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How to use bots written in C++

Install dependencies

Bots use json library for JSON parsing. You can (probably) install it with your package manager:

  • dnf (Fedora): sudo dnf install json-devel
  • apt (Debian): sudo apt install nlohmann-json3-dev
  • if you use other distro or package manager please find out how to install it and write it down here :)

Compile bot

To compile bot bot_name use command: make bot_name. You can run make all to compile all bots. If you add new bot, please add proper target to Makefile.

Run bot

Compiled bots should by default be created in bots directory, if not you should move them there. Then the bots can be run in the same way as python bots.

Project structure


This directory contains the library providing common functionality that can be useful when creating C++ bots.


This module provides an abstract base class Bot which concrete bot classes can derive from. It is very similar to Python bot package, used to create bots in Python. It implements communication with the arena and run method which controls bot's runtime. It provides 3 virtual methods that can be overriden to implement specific bot's logic:

class Bot
    virtual void preprocess();
    virtual std::string make_move();
    virtual void post_move_action();

    void run();
  • preprocess: here you can do some preprocessing, this method is called once before the game starts.
  • make_move: this method should compute bot's next move and return it as std::string.
  • post_move_action: here you can specify some additional actions that are performed after each move.

These methods by default do nothing (make_move returns "W" - an empty move), so you don't need to override them if your bot doesn't need them.

Example usage:

#include "common/bot/bot.hpp"

class MyBot : public Bot
    std::string make_move() override
        std::string move{"W"};

        // some computation

        return move;

int main()
    for (;;)
        MyBot bot;;


This module provides Engine class that represents the game state and can be used to simulate the course of the game. It is constructed with Json object representing game state in JSON format described here. To use this class please include common/engine/engine.hpp header.

class Engine
    Engine(const Json&);

    void make_move(const std::string& left_move, const std::string& right_move);
    void undo_move();
    bool isWin() const;
    bool isWin(Side) const;

    std::vector<std::string> get_legal_moves(Side) const;

    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> get_empty_cells() const;
    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> get_path() const;
    std::pair<int, int> get_map_size() const;

    GameParameters get_game_parameters() const;

    std::vector<Building> get_farms(Side) const;
    std::vector<Building> get_turrets(Side) const;
    std::vector<Soldier> get_soldiers(Side) const;

    int get_gold(Side) const;
    int get_income(Side) const;

Public methods

  • make_move: updates game state and performs given player actions with respect to game rules.
  • undo_move: currently not implemented.
  • isWin: returns true if one of the players won, it has an overload checking if given player won - isWin(Side).
  • get_legal_moves: returns moves that can be performed by given player in current game state.
  • get_empty_cells, get_path, get_map_size, get_game_parameters, get_farms, get_turrets, get_soldiers, get_gold, get_income: getters for game state with (hopefully) descriptive names.


This directory contains structures representing game state which are used by Engine class.


Located in building.hpp, represents a building (farm or turret).

struct Building
    Building() = default;
    Building(const std::pair<int, int>&);

    operator std::pair<int, int>() const;

    std::pair<int, int> position;


Located in game_parameters.hpp, represents parameters of the game. It is constructed from JSON in format of arena.stats here.

Member types

  • SoldierParameters: represents soldier parameters, constructed from JSON in format of arena.stats.soldiers.{swordsman,archer} here.
    struct SoldierParameters
            SoldierParameters() = default;
            SoldierParameters(const Json&);
            int max_hp;
            int damage;
            int range;
            int cost;
  • FarmParameters: represents farm parameters, constructed from JSON in format of here.
    struct FarmParameters
        FarmParameters(const Json&);
        int gold;
        int cost;
  • TurretParameters: represents turret parameters, constructed from JSON in format of arena.stats.buildings.turret here.
    struct TurretParameters
        TurretParameters(const Json&);
        int attack;
        int range;
        int cost;


  • soldiers of type std::unordered_map<Soldier::Type, SoldierParameters> - maps soldier type to its parameters.
  • farm of type GameParameters::FarmParameters - farm parameters.
  • turret of type GameParameters::TurretParameters - turret parameters.
  • passive_gold of type int - basic amount of gold that is produced for each player each turn. The total player's income is passive_gold + number of farms *


Located in map.hpp, represents the map on which the game is played. It is constructed from JSON in format of arena here (only path, obstacles and map_size fields are needed).

struct Map
    Map(const Json&);

    std::pair<int, int> size;
    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> path;
    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> obstacles;


  • size: the size of map, a pair (width, height).
  • path: coordinates of cells lyihg on the path.
  • obstacles: coordinates of cells containing obstacles.


Located in player.hpp, represents the player's state. It is constructed from JSON in format of players.{left,right} here.

struct Player
    Player() = default;
    Player(const Json&);

    std::vector<Building> farms;
    std::vector<Building> turrets;
    std::vector<Soldier> soldiers;

    int gold;
    int income;


  • farms: player's farms.
  • turrets: player's turrets.
  • soldiers: player's soldiers.
  • gold: player's gold.
  • income: player's income.


Located in soldier.hpp, represents the player's state. It contains Soldier::Type enum representing type of a soldier.

enum class Type


Soldier can be constructed from JSON in format of single element of players.{left,right}.units here. There are two alternative constructors taking soldier's type (as std::string or Soldier::Type), hp and position.

Soldier() = default;
Soldier(const Json&);
Soldier(Type, int hp, int position);
Soldier(const std::string& type, int hp, int position);


  • type of type Soldier::Type - soldier's type.
  • hp of type int - soldiers hp.
  • position of type int - soldiers position on a path, represented as distance (number of cells) from the corresponding base.
  • is_in_fight of type bool - is set to true when the soldier participated in a fight in current turn.

The soldier.hpp header additionally provides two funtions for conversion between std::string and Soldier::Type.

Soldier::Type string_to_soldier_type(const std::string&);
std::string soldier_type_to_string(Soldier::Type);


This module contains functions that can be used to evaluate game state. In eval.hpp header file it provides Eval - an abstract base class that can be extended to implement a concrete evaluation function.

class Eval
    using Type = int64_t;
    virtual Type operator() (const Engine&, Side) const = 0;

The () operator takes Engine representing current game state and Side representing the player for whom the game is evaluated.

This header also contains a few example implementations of evaluation function: Eval_1, Eval_2, BetterEval.


This module contains functions that can be used to optimize bots' performance. Currently only one optimization is implemented: is_useless.


using Path = std::unordered_set<std::pair<int, int>, pair_hash>;

bool is_useless(const std::string&, const Path&);

A heuristic function that checks if given move is uselses i.e. if it is worth considering. The move is considered useless if it is placing a turret in a cell not adjacent to the path. If the move is placing a farm then it is classified as useless with some probability dependent on path length (it is a heuristic, feel free to improve it).


Provides an abstraction for JSON

using Json = nlohmann::json;


Provides function to read JSON file

std::optional<Json> read_json(const std::string& file_name);


Provides an abstraction to represent player's side

enum class Side : bool

Side other_side(Side);
Side string_to_side(const std::string&);
std::string side_to_string(Side);