- library management system using Microsoft sql server relational database and interface designed by javaswing
Home page is authorized for admin and basic staff. admin has permission to edit employees but employees don't
- Administrator Homepage
- Employee Homepage
- Reader management performs the functions of searching, adding, deleting, and updating reader information. The table displays an overview of readers or displays the readers to search for
- Book management performs the functions of searching, adding, deleting, and updating book. The table displays an overview of book or displays the book to search for
- callcard manager performs the functions of searching, adding, deleting books from callcards, updating information. a table showing an overview of books that a reader has borrowed or displaying books from a callcard to search
Employee management, this function is only performed by the admin who performs the functions of searching, adding, deleting employees, updating information. Displays the total number of employees who are currently entering and employees who are not logged in to the system