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🧪 Repo for my 2nd year Laboratory/Project III class.

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Integrative Project - LEI - 2021/2022 - 1st Semester, 2nd Year


A cargo shipping company requires a software system to handle their logistics. This company operates through land and sea, across different continents and has several warehouses spread along the world.

Project Software Structure

Domain Model


Class Diagram


Database Model


Project Scrum Management

Burndown Chart - Sprint 1


Sprint 2


Sprint 3


Sprint 4


User Stories

Below are user story descriptions and links for analysis and design (DM, CD, SD, SSD) diagrams for each one.

US Description
US101 As a traffic manager, I wish to import ships from a text file into a BST.
US102 As a traffic manager I which to search the details of a ship using any of its codes: MMSI, IMO or Call Sign.
US103 As a traffic manager I which to have the positional messages temporally organized and associated with each of the ships.
US104 As a traffic manager I which to make a Summary of a ship's movements.
US105 As a traffic manager I which to list for all ships the MMSI, the total number of movements, Travelled Distance and Delta Distance.
US106 Get the top-N ships with the most kilometres travelled and their average speed (MeanSOG).
US107 Return pairs of ships with routes with close departure/arrival coordinates (no more than 5 Kms away) and with different Travelled Distance.
US108 As Project Manager, I want the team to develop the data model required to support all the functionality and to fulfill the purpose of the system to develop.
US109 As Project Manager, I want the team to draft an SQL script to test whether the database verifies all the data integrity restrictions that are required to fulfil the purpose of the system and the business constraints of the UoD.
US110 As Project Manager, I want the team to define the naming conventions to apply when defining identifiers or writing SQL or PL/SQL code.
US111 As Project Manager, I want the team to create a SQL script to load the database with a minimum set of data sufficient to carry out data integrity verification and functional testing.
US201 As a Port manager, I which to import ports from a text file and create a 2D-treewith port locations.
US202 As a Traffic manager, I which to find the closest port of a ship given its CallSign,on a certain DateTime.
US203 As Project Manager, I want the team to review the relational data model in viewof the new user stories so it can support all the requirements to fulfil the purpose of thesystem being developed.
US204 As Client, I want to know the current situation of a specific container being used to transport my goods.
US205 As Ship Captain, I want the list of containers to be offloaded in the next port, including container identifier, type, position, and load.
US206 As Ship Captain, I want the list of containers to be loaded in the next port, including container identifier, type, and load.
US207 As Ship Captain, I want to know how many cargo manifests I have transported during a given year and the average number of containers per manifest.
US208 As Ship Captain, I want to know the occupancy rate (percentage) of a given ship for a given cargo manifest.
US209 As Ship Captain, I want to know the occupancy rate of a given ship at a given moment.
US210 As Traffic manager, I need to know which ships will be available on Monday next week and their location.
US301 As a Traffic manager, I wish to import data from countries, ports, borders and seadists from the database to build a freight network.
US302 As a Traffic manager I wish to colour the map using as few colours as possible.
US303 As a Traffic manager I wish to know which places (cities or ports) are closest to all other places (closeness places).
US304 As Ship Captain, I want to have access to audit trails for a given container of a given cargo manifest.
US305 As Client, I want to know the route of a specific container I am leasing.
US306 As Port manager, I want to know the occupancy rate of each warehouse and an estimate of the containers leaving the warehouse during the next 30 days.
US307 As Port manager, I intend to get a warning whenever I issue a cargo manifest destined for a warehouse whose available capacity is insufficient to accommodate the new manifest.
US308 As Traffic manager, I want to have a system that ensures that the number of containers in a manifest does not exceed the ship's available capacity.
US309 As Traffic manager, I do not allow a cargo manifest for a particular trip to be registered in the system on a date when the ship is already in transit.
US310 As Port manager, I intend to have a map of the occupation of the existing resources in the port during a given month.
