Yet another error logger for your beloved Android apps
- Easy-to-implement (see Usage section)
- Lightweight
- Lite version available for smaller apk size (Doesn't use AndroidX & Kotlin)
- Able to display light/dark theme (depends on theme implementation, lite version depends on device: likely will use dark theme by default)
- Customizable (shows Toast, sends Notification, launches Activity. customize ErrorActivity theme or even its whole UI and mechanisms)
- Known issue: Notification crash didnt show new log
AndroidErrorLogger is available at JitPack's Maven repo, or as standalone .aar file in releases section.
If you're using Gradle, you could add AndroidErrorLogger with the following steps:
Add maven("")
to the repositories
in your build.gradle.kts
Add implementation("com.github.mdp43140.ael:VARIANT:VERSION")
to the dependencies
in your build.gradle.kts
with release version or any commit.
There are 2 variant
(uses Kotlin + AndroidX, preferred variant)ael-lite
(Doesn't use AndroidX + Kotlin)
See the included demo for how to use and more: Initialize global error catcher (recommended for majority of use-cases):
Crasher code example, with try-catch:
If you're using ProGuard (or any other obfuscation/"optimization" tricks),
you may want to disable some parts of it (specifically stacktrace related),
For ProGuard, first of all, add this line in your app/build.gradle: kotlin android { buildTypes { release { proguardFiles(getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt"), "") } // you may want to apply the same to other build types... } }
, then add this line to your app/ proguard -dontobfuscate -keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
If you want to customize ErrorActivity
which is provided by default for ease-of-use sake, keep in mind that it receives Intent
with extra string message Constants.EXTRA_MESSAGE
other codes should not be modified, and should use the default
Activities made by this library uses style AEL_Theme
which inherits from Theme.Material3.DayNight
or Theme.Material
for lite version
you can make it inherit your theme to make it more coherent with your whole app
- Pressing error report from notification wont show latest error (sometimes empty?) (eg. error A occurred, user pressed notification, sees error A, later error B occured, user pressed notification, but instead of seeing error B, user still sees error A), need full reboot or full clean reinstall of the app
- Compose variant? (low priority, because its REALLY BIG (compose adds up 50MB+!!!))
AndroidErrorLogger library is Free Software: You can use, study, share, and improve it at will. Specifically you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.