Lab Instructor | Email-id | Syllabus | Theory Attendance |
Lifna C S | | Theory & Lab Syllabus | Attendance |
No | Rubrics | Marks | Document / Schedule |
1 | End Semester Exam | 60 Marks | [Old University Papers] , [Practice Problems] |
2 | Internal Assessment | 20 Marks | [DAA-MT-QP-2025], [DAA-MT-QP-Sol-2025] |
3 | Continuous Assessment | 20 Marks | Subjected to Revision after Internal Meeting |
a. Virtual Lab | 10 Marks | ||
b. MCQ | 10 Marks | ||
c. Programming Test on HackerRank | 10 Marks | ||
Total Marks | 100 Marks |
Continuous Assessment best out 2 of 3 will be considered
- Performance analysis - space, and time complexity
- Growth of function - Big-Oh, Omega & Theta notations
- Mathematical background for algorithm analysis;
- Analysis of selection sort, insertion sort.
- Recurrences: The substitution method, Recursion tree method, Master method
- Complexity Classes: Definition of P, NP, NP-Hard, NP-Complete
Online Materials:
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Insertion Sort Visualization :
- Selection Sort Visualization :
Useful Links:
- Comparison on Sorting Techniques - 1
- Comparison on Sorting Techniques - 2
- Visualization of Sorting Techniques : ComparisonSort - Prof. Galles
- Bucket Sort
- Heap Sort
- General method,
- Min-Max Algorithm,
- Merge sort,
- Quick sort,
- Analysis of Binary search,
- Strassen's Matrix Multiplication.
Online Resources :
- Binary Search Visualization :
- Quick Sort - Visualization :
- Merge Sort - Visualization :
- Merge Sort - HackerRank
- Quick Sort - HackerRank
- Merge Sort - IIIT Hyderabad Virtual Labs
- Quick Sort - IIIT Hyderabad Virtual Labs
- Starssens Matrix Multiplication
Quiz :
- Sorting
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Binary Search - Quiz 1
- Binary Search - Quiz 2
- Starssens Matrix Multiplication
- General Method,
- Single source shortest path: Dijkstra Algorithm,
- Fractional Knapsack problem,
- Job sequencing with deadlines,
- Minimum cost spanning trees: Kruskal and Prim’s algorithms
Online Resources :
- Fractional Knapsack
- Dijkstra's Algorithm Visualization - 1
- Dijkstra's Algorithm Visualization - 2 :
- Job Sequencing with Deadlines Visaulization :
- Kruskals Algorithm Visualiztion :
- Prims Algorithm Visualization :
- Dijkstra Algo. Visualization - Prof. Galles
- Minimum Spanning Trees - Virtual Labs
Quiz :
- Greey algorithm
- Fractional Knapsack Problem
- Job Sequencing with Deadlines
- Dijakstra Single Source Shortest Path
- Minimum Spanning Tree - Quiz
- Kruskals Algorithm
- Prims Algorithm
General Method,
Multistage graphs,
Single source shortest path: Bellman Ford Algorithm,
All pair shortest path: Floyd Warshall Algorithm,
Matrix Chain Multiplication,
Longest common subsequence,
Optimal Binary Search Trees,
0/1 knapsack Problem.
Online Resources :
- N-queen problem,
- Sum of subsets,
- Graph coloring
Branch and Bound:
- 15 Puzzle problem,
- Traveling Salesperson problem.
Online Resources :
Quiz : Module - 5 Quiz
- Naïve string-matching algorithm,
- Rabin Karp algorithm,
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
Online Resources:
- Rabin Karp String Matching Algorithm Visualiztion :
- Knuth Morris Pratt String Matching Algorithm Visualiztion :
- T. H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, and C. Stein, “Introduction to algorithms”, 2nd Edition, PHI Publication 2005.
- Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, S. Rajsekaran. “Fundamentals of computer algorithms',' University Press.
- Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou, Umesh Vazirani, “Algorithms”, Tata McGraw Hill Edition.
- S. K. Basu, “Design Methods and Analysis of Algorithm”, PHI.
- J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos, Algorithm Design, Pearson International Edition, 2005.
- Stanford University
- Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms: a complete overview
- What Is an Algorithm?
- Algorithmic bias detection and mitigation: Best practices and policies to reduce consumer harms
- Code-Dependent: Pros and Cons of the Algorithm Age :
- A Case Study in Algorithm Analysis
- An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms
- Parallel MCMC Algorithms: Theoretical Foundations, Algorithm Design, Case Studies
- This material was prepared as a part of Course - Design and Analysis of Algorithms offered by the Department of Computer Engineering, VESIT (Autonomous Institute), Affiliated to the University of Mumbai to the Second Year Students of Computer Engineering Branch during the Academic Year 2024-25