This tutorial presents a QIIME2 data analysis pipeline that can be used with 16S (bacterial) and ITS (fungal) sequences from a soil sampling study.
Featured commands:
- Importing,
- Filtering with DADA2,
- Removing rare ASVs,
- Phylogeny with MAFFT and FastTree,
- 16S taxonomy with Greengenes2,
- ITS taxonomy with UNITE,
- Taxonomy barplots,
- Core diversity metrics
Additional diversity visualizations were produced using R and the
suite of packages and tools. Additional .R code will be linked in a future update.
Reference code provided in this is a truncated version of the full code; that file can be found in the main directory.
Note on the reference code: 16S is used as an example in all commands where the same code is used for both 16S and ITS.
module load qiime2/2024.5
Sequence data was received from the sequencing lab trimmed, demultiplexed, and zipped. In these first couple steps we'll unzip, import the files, and run a quality check
unzip -d $PWD/raw_data/
gunzip $PWD/raw_data/unZipped/filepath_R1.fastq.gz > $PWD/fastQ/filepath_R1.fq
In order to import these sequencing files we need to know whether they have a Phred quality score of 33 or 64. This code will check the Phred quality score:
vsearch --fastq_chars $PWD/fastQ/filepath_R1.fastq
Link forward and reverse read paths with other sample metadata in a metadata.tsv file, then import the files.
qiime tools import \
--type 'SampleData[PairedEndSequencesWithQuality]' \
--input-path $PWD/fastQ/metadata_16S.tsv \
--output-path $PWD/fastQ/16S_paired-end-demux.qza \
--input-format PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33V2
Summarize the imported file stats.
These .qzv visualization files can be viewed in the QIIME2 visualizer.
qiime demux summarize \
--i-data $PWD/fastQ/16S_paired-end-demux.qza \
--o-visualization $PWD/fastQ/16S_paired-end-demux.qzv
qiime dada2 denoise-paired \
--i-demultiplexed-seqs $PWD/fastQ/16S_paired-end-demux.qza \
--p-trim-left-f 5 \
--p-trim-left-r 5 \
--p-trunc-len-f 200 \
--p-trunc-len-r 100 \
--p-n-threads 2 \
--o-table $PWD/analysis/16S/16S_table.qza \
--o-representative-sequences $PWD/analysis/16S/16S_rep-seqs.qza \
--o-denoising-stats $PWD/analysis/16S/16S_denoising-stats.qza
qiime dada2 denoise-paired \
--i-demultiplexed-seqs $PWD/fastQ/ITS_paired-end-demux.qza \
--p-trunc-len-f 0 \
--p-trunc-len-r 0 \
--p-max-ee-f 3 \
--p-max-ee-r 5 \
--p-trunc-q 2 \
--p-pooling-method pseudo \
--p-n-threads 2 \
--o-table $PWD/analysis/ITS/ITS_table.qza \
--o-representative-sequences $PWD/analysis/ITS/ITS_rep-seqs.qza \
--o-denoising-stats $PWD/analysis/ITS/ITS_denoising-stats.qza
Create data visualizations from the output files generated in the last step.
