- Composer
- PHP >= 7.0.0
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Sqlite PHP Extension
Getting started
- run
composer install
- create a
file with:
Create a sqlite file:
touch database/database.sqlite
Run migrations and seed database:
php artisan migrate --seed
Start localhost server (Optional: Feel free to use Nginx, homestead, VB, docker etc.):
php artisan serve
The purpose of this test case is to get your feet wet in a small contained code base. It is based on the version of laravel we use here but in a completely new project, so if you run into any problems on how to do stuff, you can always start out by looking it up on the internet. There are a number of TODO's around the codebase you can try to tackle, but it is not required that you do all of them.
Try to make commits to git as often as you would normally do, to show the progress in your work.
There are todo's the following places:
- Implement creating an invoice as you see fit. There are 4 model classes in play: Customer, Agreement, Invoice, Delivery. The idea is that a customer should get an invoice for deliveries pr. month or week. And the invoice amount should equal the sum of deliveries->count times the unit price on the agreement, within the period set by the agreement type.
- Here is a couple of simple unit tests you can use to validate that you create the invoice correctly.
If you like, you can try to finish the views + controllers to have a sort of working application.
A quick guide to where stuff is:
- View files: resources/views/
- Controllers: app/Http/Controllers/
- Routes: routes/
- Here is a feature test you can use to test if the ui contains the elements you expect, and that clicking around does what you expect.