This includes only automation plugin and API which will have to be called from your frontend site if you decide to do it. It also allows to create instances directly from manager interface. This plugin does not include frontend site, you will have to make integration with API by yourself. This plugin is dedicated for web agencies and some experience with programming is required. If you will need commercial support during installation and configuration you can order commercial support, or ask help in discord.
You will have manager interface where you can create instances for your clients. Each client get's it's own database.
- Install fresh version from
- Add these settings in settings/settings.ini.php file under site section
'support_mail' => '',
'sender_mail' => '',
'seller_url' => '',// Change to main site url
'seller_domain' => '',// Change to main site url
'seller_mail' => '', // Change mail
'manager_subdomain' => 'manage',// Change to subdomain where manager itself is located
'seller_title' => 'Live Helper Chat', // Change to your company title
'seller_secret_hash' => 'any_random_string', // Change to any random string
'expire_disabled' => false, // Should instances be checked against expire date
'instance_handler' => 'erLhcoreClassInstanceDBMysql', // erLhcoreClassInstanceDBMysql - mysql, erLhcoreClassInstanceDBDirectAdmin - direct admin
'access_log_path' => '/var/log/nginx/access_chat_manager_client.log', //or '/var/log/apache2/access_chat_manager_client.log' use your site's log name
'http_mode' => 'https://', // Set http:// or https://
'terminate_period' => 14,
'expire_disabled' => false,
'hide_billing' => false,
'phoneattributes' => array(),
'seller_paypal_mail' => '',
'seller_paypal_options' => array(
'250K' => array('p' => 31,'r' => 25000000),
'1.5M' => array('p' => 31,'r' => 150000000),
'3M' => array('p' => 31,'r' => 300000000),
'1Month' => array('p' => 31,'r' => 0),
'seller_attributes' => "Remigijus Kiminas\nDarĹľelio 31\nĹ iauliai\nLithuania\\nTax ID: 591583",
'seller_paypal_enabled' => true,
'seller_smtp' => array(
'enabled' => true,
'host' => '',
'port' => 587,
'smtp_secure' => 'tls',
'smtp_auth' => true,
'username' => '',
'password' => 'password', // You may need to create an application password if you are suing google smtp
'hostname' => '',
- In
section adddatabase_user_prefix
parameter. It will be used to create new databases for each client. Example: "lhc_manage_client_23".
'db' =>
array (
'host' => '',
'user' => 'dbuser',
'password' => 'password',
'database' => 'lhc_manager',
'database_user_prefix' => 'lhc_manage_client_',
'port' => 3306,
'use_slaves' => false,
'db_slaves' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'host' => '',
'user' => '',
'port' => 3306,
'password' => '',
'database' => '',
- Clone to extensions folder or any other folder.
- Link
So ls -l lhc_web/extension
should look like this
instance -> /home/www/admin/automated-hosting/instance
instanceoverride -> /home/www/admin/automated-hosting/instanceoverride
lhcphpresque -> /home/www/git/lhc-php-resque/lhcphpresque
Execute in fresh installed database query from
. You can use the command line or a tool like phpmyadmin if installed. -
Activate extension in main
'extensions' => array ('instanceoverride','instance','lhcphpresque')
- Edit
return array(
'erLhcoreClassModelInstance' => 'extension/instance/classes/erlhcoreclassmodelinstance.php',
'erLhcoreClassInstance' => 'extension/instance/classes/erlhcoreclassinstance.php',
'erLhcoreClassInstanceDBMysql' => 'extension/instance/classes/dbhandlers/mysql.php',
'erLhcoreClassInstanceDBDirectAdmin'=> 'extension/instance/classes/dbhandlers/directadmin.php',
'HTTPSocket' => 'extension/instance/classes/dbhandlers/httpsocket.php',
'erLhcoreClassModelInstanceInvoice' => 'extension/instance/classes/erlhcoreclassmodelinstanceinvoice.php',
Now you will see instance from top menu. There you can create manually new instances.
