A basic To-Do list application built with C# that allows users to add, remove, and view tasks in the console.
- Add tasks to your To-Do list.
- Remove tasks from the list.
- View all tasks currently in the list.
Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:ManU4kym/To-do.git
Open the project in Visual Studio or any C# compatible IDE.
Build and run the application by pressing
or using the terminal:dotnet add package ConsoleTables
dotnet run
The application will prompt you with a menu to choose an action:
- Add task: Enter a task to add it to the list.
- Remove task: Enter the task you want to remove from the list.
- View tasks: Display all the tasks currently in the list.
- Exit: Exit the application.
To-Do List
1. Add task
2. Remove task
3. View tasks
4. Exit
Choose an option: 1
Enter task: Buy groceries
Press Enter to continue...
To-Do List
1. Add task
2. Remove task
3. View tasks
4. Exit
Choose an option: 3
- Buy groceries
Press Enter to continue...