Server scripts and firmware (esp8266) for handling MBus (HAN) data from Norwegian AMS power meters.
- PowerMeter_client - Client source for ESP8266 (depends on PlatformIO)
- nodejs_server - Server source written in node.js (no dependencies, only standard library)
- python_server - Server source written in python 3 (depends on "influxdb")
- ESP-01/01S (ESP8266) AliExpress Search (any esp8266 module should work)
- M-Bus to TTL converter AliExpress Search
- Some kind of power source, I run both the MCU and the converter on 3.3v from a Buck-Boost converter supplied 5v.
Cut a RJ-45 terminated cable (CAT 5/6 or similar) in half to expose the wires.
The signal is on pin 1 and 2 (Type-A terminated cable = Green pair, Type-B terminated cable = Orange pair).
Plug/solder Wire 1 to one of the A ports and Wire 2 to one of the B ports, polarity doesn't matter.
Hook up power(3.3v) to VIN/VDC and ground to powersupply ground. (ESP-01 and MBus should be on the same ground reference for ttl to work)
Connect or solder the following wires:
ESP-01 Pins | Connect to |
VCC/3.3v | Power supply 3.3v |
GND/Ground | Power supply ground |
RX | MBus converter TX |
CH_EN/EN | ESP-01 VCC/3.3v or Power supply 3.3v |
You don't need to buy any of these items from AliExpress, they are only examples.
Any questions? Feel free to leave an issue (Norwegian or English)