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Projekt zespołowy realizowany w ramach "Innovative Projects by Nokia"

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How to use?


  1. Download python interpreter.
  2. Download python modules
pip3 install pygame click numpy
  1. git clone
  2. Download gcc13.
  3. Intall cpp library or Recomended use docker via

Working versions

Python 3.12.2

Package    Version
---------- -------
click      8.1.7
numpy      1.26.4
pip        23.3.1
pygame     2.5.2
setuptools 68.2.2
wheel      0.41.2

How to launch

  1. Go to the root folder of the project in terminal.
  2. Start the app with "py" instuction.
  3. Or use bash script script usage

Interactive mode

This script provides the following options:

  1. Run Docker build command: Builds a Docker image using the specified Dockerfile. This option is necessary to execute before any other option.
  2. Run Shell in Docker container: Launches shell in a Docker container based on the built image.
  3. Compile C++ bots: Compiles C++ bots located in the cpp_bots directory.
  4. Clean C++ bots: Cleans up compiled C++ bot files.
  5. Run simulation: Executes a simulation using the specified Python script.

To use the script, run it and choose the desired option by entering the corresponding number.

Command line arguments

build-docker, --build-docker

Used to build docker image.

compile, --compile

Used to compile C++ bots. You can specify one or more bots to be compiled. If you don't provide any specific bot name, all bots are built by default.

Example usage:

  • compile all bots: ./ compile, it is equivalent to ./ compile all.
  • compile specific bots: ./ compile minmax mcts.
clean, --clean

Used to clean compiled object files of C++ bots (it doesn't remove linked bot executables from bots directory). It is equivalent to make clean run in cpp_bots directory.

select-economy, -e

Used to select economy configuration used in simulations. The configuration files are stored in configs/economies directory. Their format is described here. After running ./ -e you will be prompted to select one of available economies. You can also provide configuration name directly from command line by --economy option.

Example usage:

./ ./ select-economy --economy easy
run-simulation, --sim

Used to run simulation. You can run ./ --sim and you will be prompted to provide necessary paramteres. You can also provide simulation parameters directly from command line using below options:

  • --b1 <name> - left bot name
  • --b1_args <args> - command line arguments for left bot
  • --b2 <name> - right bot name
  • --b2_args <args> - command line arguments for right bot
  • --map <name> - map name, map files are stored in maps directory
  • --log_name <name> - name of file the simulation log is written to, logs are created in logs directory
  • --games <number> - number of games to be played
  • --ready_timeout <seconds>- time that bots have for preprocessing (in seconds)
  • --move_timeout <seconds> - time for single move (in seconds)
  • --game_timeout <seconds> - time for single game (in seconds)

Above options can be displayed by running ./ --sim --help

Example usage:

./ --sim --b1 minmax --b1_args "-c configs/eval_params/BetterEval/example.json" --b2 mcts --b2_args "-l 42 -c configs/eval_params/BetterEval/example.json" --map map10x10.json --log_name test --games 2 --ready_timeout 1 --move_timeout 1 --game_timeout 10
rerun-simulation, --sim-r

Used to rerun last simulation. The last simulation configuration is stored in configs/simulations/last file which is automatically generated in every run.

concurrent-rerun-simulation, --csim-r

The concurrent version of rerun-simulation, used to rerun last simulation with each game run on separate thread.

run-simulation-from-config, --sim-c

Used to run simulation with parameters given in configuration file. When you run ./ --sim-c you will be prompted to select one of available configurations stored in configs/simulations directory. You can also specify the configuration file name with --config option.

Example usage:

./ --sim-c --config example.json

GUI usage

The program consists of 2 scenes where user can set up a simulation and a scene, where he can watch and analyze the bots' performance. Each scene consists of windows with different functionalities.

  • Simulation creation scene

Allows user to configure and generate a simulation in which multiple games could be carried out. This scene is made up with 5 windows:

  1. Bots - List of bots from which user can choose 2 bots that will play against one another in simulation that is being genereated.

  2. Maps - List of maps the simulation can be generated on.

  3. Add random map - Tool for creating new maps. After clicking "generate map" button a random map with given name will appear in the list of maps.

