The LiFEsTYLe is a blog created using Ruby on Rails. I have made this a simple blog that allows creating categories, and under each category, we can add articles. Then, we can add comments and votes for each article. Besides, the home page has some filtration to show the featured article, which has the biggest number of votes, and each category will represent by the latest article added to it.
- Ruby on Rails
- Ruby ( version => 2.7.2 )
- Postgres database
- RSpec
To clone this repo run this code on a terminal window:
git clone
install gems by this command
bundle install
Create the database by this command
rails db: create
migrate the database by this command
rails db:migrate
create your categories from rails console by this command
rails console
Open rails sever by this command, then follow the link provided to open the application on your browser
Rails server
Start to create a new user from your server by clicking the sign up link, then log in
Start to add new articles by choosing WRITE AN ARTICLE option from the navbar.
Note: if webpacker::manifest::missingentry error occurs, you will need to run this command to solve the issue
rails webpacker:install
- GitHub: Maha-Magdy
- Twitter: @Maha_M_Abdelaal
- LinkedIn: Maha Magdy
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
Nelson Sakwa, who owns the user interface design
Articles, which taken from CNN as a test dummy data
This project is MIT licensed.