TV ObServer is an application designed for TV enthusiasts. This application allows users to search and find specific TV shows as well as recommend shows similar to their original search. The user login experience provides the audience with a personalized experience including a watchlist and schedule of their favorite shows.
TV ObServer was designed for those who:
- want to watch a specific show, but unsure where it can be streamed
- find shows similar to what they like/others are watching
- receive alerts on shows they are interested in
- From the root directory install the yarn dependencies:
- To start the Express App:
node server.js
- Make sure your MySQL database is up too
- Go to the client directory
- Install the yarn dependencies:
- To start the React App:
yarn start
- NodeJS
- ReactJS
- ExpressJS
- Bootstrap
- Google Fonts
- React Tabs
- Galderglynn Font
- React Reveal
- Cloud Icon
- TVmaze API
- TMDB - The Movie Database API
- React Scroll
Danielle LaMorte, Justin Verterano, Megan Pellegrino-Zubricky