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Convert power module to xarray (#282)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* power/quality add basic formatting

* initial conversion or power/quality submodule

* add xarray tests for power.quality

* fix variable assignment in power.quality

* power.characteristics add basic formatting for xr conversion

* update error messages

* finish converting power.quality to xarray

* fix spaces/formating in docstrings

* clean up conversion of inputs from pandas to xr.dataset

* add tests for xarray

* update handling of timestamps in power.characteristics for xr

* fix length in power.quality.harmonics

* fix length in power.quality.harmonics, again

* add frequency_dimension and time_dimension arguments

* remove old imports

* remove obsolete argument from THCD tests

* type check on to_pandas

* add type and value checks for time_dimension and frequency_dimension

* make grid_freq checks f strings that return the incorrect value

* add frequency_dimension valueError

* add formal docstring to _convert_to_dataset

* add line_to_line type check

* restore old naming convention to ac_power_three_phase

* update example call to THCD

* return hard coded test answers to being recalculated
  • Loading branch information
akeeste authored Jan 30, 2024
1 parent 1266f49 commit 9343eeb
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Showing 4 changed files with 543 additions and 291 deletions.
149 changes: 65 additions & 84 deletions examples/power_example.ipynb

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262 changes: 195 additions & 67 deletions mhkit/power/
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@@ -1,121 +1,249 @@
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import hilbert
import datetime

def instantaneous_frequency(um):
def instantaneous_frequency(um, time_dimension="", to_pandas=True):

Calculates instantaneous frequency of measured voltage
um: pandas Series or DataFrame
Measured voltage (V) indexed by time
um: pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, xarray DataArray, or xarray Dataset
Measured voltage (V) indexed by time
time_dimension: string (optional)
Name of the xarray dimension corresponding to time. If not supplied,
defaults to the first dimension. Does not affect pandas input.
to_pandas: bool (Optional)
Flag to save output to pandas instead of xarray. Default = True.
frequency: pandas DataFrame
Frequency of the measured voltage (Hz) indexed by time
frequency: pandas DataFrame or xarray Dataset
Frequency of the measured voltage (Hz) indexed by time
with signal name columns
if not isinstance(um, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
raise TypeError(f'um must be of type pd.Series or pd.DataFrame. Got: {type(um)}')

if isinstance(um.index[0], datetime.datetime):
t = (um.index - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()
t = um.index
if not isinstance(um, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset)):
raise TypeError('um must be of type pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, ' +
f'xr.DataArray, or xr.Dataset. Got {type(um)}')
if not isinstance(to_pandas, bool):
raise TypeError(
f'to_pandas must be of type bool. Got: {type(to_pandas)}')
if not isinstance(time_dimension, str):
raise TypeError(
f'time_dimension must be of type bool. Got: {type(time_dimension)}')

# Convert input to xr.Dataset
um = _convert_to_dataset(um, 'data')

if time_dimension != '' and time_dimension not in um.coords:
raise ValueError('time_dimension was supplied but is not a dimension '
+ f'of um. Got {time_dimension}')

dt = pd.Series(t).diff()[1:]
# Get the dimension of interest
if time_dimension == "":
time_dimension = list(um.coords)[0]

if isinstance(um,pd.Series):
um = um.to_frame()
# Calculate time step
if isinstance(um.coords[time_dimension].values[0], np.datetime64):
t = (um[time_dimension] - np.datetime64('1970-01-01 00:00:00'))/np.timedelta64(1, 's')
t = um[time_dimension]
dt = np.diff(t)

columns = um.columns
for column in um.columns:
f = hilbert(um[column])
# Calculate frequency
frequency = xr.Dataset()
for var in um.data_vars:
f = hilbert(um[var])
instantaneous_phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(f))
instantaneous_frequency = np.diff(instantaneous_phase) /(2.0*np.pi) * (1/dt)
frequency[column] = instantaneous_frequency

instantaneous_frequency = np.diff(instantaneous_phase)/(2.0*np.pi) * (1/dt)

frequency = frequency.assign({var: (time_dimension, instantaneous_frequency)})
frequency = frequency.assign_coords({time_dimension: um.coords[time_dimension].values[0:-1]})

if to_pandas:
frequency = frequency.to_pandas()

return frequency

def dc_power(voltage, current):
def dc_power(voltage, current, to_pandas=True):
Calculates DC power from voltage and current
voltage: pandas Series or DataFrame
voltage: pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, xarray DataArray, or xarray Dataset
Measured DC voltage [V] indexed by time
current: pandas Series or DataFrame
current: pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, xarray DataArray, or xarray Dataset
Measured three phase current [A] indexed by time
to_pandas: bool (Optional)
Flag to save output to pandas instead of xarray. Default = True.
P: pandas DataFrame
P: pandas DataFrame or xarray Dataset
DC power [W] from each channel and gross power indexed by time
if not isinstance(voltage, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
raise TypeError(f'voltage must be of type pd.Series or pd.DataFrame. Got: {type(voltage)}')
if not isinstance(current, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
raise TypeError(f'current must be of type pd.Series or pd.DataFrame. Got: {type(current)}')
if not voltage.shape == current.shape:
raise ValueError('current and volatge must have the same shape')

if not isinstance(voltage, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset)):
raise TypeError('voltage must be of type pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, ' +
f'xr.DataArray, or xr.Dataset. Got {type(voltage)}')
if not isinstance(current, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset)):
raise TypeError('current must be of type pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, ' +
f'xr.DataArray, or xr.Dataset. Got {type(current)}')
if not isinstance(to_pandas, bool):
raise TypeError(
f'to_pandas must be of type bool. Got: {type(to_pandas)}')

