LmlBindGroup _ Recursive lBinds) = do
binds <- mapM desugarLLmlBind lBinds
pure $ pure $ Rec binds

desugarLLmlBind :: LLmlBind LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar (Var, CoreExpr)
desugarLLmlBind (L _ bind) = desugarLmlBind bind

desugarLmlBind :: LmlBind LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar (Var, CoreExpr)
desugarLmlBind (LmlBind _ lPat lExpr) = liftA2 (,) (desugarLLmlPat lPat) (desugarLLmlExpr lExpr)

replaceVar :: Var -> Var -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
replaceVar oldVar newVar = \case
var@(Var id') -> if id' == oldVar then Var newVar else var
lit@(Lit _) -> lit
App leftExpr rightExpr -> App (replaceVar oldVar newVar leftExpr) (replaceVar oldVar newVar rightExpr)
lam@(Lam var expr) -> if var == oldVar then lam else Lam var (replaceVar oldVar newVar expr)
Let bind expr ->
let (newBind, control) = replaceVarBind oldVar newVar bind
in if control then Let newBind (replaceVar oldVar newVar expr) else Let newBind expr
Match scrutinee scrutineeVar alts ->
if scrutineeVar == oldVar
then Match (replaceVar oldVar newVar scrutinee) scrutineeVar alts
else Match (replaceVar oldVar newVar scrutinee) scrutineeVar (fmap (replaceVarMatchAlt oldVar newVar) alts)
Tuple expr exprs -> Tuple (replaceVar oldVar newVar expr) $ fmap (replaceVar oldVar newVar) exprs

{- | Replaces variable in 'Bind'.
If this binding binds variable then we emit 'False' to stop replacing further, otherwise return 'True'.
replaceVarBind :: Var -> Var -> CoreBind -> (CoreBind, Bool)
replaceVarBind oldVar newVar = \case
nr@(NonRec var expr) -> if var == oldVar then (nr, False) else (NonRec newVar (replaceVar oldVar newVar expr), True)
r@(Rec binds) ->
if elem oldVar $ fmap fst binds
then (r, False)
else (Rec $ fmap (second (replaceVar oldVar newVar)) binds, True)

replaceVarMatchAlt :: Var -> Var -> CoreMatchAlt -> CoreMatchAlt
replaceVarMatchAlt oldVar newVar alt@(altCon, boundVars, expr) =
if oldVar `elem` boundVars
then alt
(altCon, boundVars, replaceVar oldVar newVar expr)

desugarLLmlDecl :: LLmlDecl LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar [CoreBind]
desugarLLmlDecl (L _ decl) = desugarLmlDecl decl

desugarLmlDecl :: LmlDecl LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar [CoreBind]
desugarLmlDecl = \case
ValD _ lBindGroup -> toList <$> desugarLLmlBindGroup lBindGroup
_ -> pure []

desugarLmlModule :: LmlModule LmlcTc -> MonadDesugar [CoreBind]
desugarLmlModule (LmlModule _ _ lDecls) = concatMapM desugarLLmlDecl lDecls
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions lamagraph-compiler/src/Lamagraph/Compiler/Core/MonadDesugar.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Lamagraph.Compiler.Core.MonadDesugar (MonadDesugar, runMonadDesugar, freshVar) where

import Relude
import Relude.Unsafe ((!!))

import Control.Lens
import Data.Sequences qualified

import Lamagraph.Compiler.Core
import Lamagraph.Compiler.Syntax
import Lamagraph.Compiler.Typechecker.TcTypes

newtype MonadDesugarState = MonadDesugarState {_freshDsCounter :: Int}

makeLenses 'MonadDesugarState

defaultMonadDesugarState :: MonadDesugarState
defaultMonadDesugarState =
{ _freshDsCounter = 0

data DesugarError

type MonadDesugar a = ExceptT DesugarError (State MonadDesugarState) a

runMonadDesugar :: MonadDesugar a -> Either DesugarError a
runMonadDesugar f = evalState (runExceptT f) defaultMonadDesugarState

-- FIXME: Copied from Typechecker

-- | This function generates words @a@, ..., @z@, @aa@, ..., @az@ and so on.
letters :: [Text]
letters = [1 ..] >>= flip Data.Sequences.replicateM ['a' .. 'z']

freshVar :: MonadDesugar Var
freshVar = do
count <- use freshDsCounter
freshDsCounter += 1
pure $ Id $ Name $ mkLongident $ pure $ "t#" <> letters !! count
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions lamagraph-compiler/src/Lamagraph/Compiler/Core/Pretty.hs
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module Lamagraph.Compiler.Core.Pretty () where

import Relude

import Lamagraph.Compiler.Core

import Lamagraph.Compiler.Syntax.Longident
import Lamagraph.Compiler.Typechecker.TcTypes
import Prettyprinter

-- TODO: These instances will conflict with "PrettyAST"!

instance Pretty Longident where
pretty :: Longident -> Doc ann
pretty (Longident idents) = hsep $ punctuate comma (map pretty (toList idents))

instance Pretty Name where
pretty :: Name -> Doc ann
pretty (Name longident) = pretty longident

instance Pretty Var where
pretty :: Var -> Doc ann
pretty (Id name) = pretty name

instance Pretty CoreBind where
pretty :: CoreBind -> Doc ann
pretty = \case
NonRec var expr -> "let" <+> helper var expr
Rec binds -> "let rec" <+> concatWith (surround (hardline <> "and" <> hardline)) (map inner (toList binds))
inner (var, expr) = helper var expr
helper var expr = pretty var <+> "=" <+> align (pretty expr)
prettyList :: [CoreBind] -> Doc ann
prettyList binds = vsep $ map pretty binds

instance Pretty CoreExpr where
pretty :: CoreExpr -> Doc ann
pretty = \case
Var var -> pretty var
Lit lit -> pretty lit
App expr1 expr2 -> helper expr1 <+> helper expr2
helper expr = case expr of
var@(Var{}) -> pretty var
lit@(Lit{}) -> pretty lit
tuple@(Tuple{}) -> pretty tuple
other -> parens $ pretty other
Lam var expr -> "fun" <+> pretty var <+> "->" <> softline <> pretty expr
Let bind expr -> pretty bind <> softline <> "in" <+> pretty expr
Match scrutinee scrutineeVar alts ->
align $
<+> pretty scrutinee
<+> "as"
<+> pretty scrutineeVar
<+> "with"
<+> encloseSep emptyDoc emptyDoc (flatAlt "| " " | ") (map pretty (toList alts))
Tuple expr exprs -> parens (fillSep $ punctuate comma (map (parens . pretty) (expr : toList exprs)))

instance Pretty Literal where
pretty :: Literal -> Doc ann
pretty = \case
LitInt int -> pretty int
LitChar char -> squotes $ pretty char
LitString string -> dquotes $ pretty string

instance Pretty AltCon where
pretty :: AltCon -> Doc ann
pretty = \case
DataAlt dataCon -> pretty dataCon
LitAlt lit -> pretty lit
TupleAlt -> "TUPLE"