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Nenad Mitrovic edited this page Nov 8, 2020 · 15 revisions

Useful Information

The plugin has one main command that is used in combination with the sub command to get the wanted result, main command is called timetokens and it has additional aliases timetoken, tt, token, tokens that you can use as well.
All arguments that that are inside <> are required while the arguments inside [] are optional.
Main command and sub commands are not case sensitive.

List of commands

  • /TT CheckTime <PlayerName> [ServerName] - Used to check how much time a player has spend on the network or specific server.​
  • /TT CheckToken <PlayerName> [ServerName] - Used to check how many tokens a player has or to check how much they earned on a specific server.​
  • /TT CheckBoosts [PlayerName] - Used to check active boosts on the server or the ones affecting the specific player.
  • /TT TopTime [Page] - Show a list of players with the most time spend on the server, if you do not specify the page you will get list of top 10.​
  • /TT TopToken [Page] - Show a list of players with the most tokens on the server, if you do not specify the page you will get list of top 10.​
  • /TT GrantBoost <BoostActivator> <BoostName> [PlayerName/ServerName] - Used to grant a specific boost to a player, server or the entire network.
  • /TT GiveToken <PlayerName> <Amount> - Used to add a certain amount of tokens to players already existing amount.​
  • /TT GiftToken <PlayerName> <Amount> - Used to give some of your tokens to another player.​
  • /TT SetToken <PlayerName> <Amount> - Used to set exact amount tokens to a player.​
  • /TT TakeTokens <PlayerName> <Amount> - Used to remove certain amount of tokens from a player, if the player has less then specified amount tokens wont be removed.​
  • /TT Execute <PlayerName> <Amount> <CommandMapping> - This command will check if the player has amount of tokens specified, if he does it will executed command from the config file linked to the command mapping on to the targeted player.
  • /TT Menu [MenuName] - This command is used to open a custom GUIs menu. You can provide the menu name you want to open, if you dont put any names first available menu in the menus file will be opened.​
  • /TT Help - Used to display a help page with all the commands. This command is dynamic meaning that it will only show help for the commands that player has permission for.​
  • /TT Reload - Used to reload the plugin.

Note: Tokens are still server wide you just have the ability to check how many have player earned on each server.