Toolbox for automated station quality control for MT inversion. Please contact me for further description, help or when something does not behave as expected ;-) :
- Catalog search for teleseismic events with uniform azimuthal coverage around array
- Download of data & metadata for these events + computation of synthetic data
- Relative gain factors in time domain (relative to reference station or to synthetic data)
- Rayleigh wave polarization analysis for detection of sensor misorientations
- Comparison of obs. and synth. PSDs; determining frequency ranges suitable for MT inversion
- Test for large timing errors (resolution depends on sampling rate of synthetic data)
- second independent and interactive test for exact and reliable amplitude corrections based on phase picking in snuffler and correlating waveforms
Petersen, G. M., Cesca, S., Kriegerowski, M. (2019): Automated Quality Control for Large Seismic Networks: Implementation and Application to the AlpArray Seismic Network. - Seismological Research Letters. 90 (3): 1177–1190. DOI:
- data is downsampled to 10 Hz prior to restitution. This is necessary in case of high sampling rates to not introduce filtering errors.
- new independent and interactive test for amplitude corrections based on waveform correlations of teleseismic P phases --> please contact me for detailed instructions, I didn't have time to document the work-flow yet, but it is a great new test ;-)
- new simple test for large timing errors (not yet sufficiently tested...)
- gain test: additional method comparing max A to synthetics
- added debug mode for a nice to gain and orientation test window selection experience;) can also be used to test filter settings
- python3
- Seismology toolbox pyrocko: (Heimann et al. 2017) (and all requirements needed for pyrocko)
- To compute synthetic data a pre-calculated GF database can be downloaded using
. For instance,fomosto download kinherd global_2s
from the pyrocko environment. - for new interactive test: Grond (from the pyrocko suite of applications).
Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and openSUSE, using matplotlib version 1.5.1 and gmt version 5.4.2 (Wessel et al., 2013).
- cd into the folder where you want to do the installation
- git clone
- cd AutoStatsQ
- (sudo) python3 install
... AutoStatsQ is updated whenever new ideas are implemented or bugs found...
- cd into your AutoStatsQ installation directory
- git pull origin master
- (sudo) python3 install
show basic commands/ help:
autostatsq -h
generate an example config file:
autostatsq --generate_config
autostatsq --config name_of_config_file --run
To get detailed error/ info logging, use the -l option:
autostatsq --config name_of_config_file --run -l INFO
The default config file should look like this (without the comments):
--- !autostatsq.config.AutoStatsQConfig
- !autostatsq.config.GeneralSettings
work_dir: /some/data/directory/
list_station_lists: [/path/to/station-file/file.csv, /path/to/station-file/file.xml]
st_use_list: [STATION]
# if set, only stations in this list are considered. remove or set to [] to use all stations
# in station files.
- !autostatsq.config.CatalogConfig
search_events: true
# search gCMT catalog for events?
use_local_catalog: false
# Or use a local (already downloaded) catalog?
# Needed re-runs using same catalog.
subset_of_local_catalog: true
# Find a subset of the full catalog?
use_local_subsets: false
# Use local (already saved) subset instead?
subset_fns: {}
# if so, give here paths to subset-catalog-files: e.g.
# {'deep': 'catalog_deep_subset.txt',
# 'shallow': 'catalog_shallow_subset.txt'}
min_mag: 6.5
max_mag: 8.5
tmin_str: '2000-01-01 00:00:00'
tmax_str: '2018-10-01 00:00:00'
min_dist_km: 4000.0
max_dist_km: 20000.0
deep: [25000, 600000] # [m]
shallow: [100, 40000] # [m]
wedges_width: 15
# backazimuthal step for subset generation
# adjust to get more events, especially if time range is small
mid_point: [46.98, 10.74]
# give a rough estimate of midpoint of array/ network
# optional, if not provided a geographic station midpoint is calculated
### catalog plotting options ###
plot_catalog_all: false
# plots entire catalog on a map
plot_hist_wedges: false
# catalog statistics plot
plot_catalog_subset: false
# plots the subset(s) on a map
- !autostatsq.config.ArrTConfig
calc_first_arr_t: true
# Should first arrivals be computed?
phase_select: P|p|P(cmb)P(icb)P(icb)p(cmb)p|P(cmb)Pv(icb)p(cmb)p|P(cmb)P<(icb)(cmb)p
