Designed a basic operating GUI for the Jan Scientific microscope for internal testing and root cause analysis in the office. The program used pySerial for serial communication with the microscope.
Internal axis information is stored to ensure that motors are not burnt out while operating.
Make sure the baud rate and port selectors are available and working
In a upcoming update it would be handy to have a program that programs motor controllers when specified a port and motor axis to program. integrates all other methods with a GUI format for the user. sends movements to the microscope. Additionally manages the serial commands sent to the microscope and determines if requested movement is within the stored parameters for a specified axis. scans all computers serial ports and returns a list of available serial ports for user determining what serial port the microscope is located on.
need to run the following command to install pySerial.
python -m pip install pyserial
full documentation website for pySerial
serial communicating basics with examples from here.
install PyQt5 and PyQt-builder 1/12/2022
look for designer.exe in C:\Users<user>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Lib\site-packages\PyQt5 folder.
Followed some of the steps here for finding designer