Full-stack CMS-style blog where developers can login to publish, update, and comment on articles, using MVC architectural structure, Handlebars.js, Sequelize, and Express-Session.
🔗 Link to application The Rubber Duck - Tech Blog
🔧 In order for this application to work, you need to install the following (dependencies): bcrypt, connect-session-sequelize, dotenv, express, express-handlebars, express-session, handlebars, mysql2, sequelize.
After you clone down the repository, install dependencies from the root directory.
npm install
Then, move into the db/ directory and create the database in MySQL.
mysql -u root -p
source schema.sql
Next, move back into the root directory and seed your database with the sample data.
npm run seed
To enable the server from the command line:
npm start
✍️ Lauren Darrimon is the author of this application. Find additional work on Lauren Darrimon's Github profile..
❓💌 Reach out to Lauren Darrimon at hello@laurenlalita.com if you have any questions.
The license for this project is: MIT