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Angular 7 boilerplate with angular material, animations, routing, theming, PWA capabilities and markdown integration

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Last updated: May 15th, 2019

This is an angular boilerplate for angular v7.

To some extent, this project is also designed to document/explain various aspects of the angular-cli setup (how various commands, configuration pieces work together).


A lot of the patterns used here are borrowed or adapted from the Angular NGRX Material Starter (ANMS) repo. I am very grateful to all ANMS's contributors for putting together such a rich set of features. I hope this simplified / stripped down / adapted / different approach to a boilerplate can be useful to others too.

Dev Plan

Architectural Aspects

  • Initial set-up instructions
  • Formatting
    • Customize prettier, eslint, auto-formatting
    • Husky pre-commit formatting
  • PWA Basics
  • Angular Material Modules - Implement Modern
    • Implement my navigation system
    • Implement custom themes
  • Angular Animations
    • Site-loading animations
    • Router-transition animations
    • Staggered-element animations
  • Basic Testing
  • Build Scripts
    • Prod build
    • Webpack-bundle analyzer
    • Deploy to github
  • Google Analytics
  • Circle CI
  • Basic demo node backend
    • Auth route
    • Auth-ed image upload route
    • Contact-form-email route

Building New Project From This Boilerplate

This work flow assumes you have a github account under USERNAME with a ssh public key saved in settings > SSH and GPG keys on github corresponding to an ssh key pair on your local *nux machine (e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github and ~/.ssh/, and a local ssh configuration (~/.ssh/config) of the form:

# Personal github account
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github

# Company github account
Host ...
  1. git clone YYY; cd YYY; npm i
  2. git config user=YOUR_NAME
  3. git config email=YOUR_EMAIL
  4. Create repo at github with new name (e.g. NEW_REPO)
  5. git remote add origin (note the double occurrence of the user name!)
  6. Copy .env-template to .env
  7. Replace the env variables in .env with values corresponding to your github account.
  8. Start making commits and then git push origin master -u
  9. When you want to push changes to github-pages, simply run

... and you're good to develop! If you prefer to fork then, well, it's pretty easy to adapt from these instructions.

Operating The Codebase

I advocate placing all regularly used command sequences in scripts. So, besides looking in the usual package.json for angular-CLI commands, you can find useful sequences of commands in bash scripts beginning _.

Formatting, TSLint, Etc.

This boilerplate aims to make code formatting consistent across multiple developers. There are two things to consider: formatting code as you edit, and formatting code when you make git commits. Ideally, of course, you want your editor to format your code the same way that your git-commit hooks will (so there are no surprises).

Git-commit formatting is accomplished by the inclusion of husky and lint-staged configurations in package.json. Quite simply, when you make a commit, prettier will run, adjust your code according to settings in .prettierrc, and then complete the commit.

Whenever possible, it's preferable to put formatting settings in .editorconfig for consistency across development environments. So if you're using an editor other than VSCode then, for consistency, it's recommended you set up formatting to follow .prettierrc and then .editorconfig.

Modifications have also been made to the original angular-CLI-generated code. In particular, additional Added TS Strictness settings have been added to tsconfig.json.

If you are editing in VSCode, then I recommend you install Angular Essentials for a robust developer experience, including running analysis of your angular templates. Settings for VSCode are included in .vscode designed to unify the editor layout/formatting with the git precommit-hook formatting.

PWA Capabilities

This is a Progressive Web App (PWA). In this example, you can see the PWA in action by viewing the deployed demo site on a smart phone and saving it to your home screen so that it behaves like a native app. (On an iPhone, visit the demo site on Safari, press the share icon, and, by scrolling right, you'll find an icon called 'Add to Home Screen'.)

To adjust the PWA behavior, edit files src/manifest.json and src/ngsw-config.json. In particular, you need to set the start_url field in src/manifest.json.

Angular Animations

This site uses Angular Animations to control effects upon the site's first load, and for subsequent page changes as detected by the angular router.

The approach taken here is influenced by the approach used in Angular NGRX Material Starter (ANMS), but is somewhat simpler (IMHO), and is designed to avoid some niche problems experienced with the ANMS approach.

Beware: I ran into a suspected bug in angular animations, which forced me to make the animation sequence less complex than I originally intended. This is probably a good thing; I've come to believe that angular animations, while potentially powerful, are best kept short and simple, as is the case in this code base.


Besides the angular CLI, parts of this codebase are based upon work by AMNS and The Code Campus. Many thanks!

Development Notes (to Self)

  • I tried implementing this boilerplate with ng8 and the ivy beta release. Ran into problems. Will try again later when Ivy is established -- probably ng9.

  • When you create a boilerplate using ng new XXX, the output path will read dist/project-name by default, and I've been changing this to just dist so that the products are put directly into the the dist folder.

  • Spent some time trying different settings for html formatting. Decided to go with prettier in the end for consistency and so that husky-formatting might work, despite the fact that it doesnt seem to let you customize the formatting. NOTE: lost some time because I had had '*.html' in the .prettierignore file!

  • I had experimented with adding the ability to trigger the menu-bar material menus by mouse hover. The code I got to can be found in git SHA 1310db8. While this implementation worked when originally implemented, the fact that it broke on subsequent versions of ng/material shows how ill-advised it is to try and subvert the behavior of the material library. As such, I attempted to remove all this additional functionality in the branch 005-cleanUpNavHoveringEtc.

  • I think the local-storage implementation of material starter is overly complicated, so I started again making it super simple (not bothering with ngrx, removing prefixes, etc.). I implemented a check however to make sure that the local storage object would only take on permitted key-value pairs.

  • The route-transition animations proved a big challenge. I tried to implement a somewhat complex sequence of animation steps where the ':leave' page would simultaneously effect-away with the footer (using a group). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get it to work and I concluded that it's because the sequence function doesn't handle query calls correctly. I therefore simplified the page :enter-:leave sequence (so it's very similar to ANMS), and I separated the footer animation out into separate CSS animations (the footer starts disappearing when the angular animation begins, and when the angular animation ends, the footer is made to reappear). Not quite what I originally wanted, but the code is much simpler and the difference in timings etc. is hardly noticeable.

  • I eventually gave up on the approach to footers implemented by ANMS and used instead the SCSS, etc. of cankattwinkel. This worked out great and paved the way to a working boilerplate with nice cross-browser layout and animations on OSX and iOS.

  • Note: I was getting warnings that bootstrap needed jquery and popper as dependencies; it doesn't appear that either show up in the final bundle; just be vigilant that that doesnt happen at some point. I've put them under dev dependencies to indicate that they are not supposed to show up in the bundle.


Angular 7 boilerplate with angular material, animations, routing, theming, PWA capabilities and markdown integration






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