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The App Allows you to perform CRUD operations on reading lists and also on books within each reading list.

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Mohammed Ehab's Reading Lists App

Table of Contents


The App Allows you to perform CRUD operations on reading lists and also on books within each reading list.

How to Use the APP?

What was implemented and Technologies used?

  • Backend
    • Redis NoSQL Database.
    • Express.js Node Backend Server.
    • Supertest + Jest for Backend Testing.
    • Backend CI/CD. Automatic test running and deployments upon commits to master.
    • API Detailed Documentation.
  • Frontend
    • Responsive React Frontend (Tested for mobile & desktop).
    • Axios for server calls and Open Library API calls for search, and book covers.
  • Hosting
    • Backend hosted at Onrender.
    • Frontend hosted at Github Pages.

Extra Features Implemented

Lists (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

Not only are CRUD operations provided for books in a single list, the App supports list-level CRUD operations.

Add through Search Feature


Automatic Testing and Deployment (CI/CD) for Backend.


Light & Dark Modes


Backend Design

Data Model

The API uses two JSON keys in Redis to store the reading lists and their information:

  • ReadingLists: This key contains an object with the list IDs as keys and the list objects as values. Each list object has the following properties:

    • listName: The name of the list.
    • books: An object with the book ISBNs as keys and the book objects as values. Each book object has the following properties:
      • isbn: The ISBN of the book.
      • title: The title of the book.
      • author: The author of the book.
      • status: The reading status of the book. It can be one of the following values: Unread, In Progress, or Finished.
      • image: optional value set by a default if not provided on create.
  • ListsInfo: This key contains an object with the list IDs as keys and the list information objects as values. Each list information object has the following property:

    • listName: The name of the list.

Why this Design?

The JSON values can be manipulated and read without (reading -> parsing -> modifying -> reserializing -> writing back).

This allows for super efficient CRUD at both list- and book- level.

Database Snapshot


API Specification. (CRUD-ordered for Lists then Books)

POST /reading-lists


This endpoint creates a new reading list with a given name and returns the list ID and name.


The request body must contain a JSON object with the following property:

  • listName: The name of the list.


The response body contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  • listID: The ID of the created list.
  • listName: The name of the created list.

Status Codes

  • 201: The list was created successfully.
  • 400: The list name was not provided or was invalid.
  • 500: An internal server error occurred.


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"listName\": \"My Reading List\"}"
  "listID": "6e2053c6-fca1-4d7f-975a-ca29c0e31663",
  "listName": "My Reading List"

GET / or GET /reading-lists


This endpoint returns all the reading lists and their books.


No parameters are required.


The response body contains a JSON object with the list IDs as keys and the list objects as values.

Status Codes

  • 200: The lists were retrieved successfully.
  • 500: An internal server error occurred.


curl -X GET
  "6e2053c6-fca1-4d7f-975a-ca29c0e31663": {
    "listName": "My Reading List",
    "books": {
      "9780143127550": {
        "isbn": "9780143127550",
        "title": "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind",
        "author": "Yuval Noah Harari",
        "status": "In Progress"
      "9780062316097": {
        "isbn": "9780062316097",
        "title": "The Martian",
        "author": "Andy Weir",
        "status": "Unread"

GET /reading-lists-info


This endpoint returns the information of all the reading lists.


No parameters are required.


The response body contains a JSON object with the list IDs as keys and the list information objects as values.

Status Codes

  • 200: The list information was retrieved successfully.
  • 500: An internal server error occurred.


curl -X GET
  "6e2053c6-fca1-4d7f-975a-ca29c0e31663": {
    "listName": "My Reading List"

PUT /reading-lists/:listID


This endpoint updates the name of a specific reading list by its ID and returns the updated list ID and name.


The request must include the list ID as a path parameter and a JSON object with the following property in the body:

  • listName: The new name of the list.


The response body contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  • listID: The ID of the updated list.
  • listName: The name of the updated list.

Status Codes

  • 200: The list was updated successfully.
  • 400: The list name was not provided or was invalid.
  • 404: The list was not found.
  • 500: An internal server error occurred.


curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"listName\": \"Edited List Name\"}"
  "listID": "6e2053c6-fca1-4d7f-975a-ca29c0e31663",
  "listName": "Edited List Name"

DELETE /reading-lists/:listID


This endpoint deletes a specific reading list and its books by its ID and returns a confirmation message.