# which phases?
calc_est_R: true
# compute arrival time of Rayleigh waves for each station-event pair?
# (needed for orientation test)
v_rayleigh: 4.0 # [km/s] default
- !autostatsq.config.MetaDataDownloadConfig
# download of metadata and data
download_data: false
download_metadata: false
use_downmeta: true
# Set to true if downloaded metadata should be used.
# local_metadata: [stations.xml]
# list of local metadata files (uncomment if needed)
# local_data: [./data]
# list with paths to local waveform data (uncomment if needed)
# sds_structure: true
# if the local waveform data is saved in sds structure, set to true!
# otherwise assessing local data might be very slow in case of large amounts of data.
# working on it...
# local_data_only: true
# if only local, no freshly downloaded data is used
channels_download: HH*
# '*' would download all and analyse the most broadband channel for each
# station
geofon: /path/to/token/token.asc
# delete token-dictionary, if no token needed for fdsn query
sites: [geofon, orfeus, iris]
dt_start: 0.1
# start time before origin time [h]
dt_end: 1.5
# end time after origin time [h]
- !autostatsq.config.RestDownRotConfig
# restitution, downsampling and rotation of data
# required for all tests
rest_data: false
freqlim: [0.005, 0.01, 0.2, 0.25] # [Hz]
rotate_data: false
deltat_down: 2 [s]
# set deltat_down to 0.0 if no downsampling is wanted. (This will slow down everything,
# and the PSD-test does only work if the sampling freuqency of synthtic and real data is
# the same.)
- !autostatsq.config.SynthDataConfig
# computation of synthetic data
# needed for PSD-test only, can otherwise be left out
make_syn_data: false
engine_path: /path/to/GF_stores
store_id: global_2s
- !autostatsq.config.GainfactorsConfig
# settings for first test
calc_gainfactors: false
- reference_nsl
- [GE, MATE]
### describe different methods
corner_hp: 0.01 # [Hz]
corner_lp: 0.2 # [Hz]
order: 4
taper_xfrac: 0.25 # [s]
wdw_st_arr: 5
wdw_sp_arr: 60
# time window around P phase onset, start [s] before and end [s] after theo. arrival time
snr_thresh: 2. # threshold for snr of used event
debug_mode: false # if true, time windows are opened in snuffler to check window settings.
phase_select: first(P|p|P(cmb)P(icb)P(icb)p(cmb)p|P(cmb)Pv(icb)p(cmb)p|P(cmb)P<(icb)(cmb)p)
components: [Z, R, T]
# plotting options
plot_median_gain_on_map: false
plot_allgains: false
- !autostatsq.config.PSDConfig
# settings for PSD test
calc_psd: false
tinc: 600 # [s]
tpad: 200 # [s]
dt_start: 60 # [s] start before arrival of first P phases
dt_end: 120 # [s] end before arrival of Rayleigh waves
n_poly: 25
norm_factor: 50
f_ign: 0.02 # [Hz]
only_first: true # outputs only first "flat" frequency range
plot_psds: false
plot_ratio_extra: false
plot_m_rat: false
plot_flat_ranges: false
- !autostatsq.config.OrientConfig
# settings for orientation test
orient_rayl: false
bandpass: [3.0, 0.01, 0.05] # [Hz]
start_before_ev: 30.0 # start befor theo. Rayleigh wave arrival, [s]
stop_after_ev: 480.0 # end after theo. Rayleigh wave arrival, [s]
ccmin: 0.80
# min. cross-correlation value. results below this value will not be
# considered
debug_mode: false
# if true, time windows are opened in snuffler to check window settings.
plot_heatmap: false
# plot correction angle vs. cross-correlation value as imshow heatmap
# usually distibution plot is better.
plot_distr: false
# plot correction angle vs. cross-correlation value
# usually distibution plot is better.
plot_orient_map_fromfile: false
# plot a map with correction angles as lines
plot_angles_vs_events: false
# plot angle vs single events, one plot for each station
- !autostatsq.config.TimingConfig
# simple test for large timing errors
timing_test: false
bandpass: [3, 0.01, 0.1]
time_wdw: [firstP, 600]
cc_thresh: 0.7
search_locations: false
debug_mode: false
- !autostatsq.config.TeleCheckConfig
tele_check: false
- !autostatsq.config.maps
# settings for all output maps
map_size: [30.0, 30.0]
pl_opt: [46, 11.75, 800000]
# mid point of map (lat, lon) and radius [m]
pl_topo: false
# plotting topography can be very slow,
# topographic data will be downloaded first
Lists of stations as input can be in pyrocko station format, as station-xml or as comma-spread-file with columns: network code, station code, latitude (float), longitude(float), station elevation [km], station depth [km]. Please use the file extensions
- make a working directory
- prepare station list for input
- generate a template config file (
autostatsq --generate_config GENERATE_CONFIG
) and adjust the settings - it might be helpful to not run the toolbox in one run, but go though it step-by-step, setting the current step to
and the others tofalse
... (autostatsq --config my_config_file --run RUN
Gain test:
- yaml files with median, mean and standard deviation of Ai,j/Ai,ref; i: event, j: station
- csv files with Ai,j/Ai,ref for all events and all stations
- optional: maps showing median log. Ai,j/Ai,ref for all stations and components
- optional: ...
Orientation test:
- yaml file with median, mean and standard deviation of obtained correction angle
- yaml file with polarity errors
- yaml file containing all results for all stations and single events
- optional: map showing the median correction angle; figures showing cc value vs correction angle for each event and station; figure showing correction angle over time for each station
PSD test:
- flat freq ranges in yaml file for each station and component
- optional: synth. and real PSDs
- optional: plots showing fit through PSD ratios
Wessel, P., Smith, W. H.~F., Scharroo, R., Luis, J.~F., and Wobbe, F. (2013). Generic Mapping Tools: Improved version released. EOS Trans. AGU, 94:409--410.
Heimann, S., Kriegerowski, M., Isken, M., Cesca, S., Daout, S., Grigoli, F., Juretzek, C., Megies, T., Nooshiri, N., Steinberg, A., Sudhaus, H., Vasyura-Bathke, H., Willey, T., and Dahm, T. (2017). Pyrocko - an open-source seismology toolbox and library. v. 0.3. GFZ Data Services.