Overview: The goal of this project is to develop a new open source custom firmware for Verigo branded temperature dataloggers. The dataloggers use the cc2541 microcontroller unit (MCU) and the Si705 temperature sensor. And another ble master like smartphone or pc can read the temperature over Bluetooth.
Thermometer is based on TI's demo "Thermometer" code, which is using sensorTag like hardware produced by TI.
The project is created by IAR 8051 version. The project file is "Thermometer\Projects\ble\Thermometer\CC2541DB\thermometer.eww"
Features: The firmware has the following features:
Accurate temperature sensing using the Si705 sensor
Data advertasing at regular intervals
Low-power operation for long battery life
Architecture: The firmware designed using the C programming language and will be based on the Texas Instruments BLE-Stack SDK for the cc2541 MCU. A new driver has been written for Si705 temperature sensor.
The firmware designed to run on low-power mode when not in use and wake up periodically to measure temperature data.
I have also inluded compiled version.
I have used:
This project to upload my firmware to the device: https://github.com/RedBearLab/CCLoader
hex2bin to convert hex files to binary files (which was needed for ccloader): https://hex2bin.sourceforge.net/
I shared my process for creating a custom firmware in this video if you are interested: https://youtu.be/nyylIe8ugiQ