Python 2D Game Engine
Documentation :
- Python 3
- PyGame 2
- PyQt 5
- Python 3
- PyGame 2
- Assets : Textures, Scripts, Scenes, Sound
- Child system
- Rotation, scale, position with a component
- Animation, Sprite, Spritesheet and Text rendering
- Sound and Music playing
- Collision detection with Callback
- Ultra-basic physics (only Gravity) without engine
- Basic UI with Buttons
- Build and Launch System
- Utility Classes
- Particles System
- Translation System
- Save System
- Player Settings System
Warning : This is a non-exhaustive list and subject to change.
- Prefabs
- More UI
- Translation of PyEngine4
- Themes for PyEngine4
- New Components : ShapeComponent
- Integration of a 2D physics Engine
Caption : [+] Addition, [~] Modification, [-] Deletion, [#] Bug fix
- [+] Debug Mode
- [+] Game Save System
- [+] Game Settings
- [+] Camera System
- [+] Particle System
- [+] Translation System
- [+] Z-Index
- [+] Adding background in TextComponent
- [+] Utils functions : distance_between_rect
- [+] Engine functions : get_game_size, take_screenshot
- [+] Components : LabelComponent, ImageComponent
- [~] Little work on Project Building
- [~] Little work on Vec2 (and some Bug Fixes)
- [~] Move graphic anchor to the center of game object
- [~] Create submenus to components adding menu
- [#] Project with other name than Pong can't be launched
- [#] Crash when rightclick on GameObjectPropertiesComponent
- [+] Engine Settings
- [+] Utility classes : Vec2, Color, Math
- [+] requirements.txt
- [+] Components : ButtonComponent, TimeScaleComponent, MusicComponent, SoundComponent, AnimComponent
- [+] Assets : Sounds
- [+] Project Settings : Number of mixer channels
- [+] Pong assets in project_files (must be relinked to project)
- [+] Color picker in components widgets
- [+] Tag in GameObject
- [~] Open a project from a different version of PE4
- [~] Upgrade UI of ComponentsWidget and AssetsExplorer
- [~] Can now use more than one key for ControlComponent
- [~] Specify size of collision in CollisionComponent
- [~] Modification of Game Properties is now apply (title, width, height)
- [~] Textures have their own directory in build
- [~] You can now drag and drop scripts to ScriptComponent and textures to SpriteComponent or SpriteSheetComponent
- [#] Down_keys and Down_mousebutton in Engine can make crash
- [#] Missing Assets make crashes
- [#] Can't launch game if Sound or Texture path is None
- [#] Create gameobject without opened scene make crash
- First version