  4. Control - Panel where user can see the names of bots and map that will be used in simulation and adjust:

    • Number of games - Amount of games that will be played in simulation.
    • Timeout fields for which simulations generation will be terminated if any of the specified timeout values are exceeded.
      • Max ready timeout - Time for bot to preprocess the game.
      • Max move timeout - Time for bot to make a move.
      • Max game timeout - Time for bots to play out entire game.
    • Simulation's name

    After specifing those fields user can push "start simulation" button that will start generating game's for that simulation.

  5. Progress - Contains information about current progress of generation of the simulation and number of games each bot has won.

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  • Simulation launch scene

Gives user functionality of inspecting one log from previously generated simulations and running it. This scene consists of 4 windows:

  1. Simulations - List of simulations previously generated by user.
  2. Logs - List of logs that make up the selected simulation.
  3. Simulation info - Gives user information about active simulation:
    • Simulation's name.
    • Which map the simulation was generated on.
    • Names of the bot's that played in this simulation.
    • Number of games each bot has won.
  4. Log info - Gives user information about active log:
    • Log's name.
    • Name of the bot that has won the game.
    • Amount of turns the bots took to end the game.

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  • Simulation analyzing scene

Allows user to analyze the performance of each bot based on the log that has been chosen previously in simulation launch scene. This scene consists of 4 windows:

  1. Log - List of turns from chosen log where the highlighted turn is the decision the bots made in current turn.
  2. Game - Graphical representation of the state of game played in real time.
  3. Stats - Resources of both bots.
  4. Controls - Panel to control the general game flow:
    • Game speed - field where you can adjust how fast the simulation is being played out or even pause it.
    • Zoom - field where you can adjust how much the game's graphical representation is magnified.
    • Helpers:
      • eye icon - Option to see where tiles that are occupied by obstacles
      • pointer icon - Displays a little red dot indicating each objects real position.
      • grid icon - Shows a grid that marks where the tiles are.

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How does the program work?

Projects structure

  • assets Assets for game's graphical representation.
  • bots Bot scripts.
  • logs Maps the game is played on.
  • packages Program's logic.
    • game logic Module responisble for game's logic.
    • gui Module responsible for the program's graphical representation.
    • simulator Module responsible for bot's logic.

Creating maps

The maps that bots can play thier games on are represented as json files with 4 attributes:

  • MAP_SIZE_X - value specifing the width of the map.
  • MAP_SIZE_Y - value specifing the height of the map.
  • path - list of ordered pairs (2-tuple) that specifies the path that the units will be walking on in the game.
  • obstacles - list of ordered pairs (2-tuple) that specifies placement of the objects that take up tiles to prevent placing buildings there

The path has to:

  • start in point (0, 0)
  • end in point (X_SIZE - 1, Y_SIZE - 1)
  • have the next tile placed with it's side connected to the previous tile's in the path side.

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Creating bots

Bot standard

Bot Package Python

To simplify the implementation of bots in Python for Bot Arena, a dedicated package is available. This package provides a class template, Bot, that offers tools for easier implementation of your own agents. Explore the Bot Package on GitHub for seamless bot implementation in Python for Bot Arena.

C++ bots

We also provide the framework for creating bots in C++, see cpp_bots.

What is log?

Log is our handy way of keeping track what choice did each bot in every turn. So to answer the question log is a text file that in each line has information about a turn in played game. There is a convention to the name and content of a log file.

Naming convention

index_bot1_bot2_win.log where:

  • index - index of log in the whole generated simulation
  • bot1, bot2 - names of the bots that played in this game
  • win - information about which bot won (0 - first bot won, 1 - second bot won)

For example: "4_random_bot.py_spawn_bot.py_1.log"

Content convention

In the first 3 lines the log keeps map, player1, player2 values which are names of the players and map that that where used in this log's game.

The rest of the lines has a form as follows: Action_of_first_player | Action_of_second_player

Player can make an action of 3 types:

  • Place a building
    • F x y - builds farm at (x, y) coordinates.
    • T x y - builds tower at (x, y) coordinates.
  • Spawn a soldier
    • S swordsman - spawns a swordsman that is a melee unit.
    • S archer - spawns an archer that is a ranged unit.
  • Skip turn
    • W - don't do anything in this turn.

Additional info

possible fix for conda enviroment, with radeon egpu

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/


Projekt zespołowy realizowany w ramach "Innovative Projects by Nokia"






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  • Python 79.8%
  • C++ 18.4%
  • Shell 1.1%
  • Other 0.7%