Ansible is the new tool we used for network operations.
All the host info used by ansible is in /etc/ansible/hosts
Please make sure you have the ssh agent running with the right mainnet keys before any ansible operation.
ssh-add -l
2048 SHA256:K9D3flNNlwei50Hz78PXubKNacmSQqxiTaQfHf92bP8 leochen@MBP15.local (RSA)
ansible-galaxy install charliemaiors.rclone_ansible
ansible-galaxy install ryandaniels.create_users
- edit inventory/test.hosts file to use your own host IP
- make sure you have proper ssh setup to login to your own host
cd ~/experiment-deploy/ansible
ansible-inventory --list -i inventory/test.hosts
ansible-playbook playbooks/create-users.yml --ask-vault-pass --extra-vars "inventory=h2 user=ec2-user" -i inventory/test.hosts
cd ~/experiment-deploy/ansible
ansible-inventory --list -i inventory/hmy.hosts
ansible-playbook playbooks/users.yml --ask-vault-pass --extra-vars "inventory=devop" -i inventory/hmy.hosts
cd ~/experiment-deploy/ansible
1) rolling_upgrade
2) restart
3) force_upgrade
4) quit
All the actions can operation on either a shard, a group, or a single host.
By default, the rolling_upgrade
action won't upgrade the current leader node.
You need to use force_upgrade
action to upgrade leader.
can restart a node, or a shard, ex, s0, s1, s2, s3.