Releases: MSMareddy/WebAppSWE
Final Working Website
- New look ListBox with buttons
- Added show legend button to map.
- Added clear location button.
Website with background and animation. Use different markers based on availability, Label.
- Markers have blue icon and bold text if restaurant is open, red icon and lightened text if not.
- Labels are added to the right hand side of embedded maps.
- Marker info window now has restaurant rating/availability.
- New look for embedded maps.
- Detailed and user friendly location error message.
- Markers have pin drop animation.
- Moved most files out of root. Files are now organized on server based on type.
- Website has a background.
Ability to change Default Center to Current Location. Different grid layout for portrait mode.
href is added to the nav bar. On click a confirmation prompt is generated, if yes, user is asked for location access permission by the browser. Current Lat Long coordinates are set as default location and page refreshes with new marker on map. user is alerted if current location cannot be accessed for some reason. Cookie is remembered for 1 week.
New Home Icon for custom center.
On mobile, the map element is moved to the bottom half and the form elements are on the top half of the grid layout.
Circular Bounds, More Restaurant Categories, Exception handling, Description, New look Map
Bounds not hard coded anymore.
We can implement custom Center, Radius if we wished to.
13 restaurant categories.
New Map CSS.
Maps API Implemented
Form Retains Cookies and API_KEY is hidden.
Embedded Map is bounded to Omaha and centered on PKI .
Performs a text query restricted rigidly with type and price level argument and softly with a radius of 10 miles from PKI. PKI is labeled on map.
if no matches found within the Omaha bounds, displays a error prompt.
Each restaurant is labeled with distance from PKI and on click you get the restaurant title, address and a link to view the restaurant on google maps.
Form ,Cookies and UI Implemented
Web Page saves cookies and arguments.