- Setup cronjonb to run every minute. I have also prepared an sh version of cronjob which avoids running script more than once at the same time.
Plain php version. cron.php
is located in the installation folder.
* * * * * cd /home/www/domains/livehelperchat_manager_com && php cron.php -s site_admin -e instance -c cron/maintain
You main need to adjust paths here and in script itself. sh script is located at extension/instance/doc/
* * * * * cd /home/www/cronjobs && ./ > cron_lhc.log /dev/null 2>&1
script content for quick reference. You will need to change paths.
# live site cronjobs
echo "Running live site cronjobs"
cd /home/www/domains/livehelperchat_manager_com
if [ -f $fileLock ];
echo "Lock file exists, skipping execution";
touch $fileLock;
/usr/bin/php cron.php -s site_admin -e instance -c cron/maintain > cron_lhc.log
rm -rf var/storage/2013y
rm -f $fileLock;
- This plugins limits functionality purely by time and purchases request number. Setup this cronjob every 30 minutes or so.
* * * * * cd /home/www/domains/livehelperchat_manager_com && php cron.php -s site_admin -e instance -c cron/update_counter
If using Nginx change the log format for update view counter to work correctly.
log_format main '$remote_addr $http_host - [$time_local] "$request" '
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
Make sure you have provided correct path access_log_path
to access log in settings.ini.php in step 2
- If you are not using
for background jobs you have to execute this cronjob every 10 minutes. If you have little number of clients, you can execute it every minute. You don't need it if you will install php-resque as background jobs handler. - This cronjob is reposible for auto assignment and main jobs for the instance.
* * * * * cd /home/www/domains/livehelperchat_manager_com && php cron.php -s site_admin -e instance -c cron/workflow
- Now make copy of installed lhc to another directory where all request for <lhc_name> will go.
Delete from copied folder extension/instance
and extension/instanceoverride
All subdomains should be pointed to new copied directory. Update Apache virtual hosts or nginx as needed. See nginx configuration below.
- Edit
in copied directory and make it look like
return array(
'erLhcoreClassModelInstance' => 'extension/instancecustomer/classes/erlhcoreclassmodelinstance.php',
'erLhcoreClassInstance' => 'extension/instancecustomer/classes/erlhcoreclassinstance.php',
'erLhcoreClassLazyDatabaseConfiguration'=> 'extension/instancecustomer/classes/lhdb.php',
'erLhcoreClassModelInstanceInvoice' => 'extension/instancecustomer/classes/erlhcoreclassmodelinstanceinvoice.php',
'erLhcoreClassModelInstanceAlias' => 'extension/instancecustomer/classes/erlhcoreclassmodelinstancealias.php'
- Symbolic links in extensions folder should look like this
instancecustomer -> /home/www/admin/automated-hosting/instancecustomer
lhcphpresque -> /home/www/git/lhc-php-resque/lhcphpresque
instancecustomeroverride -> /home/www/admin/automated-hosting/instancecustomeroverride
nodejshelper -> /home/www/git/NodeJS-Helper/nodejshelper
Install cronjob which will remove expired instances
* * * * * cd /home/www/client/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -e instancecustomer -c cron/remove_expired
- Activate extension in main
file . It should look like
'extensions' =>
array (
Change in main
file'default_site_access' => 'eng'
to'default_site_access' => 'noneexist'
Apppend in
one more array
'noneexist' =>
array (
'locale' => 'en_EN',
'content_language' => 'en',
'dir_language' => 'ltr',
'default_url' =>
array (
'module' => 'chat',
'view' => 'startchat',
'theme' =>
array (
0 => 'customtheme',
1 => 'defaulttheme',
That's it.
- Now if you are using paypal edit your paypal button template. I recommend just create extension and override it also.
You should also set in your paypal button that it should send data in UTF8 And notify url provide E.g
Don't forget to clear cache
All changes you want to apply to automated hosting extension should go to extension folder named
<bin name><override>
- Install php-resque as described here. Extensions has to be installed for manager and client.
