shows relative line number for all lines except the current line, for which it shows the absolute line number.
In a buffer with "hybrid" line numbers (:set number relativenumber
), NumberToggle switches to absolute line numbers (:set number norelativenumber
) automatically when relative numbers don't make sense.
Relative numbers are used in a buffer that has focus, and is in normal mode, since that's where you move around. They're turned off when you switch out of Vim, switch to another split, or when you go into insert mode.
There is a added function (NumberToggle()
) using which you can toggle between relative and absolute line numbers if it is useful to you to see absolute line numbers in normal mode sometimes.
Put the following mapping in your .vimrc
, it will toggle line numbers--
nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>nt :call NumberToggle()<cr>
You can, of course, change this mapping at your will.
A similar plugin is jeffkreeftmeijer/vim-numbertoggle
. It doesn't have the function NumberToggle()
Using Vundle
- Add
Plugin 'MahbubAlam231/hybrid-line-numbers'
- Run
Using vim-plug
- Add
Plug 'MahbubAlam231/hybrid-line-numbers'
- Run
:set number relativenumber