qiime metadata tabulate \
--m-input-file $PWD/analysis/16S/16S_denoising-stats.qza \
--o-visualization $PWD/analysis/16S/16S_denoising-stats.qzv
qiime feature-table summarize \
--i-table $PWD/analysis/16S/16S_table.qza \
--o-visualization $PWD/analysis/16S/16S_table-summary.qzv
qiime feature-table filter-features \
--i-table $PWD/analysis/16S/16S_table.qza \
--p-min-frequency 5 \
--o-filtered-table $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-table.qza
qiime feature-table filter-seqs \
--i-data $PWD/analysis/16S/16S_rep-seqs.qza \
--i-table $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-table.qza \
--o-filtered-data $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-rep-seqs.qza
qiime feature-table summarize \
--i-table $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-table.qza \
--o-visualization $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-table-summary.qzv
- Steps:
- Sequence alignment with MAFFT,
- filtering with mask
- Phylogeny built with FastTree,
- Root the tree, download the .qzv file, and generate a phylogeny visualization by going to the website
qiime alignment mafft \
--i-sequences $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-rep-seqs.qza \
--o-alignment $PWD/analysis/16S/phylogeny/16S_filtered-rep-seqs-aligned.qza
qiime alignment mask \
--i-alignment $PWD/analysis/16S/phylogeny/16S_filtered-rep-seqs-aligned.qza \
--o-masked-alignment $PWD/analysis/16S/phylogeny/16S_filtered-rep-seqs-aligned_masked.qza
qiime phylogeny fasttree \
--i-alignment $PWD/analysis/16S/phylogeny/16S_filtered-rep-seqs-aligned_masked.qza \
--o-tree $PWD/analysis/16S/phylogeny/16S_filtered-rep-seqs-aligned_masked_tree.qza
qiime phylogeny midpoint-root \
--i-tree $PWD/analysis/16S/phylogeny/16S_filtered-rep-seqs-aligned_masked_tree.qza \
--o-rooted-tree $PWD/analysis/16S/phylogeny/16S_filtered-rep-seqs-aligned_masked_tree_rooted.qza
- Set max-depth to the maximum number of sequences in your least populated sample.
- Remove metadata file in second command below to separate individual sample curves in the QIIME2 visualizer.
qiime diversity alpha-rarefaction \
--i-table $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-table.qza \
--p-max-depth 47385 \
--p-steps 20 \
--i-phylogeny $PWD/analysis/16S/phylogeny/16S_filtered-rep-seqs-aligned_masked_tree_rooted.qza \
--m-metadata-file $PWD/fastQ/metadata_16S.tsv \
--o-visualization $PWD/analysis/16S/rarefaction/16S_rarefaction_curves.qzv
qiime diversity alpha-rarefaction \
--i-table $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-table.qza \
--p-max-depth 47385 \
--p-steps 20 \
--i-phylogeny $PWD/analysis/16S/phylogeny/16S_filtered-rep-seqs-aligned_masked_tree_rooted.qza \
--o-visualization $PWD/analysis/16S/rarefaction/16S_rarefaction_curves_each_curve.qzv
- Classifier used was Greengenes2
- Reference databases downloaded at
- Specific reference databases used:
First, install the Greengenes2 program.
module load qiime2/2024.5
pip install q2-greengenes2
Next, train the classifier.
qiime feature-classifier fit-classifier-naive-bayes \
--i-reference-reads $PWD/analysis/2022.10.backbone.full-length.fna.qza \
--i-reference-taxonomy $PWD/analysis/ \
--o-classifier $PWD/analysis/2022.10.backbone.full-length.nb.qza
Then, run the classifier on the input reads from your study.
qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn \
--i-classifier $PWD/analysis/2022.10.backbone.full-length.nb.qza \
--i-reads $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-rep-seqs.qza \
--o-classification $PWD/analysis/16S/taxonomy/16S_taxonomy.qza
Export the output file to look at the classifications and confidence scores. Output file will be named 'taxonomy.tsv'.
qiime tools export \
--input-path $PWD/analysis/16S/taxonomy/16S_taxonomy.qza \
--output-path $PWD/analysis/16S/taxonomy
- Create a barplot visualization of your taxonomy data.