* * * * * www-data cd /var/app/current/scripts && ./ >> /dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * www-data cd /var/app/current/scripts && ./ >> /dev/null 2>&1
17 */8 * * * cd /home/www/manager/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -e instance -c cron/resque_archive >> /dev/null 2>&1
*/4 * * * * cd /home/www/manager/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -e instance -c cron/resque_delete >> /dev/null 2>&1
can be found here
PHP-Resque will be running itself under client directory.
* * * * * cd /home/www/cronjobs && ./ > /dev/null 2>&1
40 7 * * * /bin/touch /home/www/cronjobs/runresque.lock > /dev/null 2>&1
file content
## exit immediately if uptime is lower than 120 seconds:
uptime_secs=$(cat /proc/uptime | /bin/cut -d"." -f1)
if (( ${uptime_secs} < 120 )); then
echo "uptime lower than 120 seconds. Exit."
exit 1
if [ -f $fileCron ];
numberProcess=$(ps aux | grep "[0-9] resque-1.2: *" | awk '{print $2}' | wc -l)
if (( $numberProcess > 24 ));
echo "To many running process..."
exit 1
if [ -f $fileLock ];
kill -9 $(ps aux | grep "php resque.php" | awk '{print $2}')
kill -9 $(ps aux | grep "[0-9] resque-1.2: *" | awk '{print $2}')
cd /home/www/cronjobs/ && ./ &
rm -f $fileLock;
PIDS=`ps aux | grep '[0-9] resque-1.2: *'`
if [ -z "$PIDS" ]; then
echo "Starting resque"
cd /home/www/cronjobs/ && ./ &
file content
# live site cronjobs
echo "Running live site cronjobs"
cd /home/www/client/lhc_web
REDIS_BACKEND=localhost:6379 INTERVAL=5 REDIS_BACKEND_DB=1 COUNT=24 VERBOSE=0 QUEUE='*' /usr/bin/php resque.php 2>&1
In lhc_web/extension/lhcphpresque/settings/settings.ini.php
change 'automated_hosting' => true,
Install NodeJS as described here NodeJS has to be installed only on client instance.
Sample settings
return array(
'connect_db' => 'localhost',
'connect_db_id' => 0,
'connect_db_pass' => null,
'automated_hosting' => true,
'public_settings' => array(
'hostname' => (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? explode(':',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])[0] : null),
'path' => '/socketcluster/',
'port' => null, //some custom port
'secure' => erLhcoreClassSystem::$httpsMode, // true || false
'track_visitors' => 0 // true || false
For any web agency looking for option to rent it to their clients without requirement to install it every time. Save time and focus on sales.
Plugin limits clients functionality just by number of request they issue (http requests) and time the request package expires. You can manage all clients in manager interface.
Each instance get's it's own database. Also uploaded files structure is different and instance id is appended to file path.
VPS with ssh access. It can be dedicated or virtual server with linux os.
Yes I do. 600$ single time fee. SSH logins will have to be provided. Permission to remove meta tag is not included in the price although combining these two I can make some significant discount. I also suggest to take a look at this commercial offer. This offer also includes NodeJS extension installation also Co-Browsing NodeJS installation.
You have to clear cache from console by executing "php cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/util/clear_cache"
- Customer site plugin
- Instance site plugin
- Cronjobs, includes shell example
Yes it does. There is api to create new instances. API class on github
Can I provide all parameters usign API for new instance which I see creating instance from back office?
Yes you can.
Just execute these commands. And everything will be upgraded
cd /var/www/admin/automated-hosting && git pull origin master
cd /var/www/manager/ && git pull origin master
cd /var/www/client/lhc_web && git pull origin master
cd /var/www/manager/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/util/update_database
cd /var/www/manager/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -e instance -c cron/update_structure
cd /var/www/manager/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -e instance -c cron/update_instances
cd /var/www/manager/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -e instance -c cron/extensions_update
cd /var/www/manager/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/util/clear_cache
cd /var/www/client/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/util/clear_cache