TrelloRestApi - JavaScript client for Trello
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var TrelloRestApi = require('trello_rest_api');
var defaultClient = TrelloRestApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: APIKey
var APIKey = defaultClient.authentications['APIKey'];
APIKey.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//APIKey.apiKeyPrefix['key'] = "Token"
// Configure API key authorization: APIToken
var APIToken = defaultClient.authentications['APIToken'];
APIToken.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//APIToken.apiKeyPrefix['token'] = "Token"
var api = new TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi()
var key = "key_example"; // {String}
var key2 = "key_example"; // {String} The API key to use
var token = "token_example"; // {String} The API token to use
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully.');
api.applicationsKeyCompliance(key, key2, token, callback);
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | applicationsKeyCompliance | GET /applications/{key}/compliance | Get Application's compliance data |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | boardsIdChecklists | GET /boards/{id}/checklists | Get Checklists on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | boardsidmembersidmember | DELETE /boards/{id}/members/{idMember} | Remove Member from Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | cardsidmembersvoted1 | POST /cards/{id}/membersVoted | Add Member vote to Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteActionsId | DELETE /actions/{id} | Delete an Action |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteActionsIdactionReactionsId | DELETE /actions/{idAction}/reactions/{id} | Delete Action's Reaction |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteBoardsId | DELETE /boards/{id} | Delete a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteBoardsIdBoardplugins | DELETE /boards/{id}/boardPlugins/{idPlugin} | Disable a Power-Up on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteBoardsIdPowerups | DELETE /boards/{id}/powerUps/{powerUp} | Disable Power-Up on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteCardsId | DELETE /cards/{id} | Delete a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteCardsIdActionsIdComments | DELETE /cards/{id}/actions/{idAction}/comments | Delete a comment on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteCardsIdCheckitemIdcheckitem | DELETE /cards/{id}/checkItem/{idCheckItem} | Delete checkItem on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteCardsIdChecklistsIdchecklist | DELETE /cards/{id}/checklists/{idChecklist} | Delete a Checklist on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteCardsIdIdlabelsIdlabel | DELETE /cards/{id}/idLabels/{idLabel} | Remove a Label from a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteCardsIdMembersvotedIdmember | DELETE /cards/{id}/membersVoted/{idMember} | Remove a Member's Vote on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteCardsIdStickersIdsticker | DELETE /cards/{id}/stickers/{idSticker} | Delete a Sticker on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteChecklistsId | DELETE /checklists/{id} | Delete a Checklist |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteChecklistsIdCheckitemsIdcheckitem | DELETE /checklists/{id}/checkItems/{idCheckItem} | Delete Checkitem from Checklist |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteCustomfieldsId | DELETE /customFields/{id} | Delete a Custom Field definition |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteCustomfieldsOptionsIdcustomfieldoption | DELETE /customFields/{id}/options/{idCustomFieldOption} | Delete Option of Custom Field dropdown |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteEnterprisesIdOrganizationsIdorg | DELETE /enterprises/{id}/organizations/{idOrg} | Delete an Organization from an Enterprise. |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteIdIdmembersIdmember | DELETE /cards/{id}/idMembers/{idMember} | Remove a Member from a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteLabelsId | DELETE /labels/{id} | Delete a Label |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteMembersIdBoardbackgroundsIdbackground | DELETE /members/{id}/boardBackgrounds/{idBackground} | Delete a Member's custom Board background |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteMembersIdBoardstarsIdstar | DELETE /members/{id}/boardStars/{idStar} | Delete Star for Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteMembersIdCustomboardbackgroundsIdbackground | DELETE /members/{id}/customBoardBackgrounds/{idBackground} | Delete custom Board Background of Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteMembersIdCustomstickersIdsticker | DELETE /members/{id}/customStickers/{idSticker} | Delete a Member's custom Sticker |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteMembersIdSavedsearchesIdsearch | DELETE /members/{id}/savedSearches/{idSearch} | Delete a saved search |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteOrganizationsId | DELETE /organizations/{id} | Delete an Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteOrganizationsIdLogo | DELETE /organizations/{id}/logo | Delete Logo for Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteOrganizationsIdMembers | DELETE /organizations/{id}/members/{idMember} | Remove a Member from an Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteOrganizationsIdPrefsAssociateddomain | DELETE /organizations/{id}/prefs/associatedDomain | Remove the associated Google Apps domain from a team |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteOrganizationsIdPrefsOrginviterestrict | DELETE /organizations/{id}/prefs/orgInviteRestrict | Delete the email domain restriction on who can be invited to the team |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteOrganizationsIdTagsIdtag | DELETE /organizations/{id}/tags/{idTag} | Delete an Organization's Tag |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteToken | DELETE /tokens/{token}/ | Delete a Token |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteTokensTokenWebhooksIdwebhook | DELETE /tokens/{token}/webhooks/{idWebhook} | Delete a Webhook created by Token |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deleteWebhooksId | DELETE /webhooks/{id} | Delete a Webhook |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | deletedCardsIdAttachmentsIdattachment | DELETE /cards/{id}/attachments/{idAttachment} | Delete an Attachment on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | emoji | GET /emoji | List available Emoji |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | enterprisesIdMembersIdMemberDeactivated | PUT /enterprises/{id}/members/{idMember}/deactivated | Deactivate a Member of an Enterprise. |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | enterprisesIdOrganizationsIdmember | DELETE /enterprises/{id}/organizations/{idMember} | Remove a Member as admin from Enterprise. |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getActionsId | GET /actions/{id} | Get an Action |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getActionsIdBoard | GET /actions/{id}/board | Get the Board for an Action |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getActionsIdCard | GET /actions/{id}/card | Get the Card for an Action |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getActionsIdField | GET /actions/{id}/{field} | Get a specific field on an Action |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getActionsIdList | GET /actions/{id}/list | Get the List for an Action |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getActionsIdMember | GET /actions/{id}/member | Get the Member of an Action |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getActionsIdMembercreator | GET /actions/{id}/memberCreator | Get the Member Creator of an Action |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getActionsIdOrganization | GET /actions/{id}/organization | Get the Organization of an Action |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getActionsIdactionReactions | GET /actions/{idAction}/reactions | Get Action's Reactions |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getActionsIdactionReactionsId | GET /actions/{idAction}/reactions/{id} | Get Action's Reaction |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getActionsIdactionReactionsummary | GET /actions/{idAction}/reactionsSummary | List Action's summary of Reactions |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBatch | GET /batch | Batch Requests |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardIdPlugins | GET /boards/{id}/plugins | Get Power-Ups on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsId | GET /boards/{id} | Get a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdActions | GET /boards/{boardId}/actions | Get Actions of a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdBoardplugins | GET /boards/{id}/boardPlugins | Get Enabled Power-Ups on Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdBoardstars | GET /boards/{boardId}/boardStars | Get boardStars on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdCards | GET /boards/{id}/cards | Get Cards on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdCardsFilter | GET /boards/{id}/cards/{filter} | Get filtered Cards on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdCardsIdcard | GET /boards/{id}/cards/{idCard} | Get a Card on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdCustomfields | GET /boards/{id}/customFields | Get Custom Fields for Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdField | GET /boards/{id}/{field} | Get a field on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdLabels | GET /boards/{id}/labels | Get Labels on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdLists | GET /boards/{id}/lists | Get Lists on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdListsFilter | GET /boards/{id}/lists/{filter} | Get filtered Lists on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdMembers | GET /boards/{id}/members | Get the Members of a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getBoardsIdMemberships | GET /boards/{id}/memberships | Get Memberships of a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsId | GET /cards/{id} | Get a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdActions | GET /cards/{id}/actions | Get Actions on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdAttachments | GET /cards/{id}/attachments | Get Attachments on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdAttachmentsIdattachment | GET /cards/{id}/attachments/{idAttachment} | Get an Attachment on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdBoard | GET /cards/{id}/board | Get the Board the Card is on |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdCheckitemIdcheckitem | GET /cards/{id}/checkItem/{idCheckItem} | Get checkItem on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdCheckitemstates | GET /cards/{id}/checkItemStates | Get checkItems on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdChecklists | GET /cards/{id}/checklists | Get Checklists on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdCustomfielditems | GET /cards/{id}/customFieldItems | Get Custom Field Items for a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdField | GET /cards/{id}/{field} | Get a field on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdList | GET /cards/{id}/list | Get the List of a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdMembers | GET /cards/{id}/members | Get the Members of a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdMembersvoted | GET /cards/{id}/membersVoted | Get Members who have voted on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdPlugindata | GET /cards/{id}/pluginData | Get pluginData on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdStickers | GET /cards/{id}/stickers | Get Stickers on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCardsIdStickersIdsticker | GET /cards/{id}/stickers/{idSticker} | Get a Sticker on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getChecklistsId | GET /checklists/{id} | Get a Checklist |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getChecklistsIdBoard | GET /checklists/{id}/board | Get the Board the Checklist is on |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getChecklistsIdCards | GET /checklists/{id}/cards | Get the Card a Checklist is on |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getChecklistsIdCheckitems | GET /checklists/{id}/checkItems | Get Checkitems on a Checklist |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getChecklistsIdCheckitemsIdcheckitem | GET /checklists/{id}/checkItems/{idCheckItem} | Get a Checkitem on a Checklist |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getChecklistsIdField | GET /checklists/{id}/{field} | Get field on a Checklist |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCustomfieldsId | GET /customFields/{id} | Get a Custom Field |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCustomfieldsIdOptions | POST /customFields/{id}/options | Add Option to Custom Field dropdown |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getCustomfieldsOptionsIdcustomfieldoption | GET /customFields/{id}/options/{idCustomFieldOption} | Get Option of Custom Field dropdown |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getEnterprisesId | GET /enterprises/{id} | Get an Enterprise |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getEnterprisesIdAdmins | GET /enterprises/{id}/admins | Get Enterprise admin Members |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getEnterprisesIdAuditlog | GET /enterprises/{id}/auditlog | Get auditlog data for an Enterprise |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getEnterprisesIdMembers | GET /enterprises/{id}/members | Get Members of Enterprise |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getEnterprisesIdMembersIdmember | GET /enterprises/{id}/members/{idMember} | Get a Member of Enterprise |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getEnterprisesIdSignupurl | GET /enterprises/{id}/signupUrl | Get signupUrl for Enterprise |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getEnterprisesIdTransferrableOrganizationIdOrganization | GET /enterprises/{id}/transferrable/organization/{idOrganization} | Get whether an organization can be transferred to an enterprise. |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getLabelsId | GET /labels/{id} | Get a Label |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getListsId | GET /lists/{id} | Get a List |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getListsIdActions | GET /lists/{id}/actions | Get Actions for a List |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getListsIdBoard | GET /lists/{id}/board | Get the Board a List is on |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getListsIdCards | GET /lists/{id}/cards | Get Cards in a List |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdActions | GET /members/{id}/actions | Get a Member's Actions |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdBoardbackgrounds | GET /members/{id}/boardBackgrounds | Get Member's custom Board backgrounds |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdBoardbackgroundsIdbackground | GET /members/{id}/boardBackgrounds/{idBackground} | Get a boardBackground of a Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdBoards | GET /members/{id}/boards | Get Boards that Member belongs to |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdBoardsinvited | GET /members/{id}/boardsInvited | Get Boards the Member has been invited to |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdBoardstars | GET /members/{id}/boardStars | Get a Member's boardStars |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdBoardstarsIdstar | GET /members/{id}/boardStars/{idStar} | Get a boardStar of Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdCards | GET /members/{id}/cards | Get Cards the Member is on |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdCustomboardbackgrounds | GET /members/{id}/customBoardBackgrounds | Get a Member's custom Board Backgrounds |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdCustomboardbackgroundsIdbackground | GET /members/{id}/customBoardBackgrounds/{idBackground} | Get custom Board Background of Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdCustomemoji | GET /members/{id}/customEmoji | Get a Member's customEmojis |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdCustomstickers | GET /members/{id}/customStickers | Get Member's custom Stickers |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdCustomstickersIdsticker | GET /members/{id}/customStickers/{idSticker} | Get a Member's custom Sticker |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdField | GET /members/{id}/{field} | Get a field on a Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdNotifications | GET /members/{id}/notifications | Get Member's Notifications |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdOrganizations | GET /members/{id}/organizations | Get Member's Organizations |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdOrganizationsinvited | GET /members/{id}/organizationsInvited | Get Organizations a Member has been invited to |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdSavedsearches | GET /members/{id}/savedSearches | Get Member's saved searched |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdSavedsearchesIdsearch | GET /members/{id}/savedSearches/{idSearch} | Get a saved search |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersIdTokens | GET /members/{id}/tokens | Get Member's Tokens |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getMembersid | GET /members/{id} | Get a Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getNotificationsId | GET /notifications/{id} | Get a Notification |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getNotificationsIdBoard | GET /notifications/{id}/board | Get the Board a Notification is on |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getNotificationsIdCard | GET /notifications/{id}/card | Get the Card a Notification is on |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getNotificationsIdField | GET /notifications/{id}/{field} | Get a field of a Notification |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getNotificationsIdList | GET /notifications/{id}/list | Get the List a Notification is on |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getNotificationsIdMembercreator | GET /notifications/{id}/memberCreator | Get the Member who created the Notification |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getNotificationsIdOrganization | GET /notifications/{id}/organization | Get a Notification's associated Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getOrganizationsId | GET /organizations/{id} | Get an Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getOrganizationsIdActions | GET /organizations/{id}/actions | Get Actions for Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getOrganizationsIdBoards | GET /organizations/{id}/boards | Get Boards in an Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getOrganizationsIdExports | GET /organizations/{id}/exports | Retrieve Organization's Exports |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getOrganizationsIdField | GET /organizations/{id}/{field} | Get field on Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getOrganizationsIdMembers | GET /organizations/{id}/members | Get the Members of an Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getOrganizationsIdMemberships | GET /organizations/{id}/memberships | Get Memberships of an Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getOrganizationsIdMembershipsIdmembership | GET /organizations/{id}/memberships/{idMembership} | Get a Membership of an Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getOrganizationsIdNewbillableguestsIdboard | GET /organizations/{id}/newBillableGuests/{idBoard} | Get Organizations new billable guests |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getOrganizationsIdPlugindata | GET /organizations/{id}/pluginData | Get the pluginData Scoped to Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getOrganizationsIdTags | GET /organizations/{id}/tags | Get Tags of an Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getPluginsId | GET /plugins/{id}/ | Get a Plugin |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getPluginsIdComplianceMemberprivacy | GET /plugins/{id}/compliance/memberPrivacy | Get Plugin's Member privacy compliance |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getSearch | GET /search | Search Trello |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getSearchMembers | GET /search/members/ | Search for Members |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getTokensToken | GET /tokens/{token} | Get a Token |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getTokensTokenMember | GET /tokens/{token}/member | Get Token's Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getTokensTokenWebhooks | GET /tokens/{token}/webhooks | Get Webhooks for Token |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getTokensTokenWebhooksIdwebhook | GET /tokens/{token}/webhooks/{idWebhook} | Get a Webhook belonging to a Token |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | getWebhooksId | GET /webhooks/{id} | Get a Webhook |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | membersidavatar | POST /members/{id}/avatar | Create Avatar for Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | membersidcustomboardbackgrounds1 | POST /members/{id}/customBoardBackgrounds | Create a new custom Board Background |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | membersidcustomemojiidemoji | GET /members/{id}/customEmoji/{idEmoji} | Get a Member's custom Emoji |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | notificationsidmember | GET /notifications/{id}/member | Get the Member a Notification is about (not the creator) |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | organizationsIdMembersIdmemberAll | DELETE /organizations/{id}/members/{idMember}/all | Remove a Member from an Organization and all Organization Boards |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postActionsIdactionReactions | POST /actions/{idAction}/reactions | Create Reaction for Action |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postBoards | POST /boards/ | Create a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postBoardsIdBoardplugins | POST /boards/{id}/boardPlugins | Enable a Power-Up on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postBoardsIdCalendarkeyGenerate | POST /boards/{id}/calendarKey/generate | Create a calendarKey for a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postBoardsIdChecklists | POST /boards/{id}/checklists | Create Checklist on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postBoardsIdEmailkeyGenerate | POST /boards/{id}/emailKey/generate | Create a emailKey for a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postBoardsIdIdtags | POST /boards/{id}/idTags | Create a Tag for a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postBoardsIdLabels | POST /boards/{id}/labels | Create a Label on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postBoardsIdLists | POST /boards/{id}/lists | Create a List on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postBoardsIdMarkedasviewed | POST /boards/{id}/markedAsViewed | Mark Board as viewed |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postBoardsIdPowerups | POST /boards/{id}/powerUps | Enable Power-Up on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postCards | POST /cards | Create a new Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postCardsIdActionsComments | POST /cards/{id}/actions/comments | Add a new comment to a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postCardsIdAttachments | POST /cards/{id}/attachments | Create Attachment On Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postCardsIdChecklists | POST /cards/{id}/checklists | Create Checklist on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postCardsIdIdlabels | POST /cards/{id}/idLabels | Add a Label to a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postCardsIdIdmembers | POST /cards/{id}/idMembers | Add a Member to a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postCardsIdLabels | POST /cards/{id}/labels | Create a new Label on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postCardsIdMarkassociatednotificationsread | POST /cards/{id}/markAssociatedNotificationsRead | Mark a Card's Notifications as read |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postCardsIdStickers | POST /cards/{id}/stickers | Add a Sticker to a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postChecklists | POST /checklists | Create a Checklist |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postChecklistsIdCheckitems | POST /checklists/{id}/checkItems | Create Checkitem on Checklist |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postCustomfields | POST /customFields | Create a new Custom Field on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postCustomfieldsIdOptions | GET /customFields/{id}/options | Get Options of Custom Field drop down |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postEnterprisesIdTokens | POST /enterprises/{id}/tokens | Create an auth Token for an Enterprise. |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postLabels | POST /labels | Create a Label |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postLists | POST /lists | Create a new List |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postListsIdArchiveallcards | POST /lists/{id}/archiveAllCards | Archive all Cards in List |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postListsIdMoveallcards | POST /lists/{id}/moveAllCards | Move all Cards in List |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postMembersIdBoardbackgrounds1 | POST /members/{id}/boardBackgrounds | Upload new boardBackground for Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postMembersIdBoardstars | POST /members/{id}/boardStars | Create Star for Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postMembersIdCustomemoji | POST /members/{id}/customEmoji | Create custom Emoji for Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postMembersIdCustomstickers | POST /members/{id}/customStickers | Create custom Sticker for Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postMembersIdOnetimemessagesdismissed | POST /members/{id}/oneTimeMessagesDismissed | Dismiss a message for Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postMembersIdSavedsearches | POST /members/{id}/savedSearches | Create saved Search for Memer |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postNotificationsAllRead | POST /notifications/all/read | Mark all Notifications as read |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postOrganizations | POST /organizations | Create a new Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postOrganizationsIdExports | POST /organizations/{id}/exports | Create Export for Organizations |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postOrganizationsIdLogo | POST /organizations/{id}/logo | Update logo for an Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postOrganizationsIdTags | POST /organizations/{id}/tags | Create a Tag in Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postPluginsIdpluginListing | POST /plugins/{idPlugin}/listing | Create a Listing for Plugin |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postTokensTokenWebhooks | POST /tokens/{token}/webhooks | Create Webhooks for Token |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | postWebhooks | POST /webhooks/ | Create a Webhook |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putActionsId | PUT /actions/{id} | Update an Action |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putActionsIdText | PUT /actions/{id}/text | Update a Comment Action |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putBoardsId | PUT /boards/{id} | Update a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putBoardsIdMembers | PUT /boards/{id}/members | Invite Member to Board via email |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putBoardsIdMembersIdmember | PUT /boards/{id}/members/{idMember} | Add a Member to a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putBoardsIdMembershipsIdmembership | PUT /boards/{id}/memberships/{idMembership} | Update Membership of Member on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putBoardsIdMyPrefsShowlistguide | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/showListGuide | Update showListGuide Pref on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putBoardsIdMyPrefsShowsidebar | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/showSidebar | Update showSidebar Pref on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putBoardsIdMyPrefsShowsidebaractivity | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/showSidebarActivity | Update showSidebarActivity Pref on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putBoardsIdMyPrefsShowsidebarboardactions | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/showSidebarBoardActions | Update showSidebarBoardActions Pref on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putBoardsIdMyPrefsShowsidebarmembers | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/showSidebarMembers | Update showSidebarMembers Pref on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putBoardsIdMyprefsEmailposition | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/emailPosition | Update emailPosition Pref on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putBoardsIdMyprefsIdemaillist | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/idEmailList | Update idEmailList Pref on a Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putCardsId | PUT /cards/{id} | Update a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putCardsIdActionsIdactionComments | PUT /cards/{id}/actions/{idAction}/comments | Update Comment Action on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putCardsIdCheckitemIdcheckitem | PUT /cards/{id}/checkItem/{idCheckItem} | Update a checkItem on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putCardsIdStickersIdsticker | PUT /cards/{id}/stickers/{idSticker} | Update a Sticker on a Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putCardsIdcardChecklistIdchecklistCheckitemIdcheckitem | PUT /cards/{idCard}/checklist/{idChecklist}/checkItem/{idCheckItem} | Update Checkitem on Checklist on Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putCardsIdcardCustomfieldIdcustomfieldItem | PUT /cards/{idCard}/customField/{idCustomField}/item | Update Custom Field item on Card |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putChecklistsIdField | PUT /checklists/{id}/{field} | Update field on a Checklist |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putCheclistsId | PUT /checklists/{id} | Update a Checklist |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putCustomfieldsId | PUT /customFields/{id} | Update a Custom Field definition |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putEnterprisesIdAdminsIdmember | PUT /enterprises/{id}/admins/{idMember} | Update Member to be admin of Enterprise |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putEnterprisesIdMembersIdmemberLicensed | PUT /enterprises/{id}/members/{idMember}/licensed | Update a Member's licensed status |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putEnterprisesIdOrganizations | PUT /enterprises/{id}/organizations | Transfer an Organization to an Enterprise. |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putIdIdboard | PUT /lists/{id}/idBoard | Move List to Board |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putLabelsId | PUT /labels/{id} | Update a Label |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putLabelsIdField | PUT /labels/{id}/{field} | Update a field on a label |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putListsId | PUT /lists/{id} | Update a List |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putListsIdClosed | PUT /lists/{id}/closed | Archive or unarchive a list |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putListsIdField | PUT /lists/{id}/{field} | Update a field on a List |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putMembersId | PUT /members/{id} | Update a Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putMembersIdBoardbackgroundsIdbackground | PUT /members/{id}/boardBackgrounds/{idBackground} | Update a Member's custom Board background |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putMembersIdBoardstarsIdstar | PUT /members/{id}/boardStars/{idStar} | Update the position of a boardStar of Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putMembersIdCustomboardbackgroundsIdbackground | PUT /members/{id}/customBoardBackgrounds/{idBackground} | Update custom Board Background of Member |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putMembersIdSavedsearchesIdsearch | PUT /members/{id}/savedSearches/{idSearch} | Update a saved search |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putNotificationsId | PUT /notifications/{id} | Update a Notification's read status |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putNotificationsIdUnread | PUT /notifications/{id}/unread | Update Notification's read status |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putOrganizationsId | PUT /organizations/{id} | Update an Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putOrganizationsIdMembers | PUT /organizations/{id}/members | Update an Organization's Members |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putOrganizationsIdMembersIdmember | PUT /organizations/{id}/members/{idMember} | Update a Member of an Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putOrganizationsIdMembersIdmemberDeactivated | PUT /organizations/{id}/members/{idMember}/deactivated | Deactivate or reactivate a member of an Organization |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putPluginsId | PUT /plugins/{id}/ | Update a Plugin |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putPluginsIdpluginListingsIdlisting | PUT /plugins/{idPlugin}/listings/{idListing} | Updating Plugin's Listing |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | putWebhooksId | PUT /webhooks/{id} | Update a Webhook |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | tokenstokenwebhooks1 | PUT /tokens/{token}/webhooks/{idWebhook} | Update a Webhook created by Token |
TrelloRestApi.DefaultApi | webhooksidfield | GET /webhooks/{id}/{field} | Get a field on a Webhook |
- TrelloRestApi.Action
- TrelloRestApi.ActionData
- TrelloRestApi.ActionDataBoard
- TrelloRestApi.ActionDataCard
- TrelloRestApi.ActionDataList
- TrelloRestApi.ActionDisplay
- TrelloRestApi.ActionDisplayEntities
- TrelloRestApi.ActionDisplayEntitiesCard
- TrelloRestApi.ActionDisplayEntitiesComment
- TrelloRestApi.ActionDisplayEntitiesContextOn
- TrelloRestApi.ActionDisplayEntitiesMemberCreator
- TrelloRestApi.ActionFields
- TrelloRestApi.ActionLimits
- TrelloRestApi.ActionLimitsReactions
- TrelloRestApi.ActionLimitsReactionsPerAction
- TrelloRestApi.ActionMemberCreator
- TrelloRestApi.Attachment
- TrelloRestApi.AttachmentFields
- TrelloRestApi.Board
- TrelloRestApi.BoardBackground
- TrelloRestApi.BoardFields
- TrelloRestApi.BoardLabelNames
- TrelloRestApi.BoardStars
- TrelloRestApi.CFValue
- TrelloRestApi.Card
- TrelloRestApi.CardBadges
- TrelloRestApi.CardBadgesAttachmentsByType
- TrelloRestApi.CardBadgesAttachmentsByTypeTrello
- TrelloRestApi.CardCover
- TrelloRestApi.CardDescData
- TrelloRestApi.CardFields
- TrelloRestApi.CardsIdValue
- TrelloRestApi.CheckItem
- TrelloRestApi.Checklist
- TrelloRestApi.Color
- TrelloRestApi.Cover
- TrelloRestApi.CustomEmoji
- TrelloRestApi.CustomField
- TrelloRestApi.CustomFieldDisplay
- TrelloRestApi.CustomFieldDisplayOptions
- TrelloRestApi.CustomFieldDisplayValue
- TrelloRestApi.CustomFieldItemValue
- TrelloRestApi.CustomFieldItems
- TrelloRestApi.CustomFieldItemsValue
- TrelloRestApi.CustomSticker
- TrelloRestApi.CustomStickerScaled
- TrelloRestApi.Emoji
- TrelloRestApi.EmojiTrello
- TrelloRestApi.Enterprise
- TrelloRestApi.EnterpriseIdp
- TrelloRestApi.EnterpriseLicenses
- TrelloRestApi.EnterpriseOrganizationPrefs
- TrelloRestApi.EnterprisePrefs
- TrelloRestApi.EnterprisePrefsSignup
- TrelloRestApi.Error
- TrelloRestApi.ExportStatus
- TrelloRestApi.InlineObject
- TrelloRestApi.InlineObject1
- TrelloRestApi.InlineObject2
- TrelloRestApi.InlineObject3
- TrelloRestApi.InlineObject4
- TrelloRestApi.InlineObject5
- TrelloRestApi.Label
- TrelloRestApi.Limits
- TrelloRestApi.LimitsAttachments
- TrelloRestApi.LimitsObject
- TrelloRestApi.List
- TrelloRestApi.ListFields
- TrelloRestApi.Member
- TrelloRestApi.MemberFields
- TrelloRestApi.MemberMarketingOptIn
- TrelloRestApi.MemberMessagesDismissed
- TrelloRestApi.MemberPrefs
- TrelloRestApi.MemberPrefsPrivacy
- TrelloRestApi.MemberPrefsTimezoneInfo
- TrelloRestApi.MemberPrefsTwoFactor
- TrelloRestApi.Memberships
- TrelloRestApi.ModelExport
- TrelloRestApi.Notification
- TrelloRestApi.NotificationFields
- TrelloRestApi.Organization
- TrelloRestApi.OrganizationFields
- TrelloRestApi.Plugin
- TrelloRestApi.PluginData
- TrelloRestApi.PluginListing
- TrelloRestApi.PosStringOrNumber
- TrelloRestApi.Prefs
- TrelloRestApi.SavedSearch
- TrelloRestApi.Tag
- TrelloRestApi.Token
- TrelloRestApi.TokenFields
- TrelloRestApi.TokenPermission
- TrelloRestApi.ViewFilter
- TrelloRestApi.Webhook
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: key
- Location: URL query string
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: token
- Location: URL query string
This library is fully generated from OpenAPI definitions files :