US312 As Client, I want to know the current situation of a specific container being used to transport my goods.
US313 As a Port staff, given a Cargo Manifest, I wish to fill a statically reserved matrix in memory with each container's ID in its respective place.
US314 As a Port staff, I wish to know the total number of free/occupied slots in the transport vehicle.
US315 As a Port staff, given a position in the transport vehicle, I wish to know if a container is there or not.
US316 As a Port staff, given a set of positions, I wish to know the total number of occupied slots.
US317 As Ship Chief Electrical Engineer I want to know what set of materials to use in a container, to operate at temperatures of 7°C.
US318 As Ship Chief Electrical Engineer I want to know what set of materials to use in a container, to operate at temperatures of -5 °C.
US319 As Ship Chief Electrical Engineer I want to know the thermal resistance, for each operating temperature, of each container that must contain at least three different materials in its walls.
US320 As Ship Chief Electrical Engineer I intend to present in a summary document, the choice of materials considered for the two types of containers considered, and their thermal resistances.
US321 As a Human Resources Manager, I want to be able to register users in the system.
US322 As Project Manager, I want the team to automate updates to the ship's cargo manifest at the database level.
US401 As a Traffic manager I wish to know which ports are more critical (have greater centrality) in this freight network.
US402 As a Traffic manager I wish to know the shortest path between two locals (city and/or port).
US403 As a Traffic manager I wish to know the most efficient circuit that starts from a source location and visits the greatest number of other locations once, returning to the starting location and with the shortest total distance.
US404 As Fleet Manager, I want to know the number of days each ship has been idle since the beginning of the current year.
US405 As Fleet Manager, I want to know the average occupancy rate per manifest of a given ship during a given period.
US406 As Fleet Manager, I want to know which ship voyages – place and date of origin and destination – had an occupancy rate below a certain threshold.
US407 As Port manager, I intend to generate, a week in advance, the loading and unloading map based on ships and trucks load manifests and corresponding travel plans.
US409 As a Port staff given a Cargo Manifest, I wish to fill a dynamically reserved array in memory with all the container's information in its respective place.
US410 As a Ship Chief Electrical Engineer, given the position of a container, I want to know the amount of needed energy to keep the container at its required temperature.
US411 As a Ship Chief Electrical Engineer, I want to receive an alert when the current energy generation units are not enough to provide energy to all refrigerated containers at once.
US412 As Ship Chief Electrical Engineer, we intend to know how much energy to supply, for each container, in a determined trip, with an exterior temperature of 20 ºC, and a travel time of 2h30.
US413 As Ship Chief Electrical Engineer, the objective is to know the total energy to be supplied to the set of containers in a certain established trip, assuming that all the containers have the same behaviour.
US414 As Ship Chief Electrical Engineer, you want to know how much energy to supply to the container cargo, in a voyage (or route), depending on the position of the containers on the ship.
US415 As the ship's captain I need to know how many auxiliary power equipment are needed for the voyage, knowing that each one supplies a maximum of 75 KW.
US416 As ship's master I intend to submit a summary document, with the following items.
US417 As the Ship Captain I want the technical team to search for at least three types of ship/vessels that are better suited to the task (e.g., depending on the type of cargo).
US418 As the Ship Captain I want the determine the unladen center of mass for each vessel (if different) according to its characteristics.
US419 As the Ship Captain I want to know where to position containers on the vessel, such that the center of mass remains at xx and yy, determined in the previous point.
US420 As the Ship Captain I want to know for a specific vessel, how much did the vessel sink, assuming that each container has half a ton of mass.


To accommodate the design choice made to represent the user stories of physics a little method was made in which the following materials are registered:

- Stone Wool
- Cork
- Fiber-glass
- Steel
- Iron
- Zinc
- Aluminium


Demo tests can be found on src\test\java\lapr\project\presentationTests, which output a file with the results of each user story.


🧪 Repo for my 2nd year Laboratory/Project III class.







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