Below are the full results for all four included regression models: Lasso, Ridge, Gradient Booster Trees (GBTR), and Support Vector Regressor (SVR) regression models.
First, a directory to store the datasets in has to be defined:
export DATA_DIR=<path_to_datasets_dir>
And a directory to store the results in:
export RESULTS_DIR=<path_to_results_dir>
Then, run the experiments with:
python3 -m src.experiments.imbalanced_distribution <dataset>
where <dataset> is either
- the name of a dataset from
- "all", which will run all datasets included in the paper
Finally, the LateX table can be generated with:
python3 -m imbalanced_distribution -d <dataset> --latex
This work received funding from the Interuniversity Special Research Fund (IBOF/21/075) and the Flemish Government under the “Onderzoeksprogramma Artifciële Intelligentie (AI) Vlaanderen” program.