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Feat: Structured Outputs
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nezhyborets authored Jan 28, 2025
2 parents 22bb780 + 74c8929 commit dbaf347
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Showing 5 changed files with 370 additions and 8 deletions.
51 changes: 50 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ This repository contains Swift community-maintained implementation over [OpenAI]
- [Initialization](#initialization)
- [Chats](#chats)
- [Chats Streaming](#chats-streaming)
- [Structured Output](#structured-output)
- [Images](#images)
- [Create Image](#create-image)
- [Create Image Edit](#create-image-edit)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,9 +296,57 @@ Result will be (serialized as JSON here for readability):


Review [Chat Documentation]( for more info.

#### Structured Output

JSON is one of the most widely used formats in the world for applications to exchange data.

Structured Outputs is a feature that ensures the model will always generate responses that adhere to your supplied JSON Schema, so you don't need to worry about the model omitting a required key, or hallucinating an invalid enum value.


struct MovieInfo: StructuredOutput {

let title: String
let director: String
let release: Date
let genres: [MovieGenre]
let cast: [String]

static let example: Self = {
title: "Earth",
director: "Alexander Dovzhenko",
release: DateComponents(year: 1930, month: 4, day: 1))!,
genres: [.drama],
cast: ["Stepan Shkurat", "Semyon Svashenko", "Yuliya Solntseva"]

enum MovieGenre: String, Codable, StructuredOutputEnum {
case action, drama, comedy, scifi

var caseNames: [String] { { $0.rawValue } }

let query = ChatQuery(
messages: [.system(.init(content: "Best Picture winner at the 2011 Oscars"))],
model: .gpt4_o,
responseFormat: .jsonSchema(name: "movie-info", type: MovieInfo.self)
let result = try await openAI.chats(query: query)

- Use the `jsonSchema(name:type:)` response format when creating a `ChatQuery`
- Provide a schema name and a type that conforms to `ChatQuery.StructuredOutput` and generates an instance as an example
- Make sure all enum types within the provided type conform to `ChatQuery.StructuredOutputEnum` and generate an array of names for all cases

Review [Structured Output Documentation]( for more info.

### Images

Given a prompt and/or an input image, the model will generate a new image.
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263 changes: 256 additions & 7 deletions Sources/OpenAI/Public/Models/ChatQuery.swift
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Expand Up @@ -599,14 +599,263 @@ public struct ChatQuery: Equatable, Codable, Streamable {

// See more
public enum ResponseFormat: String, Codable, Equatable {
case jsonObject = "json_object"
// See more
public enum ResponseFormat: Codable, Equatable {

case text

public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(["type": self.rawValue])
case jsonObject
case jsonSchema(name: String, type: StructuredOutput.Type)

enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case type
case jsonSchema = "json_schema"

public func encode(to encoder: any Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
switch self {
case .text:
try container.encode("text", forKey: .type)
case .jsonObject:
try container.encode("json_object", forKey: .type)
case .jsonSchema(let name, let type):
try container.encode("json_schema", forKey: .type)
let schema = JSONSchema(name: name, schema: type.example)
try container.encode(schema, forKey: .jsonSchema)

public static func == (lhs: ResponseFormat, rhs: ResponseFormat) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.text, .text): return true
case (.jsonObject, .jsonObject): return true
case (.jsonSchema(let lhsName, let lhsType), .jsonSchema(let rhsName, let rhsType)):
return lhsName == rhsName && lhsType == rhsType
return false

/// A formal initializer reqluired for the inherited Decodable conformance.
/// This type is never returned from the server and is never decoded into.
public init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws {
self = .text

private struct JSONSchema: Encodable {

let name: String
let schema: StructuredOutput

enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case name
case schema
case strict

init(name: String, schema: StructuredOutput) {

func format(_ name: String) -> String {
var formattedName = name.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "_")
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]", options: [])
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: formattedName.utf16.count)
formattedName = regex.stringByReplacingMatches(in: formattedName, options: [], range: range, withTemplate: "")
formattedName = formattedName.isEmpty ? "sample" : formattedName
formattedName = String(formattedName.prefix(64))
return formattedName
} = format(name)
self.schema = schema

if != name {
print("The name was changed to \( to satisfy the API requirements. See more:")

public func encode(to encoder: any Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(name, forKey: .name)
try container.encode(true, forKey: .strict)
try container.encode(try PropertyValue(from: schema), forKey: .schema)

private indirect enum PropertyValue: Codable {

enum SimpleType: String, Codable {
case string, integer, number, boolean

enum ComplexType: String, Codable {
case object, array, date

enum SpecialType: String, Codable {
case null

case simple(SimpleType, isOptional: Bool)
case date(isOptional: Bool)
case `enum`(cases: [String], isOptional: Bool)
case object([String: PropertyValue], isOptional: Bool)
case array(PropertyValue, isOptional: Bool)

enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case type
case description
case properties
case items
case additionalProperties
case required
case `enum`

enum ValueType: String, Codable {
case string
case date
case integer
case number
case boolean
case object
case array

func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)

switch self {
case .simple(let type, let isOptional):
if isOptional {
try container.encode([type.rawValue, SpecialType.null.rawValue], forKey: .type)
} else {
try container.encode(type.rawValue, forKey: .type)
case .date(let isOptional):
if isOptional {
try container.encode([SimpleType.string.rawValue, SpecialType.null.rawValue], forKey: .type)
} else {
try container.encode(SimpleType.string.rawValue, forKey: .type)
try container.encode("String that represents a date formatted in iso8601", forKey: .description)
case .enum(let cases, let isOptional):
if isOptional {
try container.encode([SimpleType.string.rawValue, SpecialType.null.rawValue], forKey: .type)
} else {
try container.encode(SimpleType.string.rawValue, forKey: .type)
try container.encode(cases, forKey: .enum)
case .object(let object, let isOptional):
if isOptional {
try container.encode([ComplexType.object.rawValue, SpecialType.null.rawValue], forKey: .type)
} else {
try container.encode(ComplexType.object.rawValue, forKey: .type)
try container.encode(false, forKey: .additionalProperties)
try container.encode(object, forKey: .properties)
let fields = { key, value in key }
try container.encode(fields, forKey: .required)
case .array(let items, let isOptional):
if isOptional {
try container.encode([ComplexType.array.rawValue, SpecialType.null.rawValue], forKey: .type)
} else {
try container.encode(ComplexType.array.rawValue, forKey: .type)
try container.encode(items, forKey: .items)

init<T: Any>(from value: T) throws {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: value)
let isOptional = mirror.displayStyle == .optional

switch value {
case _ as String:
self = .simple(.string, isOptional: isOptional)
case _ as Bool:
self = .simple(.boolean, isOptional: isOptional)
case _ as Int, _ as Int8, _ as Int16, _ as Int32, _ as Int64, _ as UInt, _ as UInt8, _ as UInt16, _ as UInt32, _ as UInt64:
self = .simple(.integer, isOptional: isOptional)
case _ as Double, _ as Float, _ as CGFloat:
self = .simple(.number, isOptional: isOptional)
case _ as Date:
self = .date(isOptional: isOptional)

var unwrappedMirror: Mirror!
if isOptional {
guard let child = mirror.children.first else {
throw StructuredOutputError.nilFoundInExample
unwrappedMirror = Mirror(reflecting: child.value)
} else {
unwrappedMirror = mirror

if let displayStyle = unwrappedMirror.displayStyle {

switch displayStyle {

case .struct, .class:
var dict = [String: PropertyValue]()
for child in unwrappedMirror.children {
dict[child.label!] = try Self(from: child.value)
self = .object(dict, isOptional: isOptional)

case .collection:
if let child = unwrappedMirror.children.first {
self = .array(try Self(from: child.value), isOptional: isOptional)
} else {
throw StructuredOutputError.typeUnsupported

case .enum:
if let structuredEnum = value as? any StructuredOutputEnum {
self = .enum(cases: structuredEnum.caseNames, isOptional: isOptional)
} else {
throw StructuredOutputError.enumsConformance

throw StructuredOutputError.typeUnsupported
throw StructuredOutputError.typeUnsupported

/// A formal initializer reqluired for the inherited Decodable conformance.
/// This type is never returned from the server and is never decoded into.
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
self = .simple(.boolean, isOptional: false)

public enum StructuredOutputError: LocalizedError {
case enumsConformance
case typeUnsupported
case nilFoundInExample

public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .enumsConformance:
return "Conform the enum types to StructuredOutputEnum and provide the `caseNames` property with a list of available cases."
case .typeUnsupported:
return "Unsupported type. Supported types: String, Bool, Int, Double, Array, and Codable struct/class instances."
case .nilFoundInExample:
return "Found nils when serializing the StructuredOutput‘s example. Provide values for all optional properties in the example."

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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Sources/OpenAI/Public/Models/StructuredOutput.swift
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// StructuredOutput.swift
// Created by Andriy Gordiyenko on 8/28/24.

import Foundation

public protocol StructuredOutput: Codable {
static var example: Self { get }
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Sources/OpenAI/Public/Models/StructuredOutputEnum.swift
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// StructuredOutputEnum.swift
// Created by Andriy Gordiyenko on 8/29/24.

import Foundation

public protocol StructuredOutputEnum: CaseIterable {
var caseNames: [String] { get }

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