The request must include the list ID as a path parameter.


The response body contains a json object with a message with the deleted list ID.

Status Codes

  • 204: The list was deleted successfully.
  • 404: The list was not found.
  • 500: An internal server error occurred.


curl -X DELETE
    "message": "deleted 66634122-09dd-4ed8-9b14-8483ca06b178"

GET /reading-lists/:listID


This endpoint returns a specific reading list and its books by its ID.


The request must include the list ID as a path parameter.


The response body contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  • listName: The name of the list.
  • books: An object with the book ISBNs as keys and the book objects as values.

Status Codes

  • 200: The list was retrieved successfully.
  • 404: The list was not found.
  • 500: An internal server error occurred.


curl -X GET
  "listName": "My Reading List",
  "books": {
    "9780143127550": {
      "isbn": "9780143127550",
      "title": "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind",
      "author": "Yuval Noah Harari",
      "status": "In Progress"
    "9780062316097": {
      "isbn": "9780062316097",
      "title": "The Martian",
      "author": "Andy Weir",
      "status": "Unread"

PUT /reading-lists/:listID/books


This endpoint adds a book to a specific reading list by its ID.


The request must include the list ID as a path parameter and a JSON object with the following property in the body:

  • book: The book object to be added. It must have the following properties:
    • isbn: The ISBN of the book.
    • title: The title of the book.
    • author: The author of the book.
    • status: The reading status of the book. It must be one of the following values: Unread, In Progress, or Finished.
    • image: The cover image of the book. (Optional. There is a default if not provided).


The response body contains a json object with a message with the added book title, ISBN, and list ID.

Status Codes

  • 201: The book was added successfully.
  • 400: The book was not provided or was invalid.
  • 404: The book already exists or the reading list does not exist.
  • 500: An internal server error occurred.


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"book\": {\"isbn\": \"9780062316097\", \"title\": \"The Martian\", \"author\": \"Andy Weir\", \"status\": \"Unread\"}}"
    "message": "Added Book The Martian with ISBN: 9780062316097 to list 6e2053c6-fca1-4d7f-975a-ca29c0e31663"

GET /reading-lists/:listID/books/:bookISBN


This endpoint returns a specific book from a specific reading list by its ID and ISBN.


The request must include the list ID and the book ISBN as path parameters.


The response body contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  • isbn: The ISBN of the book.
  • title: The title of the book.
  • author: The author of the book.
  • status: The reading status of the book.
  • image: The cover image of the book.

Status Codes

  • 200: The book was retrieved successfully.
  • 404: The book or the list was not found.
  • 500: An internal server error occurred.


curl -X GET
  "isbn": "9780062316097",
  "title": "The Martian",
  "author": "Andy Weir",
  "status": "Unread"

PUT /reading-lists/:listID/books/:isbn


This endpoint updates a specific book from a specific reading list by its ID and ISBN and returns a confirmation message.


The request must include the list ID and the book ISBN as path parameters and a JSON object with the following property in the body:

  • book: The book object to be updated. It must have the following properties:
    • isbn: The ISBN of the book.
    • title: The title of the book.
    • author: The author of the book.
    • status: The reading status of the book. It must be one of the following values: Unread, In Progress, or Finished.


The response body contains a json object with a message with the updated book ISBN.

Status Codes

  • 201: The book was updated successfully.
  • 400: The book was not provided or was invalid.
  • 404: The book or the list does not exist.
  • 500: An internal server error occurred.


curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"book\": {\"isbn\": \"9780062316097\", \"title\": \"The Martian\", \"author\": \"Andy Weir\", \"status\": \"Finished\"}}"
    "message": "Updated Books 9780062316097"

DELETE /reading-lists/:listID/books/:bookisbn


This endpoint deletes a specific book from a specific reading list by its ID and ISBN and returns a confirmation message.


The request must include the list ID and the book ISBN as path parameters.


The response body contains a json object with a message with the deleted list ID.

Status Codes

  • 204: The book was deleted successfully.
  • 404: The book or the list was not found.
  • 500: An internal server error occurred.


curl -X DELETE
    "message": "deleted 6e2053c6-fca1-4d7f-975a-ca29c0e31663"


The App Allows you to perform CRUD operations on reading lists and also on books within each reading list.






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