Applied is a Django project to assist in the job search and application process.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. This project is not in a production state.
Applied uses docker-compose to facillitate the development environment.
Clone the repo
git clone
cd Applied
Prepare the DB
docker-compose run web python migrate
You can either set up the SMTP relay in the file, otherwise for testing purposes you can create a superuser from the command line to log in with.
docker-compose run web python createsuperuser
Spin up the docker-compose environment
docker-compose up
Now you should be able to log in from
The jobs API endpoint is functional so that a web scraper can send jobs to it. You can manually curl for testing
curl --user rusty:supersecret -d '{"source_site":"",\"title":"Button Smasher","company":"Foo Corp","location":"Foo, USA","date_posted":"2 days ago","url":"", "description":{"text":"SUPER LONG TEXT DESCRIPTION"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8000/api/jobs/
- django - The web framework used
- django_rest_framework - REST framework
- django_adminlte3 - Theme & Template provider
- python-docx-template - DOCX Jinja2 Templating
- Matthew Kruse - Initial work - M-Kruse
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.