- This barplot, and the exportable .csv file, is helpful for identifying differences in taxonomic distribution between samples.
qiime taxa barplot \
--i-table $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-table.qza \
--i-taxonomy $PWD/analysis/16S/taxonomy/16S_taxonomy.qza \
--m-metadata-file $PWD/fastQ/metadata_16S.tsv \
--o-visualization $PWD/analysis/16S/taxonomy/16S_taxa-barplot.qzv
- Classifier used was UNITE
- Reference databases downloaded at
- Specific pre-trained reference database used:
Run classifier on ITS input reads from your study.
qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn \
--i-classifier $PWD/analysis/unite_ver10_dynamic_all_04.04.2024-Q2-2024.5.qza \
--i-reads $PWD/analysis/ITS/filtered/ITS_filtered-rep-seqs.qza \
--o-classification $PWD/analysis/ITS/taxonomy/ITS_taxonomy.qza
Export a 'taxonomy.tsv' file to look at classification and confidence scores, and create a barplot/.csv of taxonomy distribution within each sample.
qiime tools export \
--input-path $PWD/analysis/ITS/taxonomy/ITS_taxonomy.qza \
--output-path $PWD/analysis/ITS/taxonomy
qiime taxa barplot \
--i-table $PWD/analysis/ITS/filtered/ITS_filtered-table.qza \
--i-taxonomy $PWD/analysis/ITS/taxonomy/ITS_taxonomy.qza \
--m-metadata-file $PWD/fastQ/metadata_ITS.tsv \
--o-visualization $PWD/analysis/ITS/taxonomy/ITS_taxa-barplot.qzv
- In my experience this didn't alter sequence counts, but it may be that these were rare enough in my samples that they were removed when rare ASVs were removed. I present these commands in case they are relevant to future data.
qiime taxa filter-table \
--i-table $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-table.qza \
--i-taxonomy $PWD/analysis/16S/taxonomy/16S_taxonomy.qza \
--p-exclude mitochondria,chloroplast \
--o-filtered-table $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-table-no-contam.qza
qiime taxa filter-seqs \
--i-sequences $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-rep-seqs.qza \
--i-taxonomy $PWD/analysis/16S/taxonomy/16S_taxonomy.qza \
--p-exclude mitochondria,chloroplast \
--o-filtered-sequences $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-rep-seqs-no-contam.qza
check sequence counts
qiime feature-table summarize \
--i-table $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-table-no-contam.qza \
--o-visualization $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-table-no-contam-summary.qzv
This core metrics command generates a suite of calculated diversity metrics including (for a full list of command parameters and output click here):
- Shannon diversity,
- Faith's Phylogenetic Diversity,
- Pielou's evenness,
- Bray-Curtis distance matrix,
- Unweighted Unifrac distance matrix,
- Weighted Unifrac distance matrix,
- Bray-Curtis PCoA results,
- Unweighted Unifrac PCoA results,
- Weighted Unifrac PCoA results
Use max-depth from rarefaction step for p-sampling depth
qiime diversity core-metrics-phylogenetic \
--i-table $PWD/analysis/16S/filtered/16S_filtered-table-no-contam.qza \
--i-phylogeny $PWD/analysis/16S/phylogeny/16S_filtered-rep-seqs-aligned_masked_tree_rooted.qza \
--p-sampling-depth 47385 \
--m-metadata-file $PWD/fastQ/metadata_16S.tsv \
--output-dir $PWD/analysis/16S/diversity
Generate 'alpha-diversity.tsv' files of any of the alpha diversity values. 'shannon_vector.qza' is shown as an example here, but you can also use this with 'faith_pd_vector.qza' and 'evenness_vector.qza'.
qiime tools export \
--input-path $PWD/analysis/16S/diversity/shannon_vector.qza \
--output-path $PWD/analysis/16S/diversity/shannon-diversity
Create boxplots with metadata so that you can compare different variables. Similar to above, this command can be used with any of the alpha diversity values. 'shannon_vector.qza' is shown as an example here, but you can also use this with 'faith_pd_vector.qza' and 'evenness_vector.qza'.
qiime diversity alpha-group-significance \
--i-alpha-diversity $PWD/analysis/16S/diversity/shannon_vector.qza \
--m-metadata-file $PWD/fastQ/metadata_16S.tsv \
--o-visualization $PWD/analysis/16S/diversity/shannon-diversity/16S_shannon-compare-groups.qzv