- add BigIntegerConverter
- add ComplexConverter
- add VectorConverter
- public ListConverter
- add Utilities.ReadDouble
- add Utilities.WriteDouble
- add Utilities.ReadFloat
- add Utilities.WriteFloat
- add BinaryConverterAttribute
- add Serializer.SerializeWithTypeInfo
- add Serializer.DeserializeWithTypeInfo
- add BinaryIndexAttribute
- internl LazuplisMei.BinarySerializer.Converter
- void IBinarySerializable.Deserialize(use IBinarySerializable object itself)
- add xml comment
class Student
public string Name;
public int Id;
byte[] buffer = Serializer.Serialize(new Student() {Name = "Name001", Id = 1000 });
Student stu = Serializer.Deserialize<Student>(buffer);
//stu.Name == "Name001" && stu.Id == 1000
class Student
public string Name;
public int Id;
byte[] buffer = Serializer.Serialize(new Student() {Name = "Name001", Id = 1000 });
Student stu = Serializer.Deserialize<Student>(buffer);
//stu.Name == "Name001" && stu.Id == default
class TestClass
public string AAA;
public int BBB;
//order by index then by name, BBB will be the first field to serialize
byte[] buffer = Serializer.Serialize(new TestClass() {AAA = "AAA", BBB = 0 });
TestClass stu = Serializer.Deserialize<TestClass>(buffer);
class Student
//this field with use MyStringConverter to (de)serialize
//but Serializer.SerializeWithTypeInfo and Serializer.DeserializeWithTypeInfo will ignore this attribute and use default internal StringConverter
public string Name;
public int Id;
byte[] buffer = Serializer.Serialize(new Student() {Name = "Name001", Id = 1000 });
Student stu = Serializer.Deserialize<Student>(buffer);
//stu.Name based on MyStringConverter's behavior && stu.Id == 1000
class Student
public string Name;
public int Id;
byte[] buffer = Serializer.Serialize(typeof(Student));
Type stuType = Serializer.Deserialize<Type>(buffer);
byte[] buffer = Serializer.Serialize(typeof(Student));
Type stuType = Serializer.Deserialize<Type>(buffer);
class Student
public string Name;
public int Id;
var stu = new Student() {Name = "Name001", Id = 1000 };
var memory = new MemoryStream();
Serializer.SerializeWithTypeInfo(stu, memory);
memory.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
//result is a ExpaandoObject
dynamic result = Serializer.DeserializeWithTypeInfo(memory);
//result.Name == "Name001" && result.Id == 1000
class Student
public string Name;
private int Id;
public Student()
//default ctor is required
public Student(string name,int id)
Name = name;
Id = id;
byte[] buffer = Serializer.Serialize(new Student("Name001", 1000));
Student stu = Serializer.Deserialize<Student>(buffer);
//stu.Name == Name001 && stu.Id == default
Serializer.OnlyPublicMember = false;
byte[] buffer = Serializer.Serialize(new Student("Name001", 1000));
Student stu = Serializer.Deserialize<Student>(buffer);
//stu.Name == Name001 && stu.Id == 1000
//EnocdingConverter already exists
class EnocdingConverter : BinaryConverter<Encoding>
public override Encoding ReadBytes(Stream stream)
return Encoding.GetEncoding(stream.ReadInt32());
public override void WriteBytes(Encoding obj, Stream stream)
class Student
public string Name;
public int Id;
//you can add default value
//this ctor can be private
public Student(string name, int id)
Name = name;
Id = id;
public Student()
//if this default ctor exists
//[BinaryConstructor] is meaningless
//or it's required
class Person : IBinarySerializable
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Person(string name)
Name = name;
public void Serialize(Stream stream)
Serializer.Serialize(Name, stream);
public void Deserialize(Stream stream)
Name = Serializer.Deserialize<string>(stream);
//HashSetConverter already exists
class HashSetConverter : GenericConverter
public override object GenericReadBytes(Stream stream)
object hashset = Activator.CreateInstance(CurrentType);
var hashset_Add = CurrentType.GetMethod("Add");
int count = stream.ReadInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
hashset_Add.Invoke(hashset, Serializer.Deserialize(TypeArgs[0], stream));
return hashset;
public override void GenericWriteBytes(Stream stream, object obj)
//ListConverter is internal, here just for example
ListConverter.ListWriteBytes(TypeArgs[0], stream, obj);
//Whether to use it depends on the situation
//ObjectConverter does not have basic size check and null check
//Use it for external information that only has a certain data structure
class DataInfo
//use BinaryIndex ensure that the data is read in the correct order
public int BBB;
public int AAA;
var data = ObjectConverter.ReadBytes<DataInfo>(File.OpenRead(@"C:\xxx.bin"));