Tags: learnosity, api, assessment, education Requires at least: 3.5.1 License: Copyright (c) 2017 Learnosity under the MIT License
The Learnosity plugin allows you to embed Learnosity items on your site using WordPress shortcodes.
This Plugin is currently undergoing some rework and cleanup to update it to allow the latest functionality and become fully supported.
- Add validation check and error handling when invalid shortcodes settings - eg no items, or no activityid
- Test multiple activities on the one page
- Are multiple submit buttons supported?
- Support for more reporting
After activating the plugin, visit Settings > Learnosity API Plugin and add your Learnosity consumer key and consumer secret (course ID is optional). Once you've saved these settings, you'll be able to start embedding Learnosity items on your site by using shortcodes.
You can embed a set of items fairly simply by adding the following shortcode, with your own items:
[lrn-items items="Demo5, Demo6, Demo7"]
You can also pass additional attributes to your [lrn-items] shortcode, like so:
[lrn-items items="Demo5, Demo6, Demo7" name="My Awesome Activity" sessionid="1234" activityid="activity_123"]
The 'items' attribute is the only required attribute, the others are defaulted to the following:
- activityid: (randomly generated) if not supplied. It is recommended to set this for easier reporting.
- autorender: true
- name: My Activity
- rendersubmit: false
- sessionid: (randomly generated)
- state: initial
- studentid: student_[WordPress user id]. Eg: student_123. Note: student_0 is used when not authenticated.
- type: (as configured in settings - default of submit_practice but can be defaulted to local_practice)
- onsubmit_redirect_url: on submit, redirect to this url (sessionid and studentid generated will be added at the end automatically as lrnsid and lrnusid url parameters)
Using the lrn-assess
shortcode lets you include an Assessment style activity.
[lrn-assess activitytemplateid="DemoActivityWordpress"]
Note you can use either the activitytemplateid to load from the Author site/Item Bank, or you can specify individual items.
Supported url parameters for WordPress page:
- lrnactid (activitytemplateid)
- lrnactname (name)
Setting autorender="false"
will allow you to place the item elements wherever you please, e.g:
[lrn-items items="Demo5, Demo6, Demo7" autorender="false"]
< Some content separating the embed >
[lrn-item ref="Demo5"]
< Another separator >
[lrn-item ref="Demo6"]
< More separation >
[lrn-item ref="Demo7"]
You can also manually embed a submit button this way:
[lrn-items items="Demo6" autorender="false" rendersubmit="true"]
[lrn-item ref="Demo6"]
For both assess and inline rendering types, it is supported to pass readyListener JS code as content of Items API plugin shortcode. If multiple instances of Items API are on page (multiple shortcodes) please use correct index for "learnosityCollection". Example below refers to the first (index 0) instance:
[lrn-assess activitytemplateid="TexttoSpeech_Testing_Activity"]
var assessApp = window.learnosityCollection[0].assessApp();
assessApp.on("test:start", function() {
A subset of reports are currently available in Learnosity plugin.
Valid JSON for Reports API init options could be passed as content of Reports API plugin shortcode.
"id": "item-scores-by-tag-by-user-report",
"type": "item-scores-by-tag-by-user",
"items_tags_live_dataset_reference": "content-hierarchy-items-dataset-00001",
"session_items_live_dataset_reference": "content-hierarchy-sessions-dataset-00001",
"users": [{
"id": "user_20180417a_00001",
"name": "Student Name 1"
}, {
"id": "user_20180417a_00002",
"name": "Student Name 2"
}, {
"id": "user_20180417a_00003",
"name": "Student Name 3"
"row_tag_type": "ch_proficiency_strand",
"column_tag_types": ["ch_topic", "ch_subtopic", "ch_curriculum_code"],
"item_tags": [{
"type": "ch_title",
"name": "content_hierarchy_001"
- type: sessions-list
- limit: number of sessions to show - default 10, max 100
- users: list of user_ids seperated by commas.
- activities: list of activity_ids seperated by commas.
- display_user: true | false. detault is true
- display_activity: true | false. detault is true
[lrn-report type="sessions-list"]
This shows the list of session for the current user with the default of the last 5.
[lrn-report type="sessions-list" limit="10"]
Show a report for multiple users and display the activities
[lrn-report type="sessions-list" limit="10" users="1,2,3" display_activity="true"]
Show a report for a single activity id. Note: activity id's are generated automatically if not supplied when first doing the activity with the [lrn-assess] or [lrn-items] shortcode.
[lrn-report type="sessions-list" limit="10" activities="c98ee0e5-b50d-40b8-9d30-aa21c2a0d712"]
Supported url parameters for WordPress page:
- lrnusid (single value for users). Only works if the current WordPress user is not logged in.
Show a full session detail report:
- type: session-detail-by-item
- session_id: (required) session_id to load
- user_id: uses current user_id if not specified
- show_correct_answers: true | false. detault is true
[lrn-report type="session-detail-by-item" session_id="17b9bb6e-16f8-4808-aebd-42a246a1158e"]
Supported url parameters for WordPress page:
- lrnsid (session_id)
- lrnusid (user_id). Only works if the current WordPress user is not logged in.
Valid JSON for Author API init options could be passed as content of lrn-author shortcode.
"mode": "item_list",
"user": {
"id": "www-site",
"firstname": "WWW Firstname",
"lastname": "WWW Lastname",
"email": "www@learnosity.com"
Provide rtl=true within associated shortcode to enable RTL.
Example to enable RTL for Author API shortcode:
[lrn-author rtl=true]
"mode": "item_list",
"config": {
"label_bundle": {
"searchStatus": "حالة",
"searchTags": "علامات",
"searchTitle": "العنوان",
"searchTitlePlaceholder": "البحث بالعنوان",
"searchTitleReferenceContent": "عنوان / مرحع / محتوي",
"searchTitleReferenceDescription": "عنوان / مرجع / وصف"
"user": {
"id": "www-site",
"firstname": "WWW Firstname",
"lastname": "WWW Lastname",
"email": "www@learnosity.com"
RTL mode is supported for:
Please refer to the linked articles above (hyper-links) to read full instructions on RTL mode for particular API.
- [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug where Learnosity API scripts not needed by shortcodes added to a WordPress page were still loaded
- [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug where a Learnosity API was not initialised immediately after its corresponding script has been loaded
- [BUGFIX] Correct version on plugin settings page and documentation on how to use RTL has been added
- [FEATURE] Support rtl flag (so set text direction to right to left) in lrn-items, lrn-author and lrn-assess shortcode
- [BUGFIX] Signatures don't match error for lrn-author shortcode
- [FEATURE] Support Author API valid JSON passed as a content in lrn-author shortcode
- [FEATURE] Support readyListener JS code for Items API if passed as content of plugin shortcode
- [BUGFIX] Signature mismatch issue for lrn-items fixed
- [FEATURE] Support valid JSON for Reports API init options if passed as content of plugin shortcode
- Add support for lrnuid url parameter for lrn-assess and lrn-report
- Add support for lrnactname as url parameter of WordPress page for lrn-assess
- Add support for lrnactid as url parameter of WordPress page for lrn-assess
- Add support for lrnsid as url parameter of WordPress page for Session Detail By Item report
- Add support for onsubmit_redirect_url parameter for lrn-assess shortcode
- Minor cleanups to settings page
- Add support for Reports API with the sessions-list and session-detail-by-item reports
- Initial release of the wordpress-learnosity plugin which makes it easy to add Learnosity into a Wordpress Site
- The base version of this was created in 2014