git -
1. use bash shell or window command
git clone
2. or use source tree
if you have problem about permission denied, you have to use 'sudo' command.
1. global install node.js
2. select LTS version
2. global install bower(component or plugin manage tool)
npm install -g bower
if you have permission denied...
sudo npm install -g bower
3. gloabal install gulp(build tool)
npm install -g gulp-cli
if you have permission denied...
sudo npm install -g gulp-cli
----- Use terminal or cmd(window) -----
1. check your location
linux, unix : pwd
win : chdir
2. change directory to your local repasitory
cd ~/Dev/lubycon/pixelstairs-admin-front
3. install local npm and bower
- npm and bower will install pakages in pakage.json and bower.json to your local directory.
# linux or osx
npm install
# you have to install build-tools in windows
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
npm install
bower install
running virtual server
npm run serve:local // connect to local api server
npm run serve:dev // connect to dev api server
npm run build
Evan Moon 2017.06.21