A minimal app for converting NAIF/SPICE's mast star cataloges (bdb-files, binary E-kernels) to a more easy to use internal format.
Work in progress..
starsdb now has the following minimal features:
- verbose mode
- Convert E-kernel master star catalogues to IFS-format (see file table description in IFS.txt)
- List star properties
- List stars brighter than given apparent magnitude
How to get the star catalogues from NIAF:
- navigate or use wget from
- The Hipparcos catalogue has about 117.000 stars and should be sufficient for most uses
- unzip the transfer file (xdb):
gzip -d hipparcos.xdb.Z
- Convert to binary E-kernel format with Spice's "tobin":
tobin hipparcos.xdb hipparcos.bdb
The bdb files can then be read by this app.
To build:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Executable will be placed in bin/
For info on usage:
starsdb -h