This is merely a project demonstrating the functionalities of a Spigot plugin development framework that I am currently working on.
Main goal is to streamline the entire infrastructure aspect of development, allowing the developer to focus on the real business features that deliver value.
There are currently supported features.
One line command declaration and registration in 2 steps :
Command executor declaration :
public class MyCommand extends CommandExecutor {
private final String message;
public MyCommand(CommandSender issuer, String[] args, String message) {
super(issuer, args);
this.message = message;
public boolean prepare() {
return true;
public boolean execute() {
return true;
Get your command parameters by name
(Name and positions are extracted from command usage declaration)
example with command usage "myCommand [myParameterName]"
public boolean prepare(){
String myParameter = getArg("myParameterName");
Integer parsedParameter = StringUtils.tryParseInteger(myParameter);
if(parsedParameter == null){
getIssuer().sendMessage("The parameter value need to be a number.")
return false;
Declaration and registration :
protected List<PluginCommand> registerCommands() {
return new ArrayList<>() {{
.setDescription("My new command description.")
.addExtraArgument("Mon message")
Inject objects like business services by adding ExtraArguments.
Automatic configuration file création.
Create a YAML config file called "myconfig.yml" in a subfolder called "subfolder"
var myConfigurationRepository = getConfigRepositoryFactory().getNewYamlRepository("subfolder", "myconfig.yml");
Will create a new file located at : [pluginFolder]/subfolder/myconfig.yml
Configuration service allow to declare key, type and default value for configuration parameter.
public class MyConfigService extends ConfigServiceBase {
@ConfigParam(paramKey = "messages")
private List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>() {{
add("&eThere are our colorized messages : ");
add("&aMessage 1 green");
add("&3Message2 blue");
add("&4Message 3 red");
add("&6Message 4 orange");
public MyConfigService(Logger logger, ConfigRepository configRepository) {
super(logger, configRepository);
@Colorized annotation will apply minecraft colors to String and elements of List.
Configuration service registration
protected List<ConfigService> registerConfigurationsServices() {
return new ArrayList<>() {{
add(new MyConfigService(...));
Complex objects are supported but extra code is needed.
Model delcaration :
public class MyCustomModel extends ConfigModel {
private int id;
private String name;
public MyCustomModel(int id, String name) { = id; = name;
public MyCustomModel(Map<String, Object> args) {
public int getId() {
return id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public ConfigModel clone() {
return new MyCustomModel(,;
Deserialization declaration :
static {
JSON Support is coming soon...