These projects were completed during training at Yandex.Praktikum, profession "Data Science Specialist" and Kaggle competitions
Project name | Description | Problem Type | Libraries used |
01 Client Departure Prediction - Telecom | Predicting client departure based on personal data, contract and tariff | Classification | pandas, numpy, seaborn, matplotlib, datetime, scipy, warnings, time, sklearn |
02 Age Determination from Image | Determining age from a photograph | Neural Network Regression | pandas, tensorflow, seaborn, matplotlib, PIL |
03 Toxic Comments Detection | Classification of comments as positive and negative | Text Classification | pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, numpy, warnings, time, re, textblob, pymystem3, nltk, sklearn |
04 Time Series Prediction | To attract more drivers during peak periods, you need to predict the number of taxi orders for the next hour | Time Series Regression | pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, numpy, warnings, time, scipy, sklearn, lightgbm |
05 Car Cost Prediction | Determine cost of car based on technical characteristics, equipment and prices of cars | Regression | pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, numpy, warnings, time, math, sklearn, lightgbm |
06 Gold Recovery Rate Prediction | Predicting recovery rate of gold from a gold-bearing ore | Regression | pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, numpy, warnings, sklearn |
07 Best Drilling Spot Prediction | Decide where to drill the new well, based on data from 3 regions | Regression | pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, numpy, warnings, sklearn |
08 Client Departure Prediction - Bank | Predict whether the client will leave the bank in the near future or not | Classification on unbalanced data | pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, numpy, warnings, sklearn |
09 Choose the Best Tariff | Build a system that can analyze customer behavior and offer users a new tariff: "Smart" or "Ultra" | Classification | pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, numpy, sklearn |
10 Titanic | Predict what people were more likely to survive | Classification | pandas, numpy, seaborn, matplotlib, sklearn |
11 House Price Prediction | Predict final price of house based on various | Regression | pandas, numpy, seaborn, matplotlib, sklearn, xgboost |
12 Sklearn Playground | Project with synthetic data to explore Sklearn library | Regression | pandas, numpy, seaborn, matplotlib, sklearn, missingno |