# Convert inputs to xr.Dataset
voltage = _convert_to_dataset(voltage, 'voltage')
current = _convert_to_dataset(current, 'current')

# Check that sizes are the same
if not (voltage.sizes == current.sizes and len(voltage.data_vars) == len(current.data_vars)):
raise ValueError('current and voltage must have the same shape')

P = xr.Dataset()
gross = None

P = current.values * voltage.values
P = pd.DataFrame(P)
P['Gross'] = P.sum(axis=1, skipna=True)
# Multiply current and voltage variables together, in order they're assigned
for i, (current_var, voltage_var) in enumerate(zip(current.data_vars,voltage.data_vars)):
temp = current[current_var]*voltage[voltage_var]
P = P.assign({f'{i}': temp})
if gross is None:
gross = temp
gross = gross + temp

P = P.assign({'Gross': gross})

if to_pandas:
P = P.to_dataframe()

return P

def ac_power_three_phase(voltage, current, power_factor, line_to_line=False):
def ac_power_three_phase(voltage, current, power_factor, line_to_line=False, to_pandas=True):
Calculates magnitude of active AC power from line to neutral voltage and current
voltage: pandas DataFrame
Time-series of three phase measured voltage [V] indexed by time
current: pandas DataFrame
Time-series of three phase measured current [A] indexed by time
voltage: pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, xarray DataArray, or xarray Dataset
Measured DC voltage [V] indexed by time
current: pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, xarray DataArray, or xarray Dataset
Measured three phase current [A] indexed by time
power_factor: float
Power factor for the efficiency of the system
line_to_line: bool
line_to_line: bool (Optional)
Set to true if the given voltage measurements are line_to_line
to_pandas: bool (Optional)
Flag to save output to pandas instead of xarray. Default = True.
P: pandas DataFrame
P: pandas DataFrame or xarray Dataset
Magnitude of active AC power [W] indexed by time with Power column
if not isinstance(voltage, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError(f'voltage must be of type pd.DataFrame. Got: {type(voltage)}')
if not isinstance(current, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError(f'current must be of type pd.DataFrame. Got: {type(current)}')
if not len(voltage.columns) == 3:
if not isinstance(voltage, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset)):
raise TypeError('voltage must be of type pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, ' +
f'xr.DataArray, or xr.Dataset. Got {type(voltage)}')
if not isinstance(current, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset)):
raise TypeError('current must be of type pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, ' +
f'xr.DataArray, or xr.Dataset. Got {type(current)}')
if not isinstance(line_to_line, bool):
raise TypeError(
f'line_to_line must be of type bool. Got: {type(line_to_line)}')
if not isinstance(to_pandas, bool):
raise TypeError(
f'to_pandas must be of type bool. Got: {type(to_pandas)}')

# Convert inputs to xr.Dataset
voltage = _convert_to_dataset(voltage, 'voltage')
current = _convert_to_dataset(current, 'current')

# Check that sizes are the same
if not len(voltage.data_vars) == 3:
raise ValueError('voltage must have three columns')
if not len(current.columns) == 3:
if not len(current.data_vars) == 3:
raise ValueError('current must have three columns')
if not current.shape == voltage.shape:
if not current.sizes == voltage.sizes:
raise ValueError('current and voltage must be of the same size')

abs_current = np.abs(current.values)
abs_voltage = np.abs(voltage.values)
power = dc_power(voltage, current, to_pandas=False)['Gross'] = 'Power'
power = power.to_dataset() # force xr.DataArray to be consistently in xr.Dataset format
P = np.abs(power) * power_factor

if line_to_line:
power = abs_current * (abs_voltage * np.sqrt(3))
power = abs_current * abs_voltage

power = pd.DataFrame(power)
P = power.sum(axis=1) * power_factor
P = P.to_frame('Power')

P = P * np.sqrt(3)

if to_pandas:
P = P.to_pandas()

return P

def _convert_to_dataset(data, name='data'):
Converts the given data to an xarray.Dataset.
This function is designed to handle inputs that can be either a pandas DataFrame, a pandas Series,
an xarray DataArray, or an xarray Dataset. It ensures that the output is consistently an xarray.Dataset.
data: pandas DataFrame, pandas Series, xarray DataArray, or xarray Dataset
The data to be converted.
name: str (Optional)
The name to assign to the data variable in case the input is an xarray DataArray without a name.
Default value is 'data'.
The input data converted to an xarray.Dataset. If the input is already an xarray.Dataset,
it is returned as is.
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [4, 5, 6]})
>>> ds = _convert_to_dataset(df)
>>> type(ds)
<class 'xarray.core.dataset.Dataset'>
>>> series = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], name='C')
>>> ds = _convert_to_dataset(series)
>>> type(ds)
<class 'xarray.core.dataset.Dataset'>
>>> data_array = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3])
>>> ds = _convert_to_dataset(data_array, name='D')
>>> type(ds)
<class 'xarray.core.dataset.Dataset'>
if not isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset)):
raise TypeError("Input data must be of type pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series, "
"xarray.DataArray, or xarray.Dataset")

if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError("The 'name' parameter must be a string")

# Takes data that could be pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, xr.DataArray, or
# xr.Dataset and converts it to xr.Dataset
if isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
data = data.to_xarray()

if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray):
if is None: = name # xr.DataArray.to_dataset() breaks if the data variable is unnamed
data = data.to_dataset()

return data

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